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[SP/MP] Dynamic Whole Map ArmA3 Missions by SaOk

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Thanks, :) that first camp is one of the hardest parts since enemy usually get it back with the mortar strike and the marid (before ifrit) may cause problems if player dont move AT-soldier to good guarding place. The optional greek support was suppose to make things easier, but I noticed they can be quite unactive currently - they have guard waypoint, but seems live player cant give targets for them since they have different side. I will tweak it. I left high-commanding script enabled, it dosent work with reqular game, but if player have AiA-mod then high-commanding can be used via Ctrl-Space. Only west-sided groups can be commanded, but I add it to detect greeks too for next version.

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but I noticed they can be quite unactive currently - they have guard waypoint, but seems live player cant give targets for them since they have different side. I will tweak it.

Maybe you can make them join a west group? dunno how it works in A3, but in OA I used to do this :

_westGrp = createGroup west;

_SideHQ = createCenter west;

_unit joinsilent _westGrp;

It always worked like a charm, no matter the side of the unit itself. ;)

Anyway, enough talking : I'm gonna try this mission of yours (the first actual mission for A3 I put my hands on!).

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I have set side West in BIS_fnc_spawnGroup, but it dosent seem to be enough. I may try that above code or just replace the waypoints. I noticed the later US reinforcements for player group rarely make their way without their ship sinking or chopper crashing before the LZ. Going to tweak that too.

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Hi Soak,

I've also had the issue where you get to the house at the top of the hill to meet the leader and he would just stand there, the other two would run away (they actually ran past me on the way up)

this always happens when there is a battle before getting to the top so I assumed they just engage the targets and run away. I tried this so many times it actually never works for me. In the editor I added a script to disable AI on all three guys in the house and a trigger just before you enter the house to re-enable it. that worked perfectly for me.

do the green guys that land respawn or is it a once off drop of a squad? they seem to get hit pretty hard because every time I blow up an antenna a huge mob of opfor arrive and I run away :P

they also seem to land in odd places, like one tried to land on a tree at the second antenna (can't remember the name).

how do the mortars work? if I recall once you kill the mortar squad you get a message stating that someone will pick up the mortars for you to use but I never get arty support. does it come much later in the level?

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The green army comes with chopper for that antenna, but the chopper-transport script is working badly. I have improved it for next version - choppers will try to land more flat areas, never flee and there is loop to repeat land order until cargo is out if something goes wrong. Also checked the boat transport that had become very unstable too and reinforcements will arrive randomly with land vehicles too. I try to have update later today or tommorrow. I also made script to make chopper cargo to parachute, but it causes crashing. I sent dumps to Dwarden, maybe it will be fixed soon. I will include parachutes when that feature is stable.

I will disable moving for the guys you need to meet. After completeing that mortar task, randomly there is friendly mortars shooting enemies.

Edit: Submarines coming for next mission version (0.92)

Edited by SaOk

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New 0.92 SP version of the mission is here.

Change Log:


-Reinforcements may arrive now also with land vehicle (+other fixes/tweaks)

-Submarine patrols added

-Some new populated fortifications added

-Sometimes certain groups arrive with parachutes (WIP)

-Car-alarm fixed

-"Kalashnikov RPK74 [bETA]" by hotshotmike1001 added as optional addon

-Many other tweaks/fixes

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Awesome and intense!

Thank you for your work.

P.S. saw a script error after when you revert to the second autosave (meet the local support). don't know if that happens on every playthrough though.

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Thanks, :) that error is displayed almost everytime. Its from scripts that follow already deleted units. I tried earlier to add some isNil checks for the displayed variable, but didnt yet got it fixed. I will seek solution soon again but it seem to be harmless error.

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I signed up specifically to tell you how great I think this mod is. According to Steam, I have played ARMA3 for over 50hrs, and apart from messing around in the editor I've only been playing your mod. It's pretty amazing. I also like how you added additional weapon packs + keep adding more content.

One thing though... since I tend to play each version every time you release a new one... can you make it so that you start the mission differently or at least have the option to (instead of the boat ride... hiking up the same hill... talking to the same people etc before beginning)? Doing the same thing at the beginning over and over is starting to get a little repetitive.

Other than that, I love everything you do with this.


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Hi and thanks, :) I agree the insertion is very linear. I have been playing it too many times, when testing. I have been thinking to make it more random, but not sure yet how. At least the start point, method how player arrive and meeting the contact could be random placed, there could be some random events added. Maybe even make the "basecamp"-location random. I will try to improve it soon.

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I signed up specifically to tell you how great I think this mod is. According to Steam, I have played ARMA3 for over 50hrs, and apart from messing around in the editor I've only been playing your mod. It's pretty amazing. I also like how you added additional weapon packs + keep adding more content.

Haha, in a few years you will have played thousands of hours, and also user made content. There is sooooo much quality missions and campaigns in ArmA II... Whola Lotta Stratis will be the first native A3 mission I will play. Haven't even played most of the BI missions in A2. But much of user made missions :)

Yeah, and thanks@SaOK.

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Going to add the new animals for next version with hopefully much other changes.

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One other question I forgot to ask; how come when it says to pop a green flare to receive the weapons shipment, that nothing comes when I do? I've tried using a green smoke grenade, a green grenade flare, and even a glow stick. I do it at the correct right time (as specified in the tasks) so I'm just wondering if it's me or if the mod just isn't working in that area yet.


