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it's not an error of my script as you can see in the path.


I used the addrating to avoid problems related to ff

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it's not an error of my script as you can see in the path.


I used the addrating to avoid problems related to ff

Does addrating fix that? The not being able to get into a Vehicle manned by FF'er for example?

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it's not an error of my script as you can see in the path.

Yeah it is from invade & annex but why do i get the error with 0.92 and 0.93 but not with 0.91?

Did you change something with the "BTC_need_revive"?

because the playerMarkers.sqf line 34 looks like

if(!isNil {_x getVariable "BTC_need_revive"}) then {
			if(_x getVariable "BTC_need_revive" select 0 == 1) then {
				_show = false;

And here medicMarkers.sqf line 20

while {true} do{waitUntil {sleep 0.5; alive player};if (typeOf player == "B_medic_F") then {onEachFrame{{if (!isNil {_x getVariable "BTC_need_revive"}) then{if (_x getVariable "BTC_need_revive" select 0 == 1 && (player distance _x) < 500) then{_red=0;_green=0;_blueDec=0;_timeLeft = (_x getVariable "BTC_need_revive" select 1) - time;_halfMaxTime = BTC_revive_time_max / 2;_timeLeftDec = _timeLeft / BTC_revive_time_max;if (_timeLeftDec <= 0.5) then{_red = 255;_green = (255 / _halfMaxTime) * _timeLeft;} else {_red = 255 - (255 / _halfMaxTime) * (_timeLeft - _halfMaxTime);_green = 255;};_redDec = _red / 255;_greenDec = _green / 255;drawIcon3D["a3\ui_f\data\map\MapControl\hospital_ca.paa",[_redDec,_greenDec,_blueDec,1],_x,1,1,0,format["%1 needs reviving (%2m)", name _x, ceil (player distance _x)],1];};};} forEach playableUnits;if (!alive player) then { onEachFrame {}; };};};if (typeOf player == "B_soldier_repair_F") then{onEachFrame{{if (side _x == WEST || side _x == CIVILIAN) then{if (damage _x > 0.02 && damage _x < 1) then{if ((player distance _x) < 1000) then{_red = 0;_green = 0;_blueDec = 0;_vehDamage = damage _x;if (_vehDamage <= 0.5) then{_green = 255;_red = ((_vehDamage * 100) * 5.1);} else {_red = 255;_green = 255 - ((_vehDamage * 100) * 2.55 )};_redDec = _red / 255;_greenDec = _green / 255;_vehName = getText(configFile>>"CfgVehicles">>typeOf vehicle _x>>"DisplayName");drawIcon3D["a3\ui_f\data\map\markers\nato\b_maint.paa",[_redDec,_greenDec,_blueDec,1],_x,1,1,0,format["%1 needs repairing (%2m)", _vehName, ceil (player distance _x)],1];};};};} forEach vehicles;if (!alive player) then { onEachFrame {}; };};};waitUntil {sleep 0.5; !alive player};};


Found something in the =BTC=_revive_init.sqf


player setVariable ["BTC_need_revive",[0,0],true];


player setVariable ["BTC_need_revive",0,true];

Edited by Shona

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I think they edited something in the script, the var is always the same from the first version.

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ff sorry maybe stupid but i don't understand what is ff..

Friendly Fire ^^

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Shona - I&A 2 has used a tweaked version of this revive script for a few months now as we added in 3D markers a good while ago. Because of this, manually updating the revive script within I&A yourself will prove more of a task than simply copying some files over.

I'm working solidly on I&A 3 now so I won't be updating I&A 2 apart from stability fixes. Giallustio's version has always been fetching an integer; I&A is the only instance in which it fetches an array.

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Which is the best version of this script to use if you want to use a mobile respawn? I heard there's been some problems in a couple of them with that part of it?

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I use version 0.91 in all of my missions, works flawlessly. I had problems with 0.92 and the revive script ceasing to function and 0.93 hasn't been fully tested yet (by myself and my team anyway).

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Does somebody know how to use the revive script and the Helicopter Support Modules? In Coop, you can't call in the Helicopter after you died once and got revived by a teammate. I think we only need to set that the player did not die and no death is shown up in the statistics but can#t move or something. But this might be difficult. Can somebody help me?

