tvig0r0us 27 Posted November 27, 2016 Well, for some reason I'm unable to figure out what the problem is with the dedicated server issue. Granted, I don't have much time to mess with it, but in the time I do have I've gotten nowhere. Can anyone tell me if something has changes with JIP in any of the recent game updates?? As for the only available version, there are a couple of Altis versions in the workshop if you search there. I've eliminated everything but the test version from the thread starter until I can get the updates pushed to the older version. First things first though. I need to get the problems straightened out. Hang tight, more layouts are incoming! --tvig Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kremator 1065 Posted November 27, 2016 Just retried the dedi server on the Tanoa version and, although it loads, I am unable to choose any soldiers. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kremator 1065 Posted December 4, 2016 Not sure if it is 1.66 that is causing problems with unit dying and 'waiting for medevac' or another mod. Will do more testing but could be broken with new patch. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tvig0r0us 27 Posted March 24, 2017 Hey krem. I think I may have finally found something of interest regarding that problem. Were you by chance using anything other than the default factions? I figured out that even though some of them are in the params settings, only a couple were actually set up in the mission. Let me know if that makes any sense. Thanks, tvig Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kremator 1065 Posted March 24, 2017 He's back !!! Welcome back mate! I've yet to try Total Conquest on 1.68. Will get back to you. EDIT: Right, just tried Kalataki Bay. On dedi I can spawn and recruit soldiers but they just stand there. No enemies it seems. On a local host, everything works fine. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tvig0r0us 27 Posted May 1, 2017 Well, it took a long time, but I finally got around to setting up a dedi and trying to figure out what was wrong. The funny thing is that it ran without a flaw. In fact, it ran way better than I thought it would. 48 fps with all factions running 16 per side. I'm really not sure at all what was causing the issue. Maybe it doesn't like any mods (If any were being used)... IDK Anyhow, I'm trying to get a nice cleaned up version together on the little island in the lower left part of the map on Tanoa. As mentioned earlier, I've changed the spawning for vehicles and the whole mission really plays exactly like a battlefield conquest map. That's pretty much exactly what I was going for, so I call it a win. I will be running a server at times if anyone would like to join from time to time. It's TVIG's Total Conquest 24/7. Not quite 24/7 though. --tvig Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kremator 1065 Posted May 2, 2017 Now there WAS an issue with AI not respawning with the previous release candidate. Luckily that error has been sorted now - however I haven't tried TC since. I'm running the DEV version currently to check on the jets, but will try TC tonight (if I get time) Thanks for continuing to develop this as it is a great showcase for infantry combat (with a little vehicular thrown in) Let me know if you need beta testing - happy to help. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tvig0r0us 27 Posted May 2, 2017 Thanks for checking it out krem... I really appreciate your support with this. I've been having an absolute blast playing it with the dedi. It runs really nicely, even when there is a ton going on in the game. I love it! Anyhow, the server is up now if you want to jump on and check it out. I'm working so unfortunately I can't join it. The server name is --==TVIG's Total Conquest 24/7==-- There is a persistent session running on it right now... might have ended by now though. Anyone that wants to give it a go is more than welcomed to jump on and check it out. --tvig Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kremator 1065 Posted May 2, 2017 Just fired up my dedi ... connected to Katalaki bay. I can choose a soldier and choose the spawn with no problems ... but the AI are not moving on other objectives :( I'm on DEV version btw ... will change to stable and retest. Any ideas ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tvig0r0us 27 Posted May 2, 2017 Try this one.!AqxBNFH4U9ccguB2A3CMHF8b-iGCyw This is the working Tanoa version. There is no current Katalaki Bay version right now. If this code checks out I will apply it to some old layouts, like Katalaki and post them all in the OP. Let me know if that link doesn't work. Thanks! --tvig 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kremator 1065 Posted May 2, 2017 Just did yet another retest. Definately something up with the dedi server. It runs perfectly on a local host, but throws up a pile of errors on dedi. Spoiler 19:53:48 Error in expression < _this select 1; _markerPos = markerPos _marker; _markerX = _markerPos select 0;> 19:53:48 Error position: <_marker; _markerX = _markerPos select 0;> 19:53:48 Error