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Tutorial: Installation & Configuration of ArmA3 Dedicated Server

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Did the update recently switch the default server stuff to steam instead of gamespy?

Where can I find the IP to switch to the steam stuff instead of gamespy when I launch my dedicated server?

Your server is already reporting to steam. It does that automatically. You do not need to specify a reporting IP for it and there isn.t an address available for it anyway

The steam server browser is very very slow. To verify if your server is reporting to steam you can check in your Steam Client server browser

Edited by Terox

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Your server is already reporting to steam. It does that automatically. You do not need to specify a reporting IP for it and there isn.t an address available for it anyway

The steam server browser is very very slow. To verify if your server is reporting to steam you can check in your Steam Client server browser

Ok sounds good, I still had the gamespy IP, so I figured that was overriding it. And since it still "worked" I didn't switch it until I knew what to put instead. It sounds like leaving it blank and not used will default to steam. Thanks

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is my config ok for my Server ?

MaxMsgSend = 1024;

MaxSizeGuaranteed = 512;

MaxSizeNonguaranteed = 256;



MinErrorToSend = 0.008;

MinErrorToSendNear = 0.001;

MaxCustomFileSize = 0;

class sockets{maxPacketSize = 1300;};









E5-2620, 6 Core @ 2GHz, 12 GB Ram, Win2k8 r2: 100 Mbit

vonCodecQuality = 8;

We have at 50 Player lags in our ingame Voice and a little bit desyncs at the Cars. CPU is at 35 - 50 %.

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If you had followed it then you would have pastebinned some files and linked to them so that we could help you. :rolleyes:

I need at least the rpt of the desktop shortcut version.

The guide states to prove this before moving on, so TADST should never have come into it yet

At this stage you should have

  • 1 install of arma3, whether that be the server package or the full install
  • A desktop shortcut for the arma3server.exe
  • No addons, custom missions or any 3rd party content in use

I have followed your guide and like i said before and was pretty clear in that, i have also tried using a 3rd party tool, that does not say that i have only tried using a 3rd party tool to host the server.

I have a install of the server and everything that is needed, just like the guide said you should so thats what i did and it still is not working.

The problem is with the .cfg file not being loaded when i use the shortcut that i made, even though i have made it exactly like in the guide.

The server.exe is located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma3Server and also the .cfg file which is named server.cfg is located in this folder, just like in the guide.

The parameters of the shortcut are:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma3Server\arma3server.exe" -profiles=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma3Server -port=2302 -config=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma3Server\server.cfg -world=empty

Which is pretty much the same as what the guide says, i have also tried doing : -config=server.cfg , however that did not work either.

Firewall settings are all fine and all the ports are forwarded, because i do get a connection to the server the settings are just not being loaded.

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I have followed your guide and like i said before and was pretty clear in that,

I need at least the rpt of the desktop shortcut version.

Can you please clear your rpt files, rerun the server from the desktop shortcut and then pastebin the created rpt file and link it (The full file, nothing missing)

Try wrapping quotation marks around the -profile switch in the command line (It may be possible that the spaces(C:\Program Files (x86)) cant be interpreted correctly

eg " -profiles=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma3Server"

if the -profile is being read correctly, then for the config all you should need to define is


(it would then expect that file in the root of the A3 installation)

Also if the profile switch is working as expected, it should create the following folder structure automatically in the root A3 install

root A3 folder\Users\Administrator

.................. Arma3.cfg

.................. ADMINISTRATOR.Arma3Profile

.................. ADMINISTRATOR.vars.Arma3Profile

Edited by Terox

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I have never seen the following line before...

Error 5 reading file 'C:\Program'

I can only assume that the issue lies in the -profile path

Every other entry is normal and looks good

try wrapping quotations around it in the command line

eg "-profiles=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma3Server"

if it works correctly, you dont need to define the full config path, just defining


should read the server.cfg in the root install folder

Another tip to see if it is being read correctly is, the following folder and files should have been created when you started the server up

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma3Server\Users\Administrator

and in that folder should be the following files




Edited by Terox

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Well now i have the same problem as i have when i use TADST, when i try to join with my other pc that pc is stuck on this screen http://cpdv.home.xs4all.nl/arma3test.jpg ....