Best regards

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Really great script, Thanks for this awesome job, so far everything working good but i have one question. I checked the whole thread and i couldn't find any solution even two other also asked this question.

Even when i set the active life limits to 1 and once the teammate is revived and if he get shot and goes down 2nd time still he can be revived and on his screen it shows 1 life remaining. So how to fix the reviving limit so after certain numbers of revives the player will stay dead.

and when the reviving duration time outs the person should be dead but instead he spawn in the ocean. Any help would be appreciated.

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Really great script, Thanks for this awesome job, so far everything working good but i have one question. I checked the whole thread and i couldn't find any solution even two other also asked this question.

Even when i set the active life limits to 1 and once the teammate is revived and if he get shot and goes down 2nd time still he can be revived and on his screen it shows 1 life remaining. So how to fix the reviving limit so after certain numbers of revives the player will stay dead.

and when the reviving duration time outs the person should be dead but instead he spawn in the ocean. Any help would be appreciated.

Not positive about the first piece, but if you set "BTC_active_lifes" to 1 and "BTC_lifes" to 1 in the =BTC=_revive_init.sqf, it should only allow a player to be respawned once.

About players revive duration timing out and spawning in the ocean there's a few things you can do. The script requires that there is 'respawn' enabled in the game, so you can't set it so people are truly dead, but what you can do is create a 'prison' somewhere and dump people there and say if they are not revived, they are captured. Create an empty icon on your map called 'Respawn_west" and when people time out, they will respawn there. Then just surround that location with concrete walls so they can't get out. You can even create a trigger there that will remove all their gear, etc. It's not the most elegant solution, but it works.

Edited by MeatballCB

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I use version 0.91 in all of my missions, works flawlessly. I had problems with 0.92 and the revive script ceasing to function and 0.93 hasn't been fully tested yet (by myself and my team anyway).

Would it be possible for somebody to upload version 0.91? I can't seem to be able to get hold of it anywhere.

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just an error...

Error in expression <Pos BTC_respawn_marker;

deleteVehicle _obj;


if (BTC_black_screen == 0 || >

Error position: <_obj;


if (BTC_black_screen == 0 || >

Error Undefined variable in expression: _obj

as i saw _obj is not define in the function..

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Hi there,

thanks for the great script. Andy thanks for this awesome job, so far everything working good but i have one

question/problem. In my missions i use "Standart" Units but give them special clothes (Uniform, Vest, Backpack etc.)

My problem ist that everytime i respawn my clothes is the Standard Uniform and sometimes the weapons be gone.



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hi gallu,thanks for your great work.

this is error report after update

Error in expression <Headgear (_gear select 3);};

if (count (BTC_back_pack_weap select 0) > 0) then


Error position: <BTC_back_pack_weap select 0) > 0) then


Edited by dbtjd1222

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Sorry guys! I'll be away for a while! I can't help you untill i'll get home!

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I'm using 0.93 and revived players are often not able to use their weapons at all, no fire no zoom / optics. Totally unresponsive to the mouse (mouse is still working though).

The thing is, is that I start my players with no kit at all and they get their weapons from a supply crate.. a supply crate running a script with classnames that I made during the alpha.

I understand that the weapons name's have changed a bit since the beta? Could this possibly be the reason why I'm having this strange trouble?

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Getting the same error at dbtj up above. Here's the actual error box.


That call is located in =BTC=_functions.sqf, down between lines 156-160. This is the actual code block.

if (count (BTC_back_pack_weap select 0) > 0) then 
	for "_i" from 0 to (count (BTC_back_pack_weap select 0) - 1) do
		(unitBackpack _unit) addweaponCargoGlobal [(BTC_back_pack_weap select 0) select _i,(BTC_back_pack_weap select 1) select _i];

Not sure why "BTC_back_pack_weap" would kick an error since it looks like that's a global variable and shouldn't need to be locally defined.

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Looks like that code block could be removed without issue as nowhere is the variable BTC_back_pack_weap defined so can't see what this bit of code actually does

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Hi Im gettting the same error... How can it be solved?

Moreover, I dont know if tis related to, but Im getting other error, when the player respawns he respawns at the left botton on the corner in the water. Not where it supposes to be, near the "flag respawn west". Does someone knows what can cause it?

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Did you set marker named 'respawn_west' and any object named 'BTC_base_flag_west'?

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