Undefined variable in expression: _marker 19:53:48 Error in expression < _index = 0; while {true} do { _point = _craterArray select _index; _craters = [> 19:53:48 Error position: <_craterArray select _index; _craters = [> 19:53:48 Error Undefined variable in expression: _craterarray 19:53:48 File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.altis\Remove_Craters.sqf, line 23 19:53:48 Error in expression <ci)); }; _craterArray = _craterArray + allPoints; _index = 0; while {true} do > 19:53:48 Error position: <allPoints; _index = 0; while {true} do > 19:53:48 Error Undefined variable in expression: allpoints 19:53:48 File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.altis\Remove_Craters.sqf, line 19 19:53:48 Error in expression <Count = _disputedCount + 1}; } }forEach allPoints; _zoneString = ""; for "i" > 19:53:48 Error position: <allPoints; _zoneString = ""; for "i" > 19:53:48 Error Undefined variable in expression: allpoints 19:53:48 File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.altis\score_display.sqf, line 55 19:53:49 Error in expression <Count = _disputedCount + 1}; } }forEach allPoints; _zoneString = ""; for "i" > 19:53:49 Error position: <allPoints; _zoneString = ""; for "i" > 19:53:49 Error Undefined variable in expression: allpoints 19:53:49 File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.altis\score_display.sqf, line 55 19:53:50 Error in expression <Count = _disputedCount + 1}; } }forEach allPoints; _zoneString = ""; for "i" > 19:53:50 Error position: <allPoints; _zoneString = ""; for "i" > 19:53:50 Error Undefined variable in expression: allpoints 19:53:50 File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.altis\score_display.sqf, line 55 19:53:50 Error in expression < taskCurrent, true]; }; }; } forEach allPoints; _soldier setVariable ["tasks"> 19:53:50 Error position: <allPoints; _soldier setVariable ["tasks"> 19:53:50 Error Undefined variable in expression: allpoints 19:53:50 File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.altis\initFunctions.sqf, line 79 19:53:51 Error in expression <Count = _disputedCount + 1}; } }forEach allPoints; _zoneString = ""; for "i" > I hope that helps mate. EDIT: Just saw your post ... testing Tanoa now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tvig0r0us 27 Posted May 2, 2017 I'm not even sure what version that is. Definitely try the version I posted in my last post. It has all of my cumulative changes over the past... I'm not sure how long :) --tvig Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kremator 1065 Posted May 2, 2017 SUCCESS ! This latest version works on my dedi (also on DEV version !) Now just need a non-debug version as I can see every unit :) EDIT just had an idea to REALLY spice things up a bit ... what about EVERY time you die, you rotate the team that you are on. That way you can REALLY show what benefit there is to you being on a particular team. Would also help with people choosing just one side ... makes it even ! Going to crank up the POWA now and see how many AI I can get fighting for Tanoa! Well done mate for getting us through this ! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kremator 1065 Posted May 2, 2017 OMG this is AWESOME ! It is working PERFECTLY! The battle is just amazing and I'm getting my arse kicked ! 64 soldiers on each side .... FPS 48 !!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tvig0r0us 27 Posted May 2, 2017 30 minutes ago, kremator said: OMG this is AWESOME ! It is working PERFECTLY! The battle is just amazing and I'm getting my arse kicked ! 64 soldiers on each side .... FPS 48 !!! Excellent. I really need to write up something that explains the params. You can turn only your team markers or completely off in the parameters. You can also enable zone defenses and set it up in a bunch of different configurations to make it play differently. Also, the capture points are selected at random after every mission start so it's different pretty much every time. Really glad you were able to get it to work... and you're enjoying it! Thanks for sticking with it 'til I got it worked out. I need to get going on more map layouts now!! Cheers --tvig 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kremator 1065 Posted May 2, 2017 Good man ! Now up to 96 soldiers on each side ... still getting 41FPS on the dedi ! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kremator 1065 Posted May 3, 2017 At work presently, but just thought, would it be possible to have the default markers just your side (rather than having to go through the params each time mission is run)? Not wanting to open up the mission then re-pbo it. Final request (but possibly too complicated) is for an 'AI commander' to select the Capture or Defend task around you? Or what about this ... in Side chat 'We are advancing on XXX, require support' or 'large enemy push expected at XXX, require support'. Will be testing this again tonight but using MAXIMUM amount of troops and see what happens - will let you know if PC melts :) This is seriously one of the best missions I have played (and repeatedly play) in Arma3. WAR STORY