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So I try it better and I can cofirm that it is not working with divers.

If, for example, you put diver on the editor, give them a -10m deep and run this code in the init field of the leader:

nul =[this,'area_diver','random','nofollow'] execVM 'scripts\upsmon.sqf';

the divers area placed random but half meter under water, not -10m, and they not move, don't patroll, but some time, if you take a look on the map, a violet question mark appear on the screen. (screen shot http://i1204.photobucket.com/albums/bb409/privitan/BTC/ARMA3/ARMA3%20ALPHA%20BUGS/UPSMON_divers.jpg)

Maybe script his trying to find patroll location, but something is wrong.

Take in consideration that there is this new command https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setPosASLW to set position above sea surface.

I hope in future update because now, we have only divers, but in the future game development, will be present also small (maybe huge) submarine.

Nothing to report about boats they patroll good, well sometime they finish on beachs but AI never been a good driver :o


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Is there anyway to create a squad template and then use “UPSMON spawn module†in a trigger or even a script to give the newly spawned squad a name.

Like for example a spawned squad named “fire_1=group this;â€, then from another trigger the next squad named “fire_2=group this;†and so on.

When the named squad is killed I can then use another trigger, with the Condition: ({alive _x} count units fire_1) < 1. To be used for other purposes.

The group name needs to be in the groupleaders Init, but I can’t figure out how, or if it is even possible to do this.

I have searched high and low though forum after forum with little to no luck, any help or direction to look would be very much appreciated.


Edit - OK making progress.....

From a trigger, I can now spawn a group of Optfor on a marker, give the group a name (and have them keep it), then assign them to move to and patrol another marker area with UPSMON.

Example of spawning a Fire Team, I’m using a trigger for this.


[TABLE=class: outer_border, width: 1100, align: left]


[TD]Shape: whatever size needed for application

Activation: Blufor, Once, Present

Condition: this

On Act. fire_1= createGroup East; fire_1 = [getmarkerpos "spawn_fire_1", EAST, ["O_Soldier_TL_F","O_Soldier_AR_F","O_Soldier_GL_F","O_Soldier_F"]] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; null = [fire_1,"fire_1_patrol","move","delete:",200] execVM "scripts\upsmon.sqf";[/TD]



So when squad fire_1 are dead another team named fire_2 will spawn and come from another direction to patrol the marker I have placed. I created another trigger with the


[TABLE=class: outer_border, width: 1100, align: left]


[TD]Shape: 0,0,0

Activation: None

Condition: ({alive _x} count units fire_1) < 1

On Act. fire_2 = createGroup East; fire_2 = [getmarkerpos "spawn_fire_2", EAST, ["O_Soldier_TL_F","O_Soldier_AR_F","O_Soldier_GL_F","O_Soldier_lite_F"]] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; null = [fire_2,"fire_1_patrol","move","delete:",200] execVM "scripts\upsmon.sqf";[/TD]



I still can’t figure out how to name a spawned squad from template yet, however ugly the above method is, it will have to work for now, until someone can show me a better way to do it.

Edited by PapaReap

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Is anyone having any issue with this on Dedi ? it looks like the patrol area does not seem to work , they just stay in the same place ?

In Local test they all work great !

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I have no problems using the UPSMon scripts on a "Dedicated" server environment...that it is until this morning :)

The proccessInitCommand, setVehicleInit, clearVehicleInit commands were removed for security reasons and now of course init_upsmon.sgf and upsmon.sqf are throwing errors.

One of my questions is: Does the functionality of the above commands still in effect through other pathways or do we need to replace those with new ones?

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I have no problems using the UPSMon scripts on a "Dedicated" server environment...that it is until this morning :)

The proccessInitCommand, setVehicleInit, clearVehicleInit commands were removed for security reasons and now of course init_upsmon.sgf and upsmon.sqf are throwing errors.

One of my questions is: Does the functionality of the above commands still in effect through other pathways or do we need to replace those with new ones?

Hmmm that might be why as i am sure it was working before

Well when i test this it works on Dedi but as soon as i try on Dedi they spawn in , but the debug patrol Marker stays bottom left and they all stand there as if the marker does not Exist but it does and they spawn near it as they should.

No idea why it does not work on dedi

if (! isServer) exitWith{};
_marker = _this select 0;
_randomsquad=["OIA_InfSquad_Weapons","OIA_InfSquad","OIA_InfSquad_Weapons","OIA_InfTeam","OIA_InfTeam_AT"]	call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
_spos= [getmarkerpos _marker,random 360,[200,550],false,2] call SHK_pos;
_Grp1 = [_spos, EAST, (configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "East" >> "OPF_F" >> "Infantry" >> _randomsquad)] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup;
[(units _Grp1) select 0, _marker,"nowait","spawned","showmarker","noslow","delete:",120] execVM "scripts\upsmon.sqf"; 

can anyone please test this on DEDi and let me know if they see the patrol marker move to the marker or if it stays bottom left, trying to work out if it is my Dedi !



