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War in Takistan 1.6 - Official thread (WIT)

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Really enjoying your mission playing SP. Would love to hook up with a group who play this regularly coop.

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Really enjoying your mission playing SP. Would love to hook up with a group who play this regularly coop.

MilitaryGaming.org runs a modified version of War In Takistan on their ace #3 server. It is a very popular game mode and is always filled with people.

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MilitaryGaming.org runs a modified version of War In Takistan on their ace #3 server. It is a very popular game mode and is always filled with people.

Okay, I'll check that out. Thanks.

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Hey couple basic questions. Keep in mind here, I'm still playing it solo just to get the feel and for the fun. Also I'm playing with War in Takistan ACE 1.44

1. After everything gets initialized, I get my mission and then I see a number of things on the map.

a. black hatchered circle (~750m in diameter) which usually has a "Barracks" and "Heavy Factory" marked.

Q: are these enemy facilities or can I take them over or what? I have been blowing them up and I get a little message, but they don't seem to yield me any points.

b. red dots: Q: these seem to be known enemy locations or IEDs? If I'm not an engineer any way to detonate or disarm an IED?

c. red hatchered circle, and usually the mission objective is inside or near one of these: Q: I'm assuming these are areas where hostiles are known to be active?

2. If I play with "must have rank to recruit AI" what do I get "points" for? I get the impression I only get points for finishing the mission and not for killing other random enemies I encounter or blowing up the barracks/factory?

3. Do new enemies spawn with each new mission?

4. What does "Everyone is Medic" actually do? Am I supposed to be able to heal or is that to turn on First Aid? So far I'm never seeing any option for me to administer First Aid either to myself or anyone else and not even sure if having "Everyone Medic" on allows AI to First Aid or Heal.

5. When my mission is to "Build a Service Point" or else to "Build a MASH building," how exactly do I do that? Killing all the hostiles in the area where I'm supposed to build is obviously necessary, but beyond that I have no idea if I need to have a particular vehicle there or something? In Warfare, you of course have to first build your HQ and then you get the "WF Menu" and "Construction Menu" options whenever you are within range of your HQ. Does it work more or less that way in WiT?

Code, if you are still playing Arma, you should check out the mission "LOST" by MarkB50K. Your mission reminds me of it in some ways, and it would be very interesting to integrate some of your game features into a modified version of LOST which was more intended for solo play the way LOST is.

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Hey couple basic questions. Keep in mind here, I'm still playing it solo just to get the feel and for the fun. Also I'm playing with War in Takistan ACE 1.44

1. After everything gets initialized, I get my mission and then I see a number of things on the map.

a. black hatchered circle (~750m in diameter) which usually has a "Barracks" and "Heavy Factory" marked.

Q: are these enemy facilities or can I take them over or what? I have been blowing them up and I get a little message, but they don't seem to yield me any points.

b. red dots: Q: these seem to be known enemy locations or IEDs? If I'm not an engineer any way to detonate or disarm an IED?

c. red hatchered circle, and usually the mission objective is inside or near one of these: Q: I'm assuming these are areas where hostiles are known to be active?

2. If I play with "must have rank to recruit AI" what do I get "points" for? I get the impression I only get points for finishing the mission and not for killing other random enemies I encounter or blowing up the barracks/factory?

3. Do new enemies spawn with each new mission?

4. What does "Everyone is Medic" actually do? Am I supposed to be able to heal or is that to turn on First Aid? So far I'm never seeing any option for me to administer First Aid either to myself or anyone else and not even sure if having "Everyone Medic" on allows AI to First Aid or Heal.

5. When my mission is to "Build a Service Point" or else to "Build a MASH building," how exactly do I do that? Killing all the hostiles in the area where I'm supposed to build is obviously necessary, but beyond that I have no idea if I need to have a particular vehicle there or something? In Warfare, you of course have to first build your HQ and then you get the "WF Menu" and "Construction Menu" options whenever you are within range of your HQ. Does it work more or less that way in WiT?

Code, if you are still playing Arma, you should check out the mission "LOST" by MarkB50K. Your mission reminds me of it in some ways, and it would be very interesting to integrate some of your game features into a modified version of LOST which was more intended for solo play the way LOST is.


1) you have access to debug feature cause you host the mission on your local computer. On dedicated server, you can't see thoses debugging feature

2) you gain point when others players give you. Points to distribure are send at the end of mission according to their ranking (and number of kills etc.). After that player can share points

3) yes, all the enemy that spawn for a specific mission, spawn at begining of mission and are clean at end. Environement enemy are independant of this and can still after mission

4) everybody is medic, so everybody can revive/heal other player

5) you have to go near the sand pile and use action menu to build.