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New SP version 0.94 is available. I try not to have update for some days, but included the animals and now the insertion (until LZ Connor) is much more random. Let me know if you spot issues. I continue working on the mission - Going to include more randomness for task locations/events.

Change Log:


-First task location is now random (6 different)

-Second task location is now random (2 different)

-Insertion vehicle is now randomly boat or chopper

-Ambient Animals added

@Coflash, You need to be near the marker, but I will check that task again soon if its not working anymore.

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If it helps, I was sitting right on the marker

I look forward to trying your new version tonight ^_^

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Just tried the new version, the LZ at 021020 should be worked on. I landed right next to a observation tower with enemies.

EDIT: Also, the first time I tried the new version I started at the default spot with boat. But after that I restarted the mission around 15 times, all of those 15 times I started in a helicopter. Is there something broken with the randomization?

EDIT AGAIN: Okay, so after a ton of restarts, the only insertion point I've been able to get with boat is the default old one. All other points is only with chopper.

Edited by runekn

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66% of the time it should be chopper else boat, but BIS_fnc_selectRandom works in mysterious ways. I added more repeat for the numbers (that choose the vehicle) if it would work better. For the each 6 locations where the contact could be, the transport could be boat or chopper. I noticed, I accidentally turned DAP on for player team. I will fix it, check the one LZ, flare and few other things for next update.

---------- Post added at 13:27 ---------- Previous post was at 12:37 ----------

I reuploaded the SP 0.94 version. Tried to fix all those issues. I didnt spot the bug in flare that, but added more green flare magazine classes. Going to test that task better soon.

Edit: Looks like it still forces DAP for player team. Currently I have no idea why it does that. Looks like it ingores two conditions in if. :S

Edit: The command I use find good locations for animals and camps, causes stuttering. You can vote BIS to improve it here:


Edited by SaOk

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Reuploaded again the SP 0.94 version. Now the DAP (first aid system) is disabled for player group again.

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Maybe I'm doing it wrong... this is what I've tried in detail:

I go up to the marker, I pop a green smoke grenade, nothing happens

I go to the marker, shoot a smoke grenade from a grenade launcher, nothing happens

I go to the marker, I try throwing a green glow stick, nothing happens

Is there some other way to do it?


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Been playing the same mission for the last few weeks on and off; it appears that my saved game for this mission from the alpha days no longer loads with the beta.

Did they move the location of the saved games in the new beta? Or does the updated mission not support the old saves?

Just curious. I have no issues starting over (though there was a lot accomplished....)

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There is a separate green flare grenade (for grenadelaucher module) in one of the crates on LZ Connor. I will check that the task works in next version.

The savegames have new location. You can find it from users -> username -> document files (or files - I have this in finnish) -> ArmA3 (before ArmA3 alpha) -> Saved -> Missions -> SPWholeLottaStratis.stratis. But it may be better to restart. Classnames/scripts have changed so much that the old saved games probably dont work.

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Reuploaded again 0.94 SP version. I tweaked location searching for many things. There seems to be much less stutter now. Player have now rangefinder, there is new roadblock near LZ Connor with bargate automatically opening for vehicles, insertion chopper open doors when landing, it could be camo-version if player is playing with dev-version, fireplaces are more apart, some other tweaks too. I tested the flare task, but it worked normally for me. Currently player need to find weapon to shoot the flare, but every weapon with GL should work the same.

Edit: Reuploaded again with the loadgame error fixed (at least so far looks that way), also the rare "_aika < time"-error is fixed.

Edited by SaOk

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I've tried this a couple of times... was absolute crap. I'm playing on Elite though and maybe you're really not supposed to do that and maybe I just got really unlucky with enemies spawning in awkward positions.

Gonna give it another try later because I love the idea of bigger, more open-world missions. Reminds me of some old StarCraft scenarios.

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:D, I agree the mission have still issues. Its a tricky to dynamically spawn things. But I have been planning to add new blacklisting system that would follow player route - that enemies wouldnt be spawned for sometime to places that player have just been. Big (~500m) invisible circles would be created time to time to player's position that get smaller during time and finally get deleted. Certain enemies wouldnt be spawned in those when player have moved away (already constantly enemy shouldnt spawn less that 400-700m away from player, unless underwater). Still hard to find good values. The bigger the distances that units spawn into, the less units are met or the more CPU is required.

I could also lower the AI aiming accuraty more, also tweak other skills (if there is reaction times, sight skills...).

Edited by SaOk

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I´m trying to play your mission, but i never can go so far....I´m really a newbie in play arma, and somethings are really difficult to me. My english is not so good and maybe i lost something but every time i take the "LZ zone", i see a message like this "wait 1 hour", after that, i receive a mission to destroy a mortar artillery in some place in the map, but i never have time to think about it, because in a few seconds i´m killed by mortar artillery...It´s suposed to be so? or Not? I missing something....i´m really frustrated with that...Tanks for the mission, it´s so good so far....

By the way i´d like to know if is possible to you clarify me a doubt. The enemy´s accuracy under ARMA 3, is something related with missions or something specific from main game. Because in most missions that i´m playing, looks like the enemy could always shoot at me, even in prone position or half behind a rock, even i can´t see him, due to great distances or even seeing him(great distance). Is there some way to change it by ini or cfg file? Thanks in advance.

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