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COOP 12 Operation Bump in the Night

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Take on the role of the ghouls, Unity Security Force's special ops team as they disrupt OPFOR activities throughout Stratis.

Meet up with an SIS agent to get a sitrep on the island, then conduct hit and run raids to destroy enemy assets all over the island before exfiltrating by helicopter. Do all this, before the timer hits zero!


  • Night time combat with stealth aspects
  • Enemy foot, mounted and airborne patrols
  • furious pacing as you only have an hour to complete your objectives.

Armaholic mirror:

- [ALPHA] Operation Bump in the Night Co-12


v1.2 Bug fixes

v1.1 Changed spawn, clarified OBJ's, beach respawn, New ammo OBJ.

v1.0 First release so please report any bugs and leave some feedback!

This is my first public mission.

Special thanks to:



usecforce for testing


Edited by ChaddlesG

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There shouldn't be any passwords in the mission, I think it must be the server.

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Chaddles, awesome mission. Just finished it and had a blast with a bunch of random people. Everyone enjoyed it. Thanks for this!! Hopefully you've got more coming!

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Well done Chaddles, had a shit-ton of fun playing this mission. Keep them coming.

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This is a really cool mission mate but if I may, I'd like to offer a few suggestions. Seeing as the infil point is prearranged theres really no need to start everyone on an island and load up in a boat. Why not already start everyone at the intro point and save the screwing around time? Maybe park a boat in the water with gear in for ambience. The same goes with the respawns, why not respawn at the intro point rather than miles away? Its a bit frustrating having to take a boat back in if you die.

Also the instructions aren't exactly vague but they can be easy to miss, especially if theres radio chatter blocking your chat screen. I'd make all the vital stuff into tasks, so for example when you find willis note, make a new task that can be checked in the briefing to go meet him at a house about a click north of the infil point.

Other than those small points really cool mission.

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A couple of good points, thanks for the feedback. The current spawn point is a place holder until I can get a decent HALO insertion working. The island is also a safe place to kit up premission but I'll make it an optional objective to recover and ammo drop. Also squad respawns are coming.

How far did you get in the missions? I agree that the agent can be hard to find because other than the chat you get no other clues, I think if I add notes to the journal when you get an objective update that will help players know what's going on. Expect v1.1 soon!

EDIT:v1.1 Released

Edited by ChaddlesG

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