It can't really be a port issue since that problem does not happen when i launch the server.exe directly and get the default settings.

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Well now i have the same problem as i have when i use TADST, when i try to join with my other pc that pc is stuck on this screen http://cpdv.home.xs4all.nl/arma3test.jpg ....

It can't really be a port issue since that problem does not happen when i launch the server.exe directly and get the default settings.

Not quite clear on where we have got with this.

Did wrapping quotes around the -profile switch get you anywhere?

and what setup do you have here, it sounds like your connecting via lan ?

when i use that and i try to join with a other computer on the same network i am stuck on loading it

If that is the case try setting up non default ports for the server

The tutorial doesnt take into consideration a client connecting on LAN

Headless clients can connect okay on local networks but they require additional entries in the config for the server


Maybe a derivative on this would help and make sure you start the server before you start the local client

Also the 118 patch did cause issues for servers especially Virtual ware servers, where they used a different IP to the main root IP. I'm not sure exactly what the issue is but a lot of servers have failed to report correctly to the server browsers because of this

Edited by Terox

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I followed this guide from the beginning to the end and i now have my first arma 3 dedicated server up and running, thanks alot!

Now i just have to figure out this whole PBO-editing stuff... there are sooooooooooo many files!

Thanks for an excelent tutorial!

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Where can I find these files

Advanced configuration


AutoServer_Restart.bat File


I did everything in the instructions, but these files files are gone, are not created

Close the console window down, then you will need to edit the following files which will have been created

D:\Games\Arma3\A3Master\Users\Adminstrator\Adminis trator.Arma3Profile

D:\Games\Arma3\A3Master\Users\Administrator\Arma3. cfg

in my folder USER, there is only another folder with my computer name, nothing else there

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Where can I find these files

I did everything in the instructions, but these files files are gone, are not created

in my folder USER, there is only another folder with my computer name, nothing else there

Can I have a pastebin link to your .rpt file please as per the troubleshooting guide in this tutorial that you have followed

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The rpt shows a good startup and the user profile is set correctly.

If you are seeing


It most likely suggests you are not running under an administrator account.

(This is a dedicated server at a datacentre somewhere isnt it not a local windows client machine that you also play Arma3 on ?)

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Can anybody help me setting up multiple server on a dedicated server? They are running fine but not shown up in the Search, expect you search for an other keyword for the server. It has the exact same Name as Server number one but it hast the number 2 instead of 1 in the hostname..

Thanks for any help so far.

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New section added


basic explanation

mods are basically a collection of addons installed in folders

addons are made by 3rd parties to add content or functionality to the game

typical structure of a mod folder

a3 root folder

.......... \ @xyzmod

....................\ addons

.............................. \ xyz.pbo

.............................. \ xyz.pbo.tag.bisign

the root mod folder can be called anything you want, there is however an unwritten unofficial protocol that is widely used and that is to precede the folder name with the "@" character

the addons folder contains 2 type of files

.pbo (this is the actual addon)

.bisign (this is the file that the server communicates with to verify the integrity of the corresponding.pbo file

each .pbo is (or should be) paired with its own .bisign

when you download an addon, typically the addon maker packs it into his own "named" mod folder,

for example @cba_a3

apart from the mod folder, there should also be a "keys" folder in the download.

The .bikey that is contained in the keys folder is for serverside use only, clients don't need or use it.

(some .bikeys come in the addons folder, they dont belong there but cause no harm residing there)


to use addons is basically the same format for both clients and servers, apart from the server ".bikey"

  1. unpack and copy them into your arma3 folder
  2. initialise the addons by defining either
    • a) a "-mod=@cba_a3" command line in a desktop shortcut that is linked to your arma3.exe\arma3server.exe (recommended for clients)
    • b) "-mod=@cba_a3" command in firedeamon (servers only) (recommended for servers) you can get a clan discount for this great tool
    • c) loading them in a custom launcher tool (some are good some are not so.
    • d) using the ingame mod launcher system (clients only)

[*]server only:

