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COOP 61 Agia Assault

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Agia Assault

By Falcon

Version 1.0

Date 08.03.13



Bravo Company 3rd Battalion PPCLI conducts an attack to seize the northern part of Agia from insurgent forces.


- 61 Player Coop Mission.

- Equipment and Time Limit Parameters.

- Realistic mission scope, objectives and AI scripting.

- Scoring system that allows for (BLUFOR Defeat, BLUFOR Minor Victory, BLUFOR Major Victory, BLUFOR Total Victory).

- Battalion Radio Net Simulation.

- Spectator Script

- No Respawn

- JIP compatible

- Real Canadian Forces ORBAT (well not really but best I could do with vanilla).


Quick mission I threw together for vanilla Alpha Arma 3. Not as detailed or realistic as I would like but I might update it later. Playable with just one platoon (28 players) but the scoring system is balanced for a company attack.


- Mission by Falcon

- Beta, Nou, Sandiford and Krause for basis of a few scripts

- HeinBloed for the basis of the spectator script.

Edited by Falcon_565
Image > 100 kb

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