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[SP/MP] Dynamic Whole Map ArmA3 Missions by SaOk

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I have to agree too about the gear setup. It is a bit clumsy. That was why I prefered to store items in vehicles or use LEA and VA.


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Is it clumsy and terrible or are you just still wanting the load/save-gear template function? :j: Not in near plans, would be more tricky since the gear is gathered and the template content may not be available always.

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Its terrible, you atleast want to see what you're carrying and how much space etc you have left, you can't do any of that. It's just awful which is a shame because the rest of the mission is amazing.

By the way templates were brilliant, having different set ups for different scenarios like AT/AA/Sniper etc was great.

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can i suggest a blackmarket dealer? a civilian dressed in guerrilla outfit with a 3d marker above his head to tell he is a dealer.

he can sell everything in your 'gear feature' at a more expensive price

also before starting the game you should give us the option to buy things from your 'gear feature' at 0 price to set up our starting loadouts

i should also add that the only way for people to go to your 'gear feature' is to either rush build your own factory or dedicate a few hours into the game until you have captured a factory/airport

a blackmarket dealer should solve the early access to the gear feature

if your gonna add a load/save gear make it only available at the start of the game, because loading a full gear loadout itself is kinda a cheat, having everything already added as soon as possible- bypassing the buying of ammo and such

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New SP WLA update. Added dynamic marked frontline (or borderline) with WIP events (currently CSAT try to move mortar, arty and AA zones near those), CSAT bring now platoons via pier (depending on difficulty level, amount of CSAT camps, mission progress and other factors), +other tweaks/fixes.

Preview of the front line (changed some bit for the release from that): http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=304942157

You can see what you are carrying, but not it one place, may work on that. Not yet display to show how much room you can in containers. Could add that too.

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nice, do i have to new game resume? or i can just continue normally?

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You can resume normally (restart -> resume in mission), the new stuff is enabled automatically. :)

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I found this "Smarter tanks script" (http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?182368-Smarter-tanks-script) and I was wondering if this is something I can install into the mission folder and use as is or is there something I/you have to edit for this to be recognized by the game. I'm not clear on how these things work and if it's something you have to code into the game then I don't want to interrupt your busy game schedule for a script that I'm not sure will even work in this arena. I was just wondering if this was something I could install client-side and use on the fly.

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Could be bit tricky especially to enable that script only for certain vehicles. Else you could unpack the mission, Place the folder there and try adding [_car] execVM "alarm\smart.sqf"; as 19. row in spawnvehicle.sqf, but it will then enable that script for all spawned AI vehicles/static weapons.

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blackfoot crash site task isnt saved in resume, i used to do so before



Error in expression <

_radius = _radius + 1000;

_bestplace = selectBestPlaces [_position,_radius,_exp>

Error position: <selectBestPlaces [_position,_radius,_exp>

Error 0 elements provided, 3 expected

File missions\__cur_sp.altis\findPos.sqf, line 14

Bad conversion: array

Error in expression <

_radius = _radius + 1000;

_bestplace = selectBestPlaces [_position,_radius,_exp>

Error position: <selectBestPlaces [_position,_radius,_exp>

Error 0 elements provided, 3 expected

File missions\__cur_sp.altis\findPos.sqf, line 14

Bad conversion: array

Error in expression <

_radius = _radius + 1000;

_bestplace = selectBestPlaces [_position,_radius,_exp>


and too many AAs, i get rid of one... another comes in

creating "camp wolf" is too much of a risk than not making it


theres some sort of weird script in your mission that each time you load the game, your squadmates will equip their original eyewear/glasses that they start with and replace the one you equip them


my reinforcements from HQ when i have less than 4 members are all wearing civilian clothes rather than NATO/CTRG fatigues

Edited by xrook

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I noticed some problems when try to order an Artillery Strikes. It feels like "just dont move the mouse" when selecting the target, if you do you need to repeat the procedre. That means you need to open the menu again, press support, selecting what kind of Artillery, what kind of Ammo, how much of it.

Sometimes i need to repeat this up to 4 times but thats just luck then cause i select it very fast. This problem starts after updating the Game to 1.26 Patch. Someone have similiar issues?

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Yesterday, while reloading a saved game (after my squaddie got killed) the game froze so I rebooted and reloaded the saved mission. I noticed that even though the fatigue selection was still disabled it actually wasn't so I enabled it and then re-disabled it and everything was ok. However, the annoying smog/fog was re-enabled. I looked in the selection box (Shift+1) and there isn't any choice to turn it on or off but, while playing the saved game anyway, I saw a hint message appear saying I could turn off the smog/fog in the Shift+1 box. Ok, I give up, where the heck is it?