ALERT ... not sure if this if DEV behaviour but I've not seen it before ..... I've got my team of 2 soldiers with me in a SlammerUP defending a capture point. Every other point around me is controlled by IND faction and they are throwing EVERYTHING at me. My gunner is mowing down all the troops that approach. Suddenly I look behind me and an AI engineer is placing the antivehicle mine behind my tank!! Little git! But just how awesome is that ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tvig0r0us 27 Posted May 3, 2017 5 hours ago, kremator said: At work presently, but just thought, would it be possible to have the default markers just your side (rather than having to go through the params each time mission is run)? Not wanting to open up the mission then re-pbo it. Yes 5 hours ago, kremator said: Final request (but possibly too complicated) is for an 'AI commander' to select the Capture or Defend task around you? Or what about this ... in Side chat 'We are advancing on XXX, require support' or 'large enemy push expected at XXX, require support'. This may not be as hard as you might think. The code to do it is written to a degree, I just need to adapt it to player entities and get it to update the tasking. 5 hours ago, kremator said: Will be testing this again tonight but using MAXIMUM amount of troops and see what happens - will let you know if PC melts :) This is seriously one of the best missions I have played (and repeatedly play) in Arma3. Man, I am hugely appreciative of your support. It's great to know that at least one other person gets as big a kick out of this as I do. 5 hours ago, kremator said: WAR STORY ALERT ... not sure if this if DEV behaviour but I've not seen it before ..... I've got my team of 2 soldiers with me in a SlammerUP defending a capture point. Every other point around me is controlled by IND faction and they are throwing EVERYTHING at me. My gunner is mowing down all the troops that approach. Suddenly I look behind me and an AI engineer is placing the antivehicle mine behind my tank!! Little git! But just how awesome is that ? I've not seen that myself, but yes, that is AWESOME! --tvig 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kremator 1065 Posted May 3, 2017 You have created a BEAST of a mission ..... running at 128 troops PER SIDE and getting 30FPS out of the server ! It is total mayhem and I'm loving it. Trying to pursue a problem with the standalone dedi server executables on another machine that I would ordinarily use as my server ... but this is not your problem. Looking forward to other islands .... could we get Altis next please? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tvig0r0us 27 Posted May 4, 2017 Just updated the OP with the link to the Tanoa RC version. Also added server info and registered my server here. Please jump on and check it out. It's set to constantly run a game with or without humans, so who knows what you'll find if you get on it. If you have any problems, please let me know so I can address them. Hopefully there will be more to add to the rotation soon! Cheers :) --tvig 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kremator 1065 Posted May 4, 2017 Afternoon. Ran into something strange with the dedi server last night. Now I'm not quite sure what I did (I know that isn't helpful) but I think the mission completed and therefore ended. I restarted the mission (on the client) and no AI moved on spawn ! Will look into it again tonight (as I'm addicted to Total Conquest atm)! Still running the arma3server_64bit release candidate on my dedi. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tvig0r0us 27 Posted May 4, 2017 34 minutes ago, kremator said: Afternoon. Ran into something strange with the dedi server last night. Now I'm not quite sure what I did (I know that isn't helpful) but I think the mission completed and therefore ended. I restarted the mission (on the client) and no AI moved on spawn ! Will look into it again tonight (as I'm addicted to Total Conquest atm)! Still running the arma3server_64bit release candidate on my dedi. Did you get any logs by chance? --tvig Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kremator 1065 Posted May 4, 2017 Don't worry too much about it yet .. wasn't totally concentrating. Will investigate. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kremator 1065 Posted May 4, 2017 I think there actually is an issue when the mission finishes. It doesn't seem to be reinitialising properly and the AI just stand there. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tvig0r0us 27 Posted May 4, 2017 Hmmm... I'm wondering if it's some kind of issue with the number of ai you're running. I have the defaults on my server with autoinit and it keeps running game after game with no issue at all. At this point I'm seeing an issue with vehicles not being taken out of the ai command system when a play occupies them, but other than that everything seems to be running flawlessly. Let me know if you have a log file and I can look it over to see if I can find the issue. Thanks again! --tvig Share this post Link to post Share on other sites