Edited by psvialli

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Do you see any relative report on the .rpt file?

Mine shows the following, which is obviously related to those new command removals:


Error in expression <Speed;

_lead setSkill skill _npc;

_lead setVehicleInit _initstr;

[_lead] join _g>

Error position: <setVehicleInit _initstr;

[_lead] join _g>

Error Missing ;

File C:\Users\NDK0\Documents\Arma 3 Alpha - Other Profiles\Kadin\mpmissions\SECURE_Camp_Tempest_TW.Stratis\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 775

Error in expression <Speed;

_lead setSkill skill _npc;

_lead setVehicleInit _initstr;

[_lead] join _g>

Error position: <setVehicleInit _initstr;

[_lead] join _g>

Error Missing ;

File C:\Users\NDK0\Documents\Arma 3 Alpha - Other Profiles\Kadin\mpmissions\SECURE_Camp_Tempest_TW.Stratis\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 775

Error in expression <Speed;

_lead setSkill skill _npc;

_lead setVehicleInit _initstr;

[_lead] join _g>

Error position: <setVehicleInit _initstr;

[_lead] join _g>

Error Missing ;

File C:\Users\NDK0\Documents\Arma 3 Alpha - Other Profiles\Kadin\mpmissions\SECURE_Camp_Tempest_TW.Stratis\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 775

Error in expression <Speed;

_lead setSkill skill _npc;

_lead setVehicleInit _initstr;

[_lead] join _g>

Error position: <setVehicleInit _initstr;

[_lead] join _g>

Error Missing ;

File C:\Users\NDK0\Documents\Arma 3 Alpha - Other Profiles\Kadin\mpmissions\SECURE_Camp_Tempest_TW.Stratis\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 775

Error in expression <Speed;

_lead setSkill skill _npc;

_lead setVehicleInit _initstr;

[_lead] join _g>

Error position: <setVehicleInit _initstr;

[_lead] join _g>

Error Missing ;

Error in expression <Speed;

_lead setSkill skill _npc;

_lead setVehicleInit _initstr;

[_lead] join _g>

Error position: <setVehicleInit _initstr;

[_lead] join _g>

Error Missing ;


"UPSMON started"

Error in expression <1;


} forEach _l;

_l = nil;



Error position: <processInitCommands;


Error Undefined variable in expression: processinitcommands

File C:\Users\NDK0\Documents\Arma 3 Alpha - Other Profiles\Kadin\mpmissions\SECURE_Camp_Tempest_TW.Stratis\scripts\Init_UPSMON.sqf, line 569"

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They do have a good reason for that, Lordprimate.

We'll find another way, not to worry. All for the better!! :)

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Hi guys,

any chance someone is working on adapting the script to work without those removed commands?

Also, what are you using temporarily instead of upsmon/ups to have random patrols over a designated area?

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psvialli, confirmed that both in Server/client and Dedicated server UPSMON is back working normally. No errors in .rpt in either environment.

My appreciation is >-----------------Wide-----------------<

Thank you!! :)

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Is this the Arma 3 one that's been fixed or the proper Arma 2 "full" version?

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its the ported UPSMON for arma 3 on page 1 , but it has everything !

It doesn't have the Mon_Spawn file though does it for spawning in upsmon groups? or the file for setting markers invisible, etc. that the Arma 2 version does?

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It doesn't have the Mon_Spawn file though does it for spawning in upsmon groups? or the file for setting markers invisible, etc. that the Arma 2 version does?

Yes it does just Download the UPSMON on the first page that has all the files then just replace the UPSMON.sqf with the one i changed

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Yes it does just Download the UPSMON on the first page that has all the files then just replace the UPSMON.sqf with the one i changed

Do you mean the one on kronzkys site or the one ported by ligthert, there's 2. From what I saw the one on kronzkys site is just one file.

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The ported one not kronzkys UPS as that is different then just make the replacements

ok thanks

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Just to make sure, should we leave the init.sqf file as is? Ive got there this code pertaining to upsmon:

//Init UPSMON scritp (must be run on all clients)

call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\Init_UPSMON.sqf";

//Process statements stored using setVehicleInit


//Finish world initialization before mission is launched.


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Just to make sure, should we leave the init.sqf file as is? Ive got there this code pertaining to upsmon:

Just use the following in your INIT.sqf

call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\Init_UPSMON.sqf";	

OK just to save confusions link is for the UPSMON working in A3 and DEV build


Edited by psvialli

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Just use the following in your INIT.sqf
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\Init_UPSMON.sqf";	

OK just to save confusions link is for the UPSMON working in A3 and DEV build


I used this to update my missions after the last stable patch. The AI are doing what they are supposed to, reacting to fire, etc. but you can walk right up on them and they won't shoot you until you're a few meters away. This only seemed to occur with maps running UPSMON. Anyone else have any issues similar to this since the last patch?

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