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Respawn player with SAME GEAR...

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Hey I used Arma 2 respawn script for when a player dies in MP, however only the basics respawn weapons and magazines... All the items like suppressors and laser pointers and backpacks don't I know it's new so would anyone know how to script it so that on MP players when dying can respawn with same gear they died with?

Much appreciated up front for your help.


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Ill help you out. Paste in your scripts (and link me to that file you mentioned please) and what gear you want and I'll add the stuff and tell you how

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Hey Ned,

So here's the link,


I worked it to the tee and then nada just the basic soldier respawns not the looted or changed items upon death and respawn. ?!?!

The gear is nothing specific just 'WHATEVER' the player during the game dies with say a EBR with suppressor and laser pointer, or items in backpacks, clothing and such...

Thank Ned..

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Ah, I believe those scripts are saving what the player has when first spawned, not just before death. Give me some time, I will try.

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Try this:


Allows you to setup what you want to do, either respawn with the same weapons you started with, or respawn with the

same loadout(weapons, ammo, grenades, rpg, ect,.) you last had.

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Thanks Zipper5, will try using this.

Nedly, seems you're looking for a script that gives back your kit as it was when you died? That would be indeed glorious.

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And how can i deploy another Respawnpoint, i made a little mission for me and my friends unfortunatley in the middle of the mission everytime someone dies, so i started to set up an Respawnpoint but i dont know how i can deploy it. Could somebody help me please ?

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And how can i deploy another Respawnpoint, i made a little mission for me and my friends unfortunatley in the middle of the mission everytime someone dies, so i started to set up an Respawnpoint but i dont know how i can deploy it. Could somebody help me please ?


create description.ext

place this script inside:

respawn = 3;

respawnDelay = 15;

place a marker in your mission where you want to respawn, name it: respawn_west

that's basically how to create a respawn point.

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I had a similar requirement for respawning with gear you had on you at death. I couldn't find a script for this already distributed anywhere, so I made it myself.

If I'm not mistaken, the old Arma 2 method doesn't work with Arma 3's new gear system, as although you can still retrieve the weapon and magazine array's from a dead player, you can't retrieve any info for the new categories of gear, such as helmet, vest, assignedItems, etc... (returns <NULL>).

So what the following script does is it retrieves the player's kit every 5 seconds and stores it in a global variable, which then gets used by the respawn eventhandler and the polling script begins again.

I have only been able to do minor testing on this script, so if you guys can let me know how it holds up during game play, then that would be much appreciated.

The file is linked here.

This script is intended for dedicated server use (but not tested on one yet) and it should work on client hosted servers as well.

One problem with the script is that it doesn't store the magazine currently loaded into any of the weapons, so that get's lost at respawn.

If any one knows how to retrieve the currently loaded magazine, then please let me know and I'll fix it.

Edited by Phoenix_ZA
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I reccomend to use this, because this script does really save/load all of the gear properly.

(Scripts eggbeast has linked do save items from vest and uniform into one array, so it fills your uniform and then your vest. It might also have some problems with grenades.)

Edited by aeroson

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Thanks, I'll incorporated it in the future when I have time, but not right now, as my script does the job for us for now, and we rarely use respawn anyway.

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