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New WLA SP update: Added support for Chernarus and Takistan, Gear-function improvements, more options save in progress (including certain task locations - more coming), much other tweaks/fixes/small additions.

If you change the Altis in filename to Chernarus or Takistan it should make the mission launch for it. But only tested with unpacked missionfile yet. More info soon.

Edit: Some issues appeared - Currently the Chernarus and Takistan conversions seem to work only if unpacking the pbo-file and then renaming the folder end. Else can be piers and other locations missing. Working on fixes in day or few. With Altis should work normally.

Edit2: As update - The Chernarus and Takistan conversions work currently only when played from editor. Getting some strange behaviour with init.sqf when launching the mission in AiA-mod through scenarios menu. Looking for solution soon.

Edited by SaOk

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Hmmm that sounds awesome. I need to load those maps but there is 1 thing i remember really good: as i had the A3MP - ArmA 3 Map Pack in my Arma3 directory WLA failed to load the savegames. It was confusing, the maps wasnt even listed as active mod, beeing in my A3 Directory was enough to gain the Failing Load White Screen when trying to load a WLA savegame. As i have removed the A3MP Folder Load&Save were possible again.

Hope that this have been fixed by the A3MP Authors ^^

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Hotfix released for WLA SP (dropbox, withsix, not yet in steam since the uploading seem to be down). Now the Chernarus and Takistan conversions work through the scenarios menu too and you can just rename the pbo file.

Edit: Ch53dVet, you can change weather now in shift+1 options.

Edited by SaOk

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Couple of bugs I noticed.

1: Paradropped Ammocrate never hit the ground, so parachute remained attached forever. Solution: Stick a timeout on deleting the parachute if ammocrate never hits the ground.

2: The Helo that comes to extract the villager is invulnerable. It once got tangled in trees and ended upside down with rotors on full. It never disappeared. Solution: Again stick a timeout. Its better to have it vanish than remain in the game forever.

3: I can board this helo when it lands, and it flew me out to see with the extracted villager. When the helo was deleted, myself and the villager fell into the sea. Solution: Lock the chopper or boot me out if I get in. Also remember to delete the villager along with the crew and chopper.

4:Chopper has inventory, I was able to replenish form it before it flew off.

Hope this helps.

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Thanks, there is deleting loops already but adding more timers. :)

I am using AiA-mod to get the Chernarus and Takistan from ArmA2. But that map-pack versions should work the same. Will add support for more maps soon. Sahrani and the biggest Iron Front map at least.

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Activate the mod, change the mission pbo-name to WholeLottaAltis.Chernarus.pbo and start it from the scenarios menu. Its named the same way as the Altis version so best would be move WholeLottaAltis.Altis.pbo away from the missions folder when not playing it.

But each map have own custom save made, so those shouldnt overwrite each other.

Edited by SaOk

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Good work! Can't wait to try it on Chernarus.

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Thanks SaOk, you did it again. It´s a Masterpiece. Flying with an AZ-1 Cobra through the canyons of Takistan is so much fun, awesome. I played now ~3600 hours only your mission on Altis, but now with this Altis can go kill itself.

I tell you why: it must be fault of BI with this ridiculously bad FPS on the Altis map. As i played Takistan for a couple hours i decided to check the Options to compare a little bit between the maps.

Settings i use usually on Altis:

3500 Viewdistance

2000 Object

140 Shadow

All Details "Ultra"


ATOC: All Grass+Tree

Postprocessing effects (Bloom,DoF,Sharpening etc) are low adjusted, nothing above 30

Even after i raised it to 6000 View/4000 Object + 120% Downsampling the frames were better like with lower Settings on Altis. And i didnt noticed any significant drop of the Frames, that what is usual on BI´s "Huge(wayne?)Map

In my opinion they should cut 30-40% off Altis map and flush it down the toilet. But who cares, the Devs dont give a fu*k to start optimizing it, most important is that there is a new "birdsound" instead spend time to optimize the performance.

Thanks SaOk, looking forward for more maps :)

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Thanks, more maps soon after getting iron front running. Will also make the piers be called differently when playing map without water. Could be "passages","roads" or something else instead and with different marker icon. As possible issue, the takistan have much hills and mountains, which could slow down the searching for map location. May try to tweak that too to Takistan.

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Q: can the latest SP update be played in MP? or do i have to wait till the competition ends before you update the MP?

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SP only, will update MP later, could be after the deadline since still much to do, but will see.

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