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Ah, thank you much! Guess I'll update to 1.6. I think I installed 1.44 only because the buddy who pointed me to your mission had that version.

Really fantastic stuff Code!

Do check out LOST if you get a chance, and tell me what you think of it.

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i think it s a big work but nothing is impossible ;) just try, 1.6 uses more modules than 1.4 (the first version of warcontext engine, 5 years ago was to exit of an island)

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Private message i sent to code & his reply

Originally Posted by Code34

Hi Guy

Thank you to follow this mission.

Originally Posted by Cartel

Hello Code34

I messaged you on armaholic but I don't think you get on there as much, so Im sorry to double message you. I love your mission and have been playing it for years with several units I have played with.

I am trying to set up your WIT Taviana up on the USS Nimitz for my Marine Exploration Unit (40thMEU) but I'm having a hard time with the base spawn (base_spawn_1) as well as the repawn and teleporter. I tried setting a script to a adjust the height of the marker but had no luck. this is what I'm using in the init. VVV

"respawn_west" setMarkerPosLocal [markerPos "respawn_west" select 0, markerPos "respawn_west" select 1, 7];

"base_spawn_1" setMarkerPosLocal [markerPos "base_spawn_1" select 0, markerPos "base_spawn_1" select 1, 7];

"teleporter" setMarkerPosLocal [markerPos "teleporter" select 0, markerPos "teleporter" select 1, 7];

(7m is the hull height, I also tried it at deck height of 18m)

Secondly while I have your attention I'm having trouble disabling the heal function in warcontext while maintaining the revive/respawn. I am trying to implement ace wounds.

I do not plan on releasing this just using on our server for private games in the unit.

Please advise if you can. I appreciated all the help you can offer. Thanks.

thoses lines are not usefull anymore if you use the last version (1.6)

"base_spawn_1" setMarkerPosLocal [markerPos "base_spawn_1" select 0, markerPos "base_spawn_1" select 1, 7];

"teleporter" setMarkerPosLocal [markerPos "teleporter" select 0, markerPos "teleporter" select 1, 7];

and i m not sure setting height works with markers.

for point 2, you can edit WC_fnc_clientside.sqf

// By default wc uses R3F revive

if(true) then {

execVM "extern\R3F_revive\revive_init.sqf";

} else {

R3F_REV_nb_reanimations = 0;

player addEventHandler ["killed", { wcgarbage = [] spawn WC_fnc_onkilled}];


replace by

R3F_REV_nb_reanimations = 0;

player addEventHandler ["killed", { wcgarbage = [] spawn WC_fnc_onkilled}];

edit the WC_fnc_onkilled.sqf to add the features you want like ACE wounds.

I don't support ACE feature (only wit feature). It's easier for me to answer direcly on the WIT thread cause all others modders read the answers.

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Hello Code43,

I love your mission. So much fun. Excellent work!

I'm having a small problem I wanted to ask you about.

When I use the "Change Clothes" option at the base I turn into a civil and am able to infiltrate the enemy no problem, however after that (As a civil) whenever I try to change clothes again I am instantly killed.

Is it possible to change back into a soldier uniform after you have become a civil? I'm not sure if this a feature or a bug?

Thank you so much for all your hard work!

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what version do you use ?

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I am using version 1.6

The only mods I have running are ST_Hud, ST_Bunnyhop and ACE_SM

what is the island ? :)

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Oops! sorry.

It's the Takistan island.

Also another thing I forgot to mention: When I change to civil, if I am killed I get teleported off the map and shot by some opfor soldiers over and over again without the respawn dialog coming up. (This was while playing on a dedicated server)

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Hello Code34, I tested new version here is what I found.

Non-dedicated server:

Change clothes from West to civil and back again works perfectly now!

When I die as civil I am now respawn at base as West soldier, so that works too!

Dedicated server:

Can change to civil however if the change clothes option is used again (As civil) I am killed and error pops up that says "Picture \ca\warfare2\images\rank_.paa not found", when this happens I cannot respawn.

When killed as civil (from enemy action or accidental death), respawn back at base as west soldier is working.

Hope this helps!


I've been testing further and it seems the problem of not changing from civil to west still exists(non-dedicated server) The first time I tested this earlier I went direct to the building and changed clothes multiple times without a problem.

Later after completing a mission as a civil I returned to base and tried to change back to west, it did not work. I was respawned as a civil again and I also lost access to the "Mission Info" option in the menu.

Edited by Bloodofthedragon

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Don't feel bad! You have made a very amazing mission here, little bugs don't really matter!

My little group of ArmA friends and I have been getting many hours of enjoyment from this mission. It has become our new main mission on our game nights.

Thank you so much for all your hard work!

I will try new version and report back soon.

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