  • define verifysignatures=2 on your server config file (the same file where you define the admin password)
  • copy the .bikey in the mod's "keys" folder to the server's a3 root "keys" folder
    (the keys folder white lists the allowed addons on your server. If someone tries to connect to the server with addons, you dont have a bikey installed for, they wont be able to connect.
    You should allow some clientside addons such as jsrs mod, shack tac hud etc, do this by adding their .bikey to your keys folder. These are clientside only addons, you dont need to run these addons on the server


you dont have to keep the addons in the mod folders that the addons came in, you can create your own and copy all the files needed into your own mod structure

for example, on our addon server we use the following mod folders






command line used to launch this is


@zcommon contains

  • dar_hwmmv's
  • chinook
  • ak weapon pack,
  • m4 weapon pack
  • agm mod
  • task force radio
  • and others

@zislands contains

  • a3mp content
  • + some additional islands like torabora

we typically pack most things that are easy to update into one common folder which makes management for us easier.

If i need to update for example dar's humvee pack, all the files start with his tag "dar_", easy enough to find and then replace

the alive mod however is a different beast, all the tags differ, this is why alive is kept in its own mod folder

downloading & addon management

http://www.armaholic.com/ is the best source for direct downloads

http://play.withsix.com/arma-3 is a download and management application (steep learning curve)

http://www.sonsofexiled.fr/wiki/index.php/arma3sync_wiki_english is a serverside/clientside content management and launcher application, easier to use and set up. We personally use this, it gives better control and ease of use to our clients

Edited by Terox

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As i heard gamespy goes down, what changes i have to do? thanks 4 help!

None, its automatically handled

As long as you configured the required ports as per this tutorial, you will be fine.

There have been no changes to ports required for many many months

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is it possible to deactive "vote kick" && "vote admin" messages?

change the vote threshold, try 110% or comment it out to revert to the default setting, although I dont know what the default value is

This may not remove the message but it should stop voting in admins

Edited by Terox

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really hoping u no this one,

I just got a server for arma, one map on altis which basically just has a chopper works an loads fine on local MP and server loaded MP, the other mission which is my main one wont show up in server, it doesnt get to player select screen, again its does if i host it as internet MP on my pc but loaded to server it doesnt, do u no why?

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Where are the mission-file stored on your server ?

It must be stored in the "mpmissions" folder not in the "missions" folder.

If its in the correct folder, what are the excact name of the mission-file ?

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Dorph;2714762']Where are the mission-file stored on your server ?

It must be stored in the "mpmissions" folder not in the "missions" folder.

If its in the correct folder' date=' what are the excact name of the mission-file ?[/quote']

Its called " The%20Operation.Stratis " and its in the mp folder, another mission where I have just layed a heli to test loads fine, this one that I want I cant host mp on my pc, but it just wont load in the server? it doesn't have any dependant mods, only mods I have are blastcore and jsrs which I believe are just client end, but the mission itself is purely scripts, this is my server config bit also, and it wont load via admin #missions either its there but it doesn't load the player select screen.

// MISSIONS CYCLE (see below)

class Missions {

class ARMA3 {

template = The%20Operation.Stratis; // Mission to load (Mission file located in MPMissions. For now I have it set to a default ARMA3 mission.)

difficulty = "Regular"; // Server difficulty Settings (Recruit, Regular, Veteran, Mercenary)



Edited by DroopyPiles

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if you create a mission while running jsrs it WILL create mission dependancy, depending on which vehicles you have used.

This is the most likely cause of your issue

(Browsing through the server.rpt file will show this)

1) ALWAYS runs pure vanilla when making a vanilla mission,

2) Also when creating a name for your mission in the editor, never leave a space because, when saving

The file

co 11 Operation



3)Also if you go in and edit it again, or change the version number

most likely the new mission will not save the files, the only file in the mission.pbo folder will be mission.sqm

Finally use a consistent and useful (To server admins) naming convention.




replacing XX with no. of playable slots

co_0x is used if less than 10 player slots(Preced with a "0")

(Never add any content to the Mission editor\Advanced Intel\Name field)

if this field IS NOT empty, it is this that is shown in the Mission selection screen on the server, not the filename

Issues then occur if you create a newer version with a version number difference in the filename and both version are left on the server

The server admin has no way of distinguishing between the 2.

It also makes it easier for the backend admin to police his MpMissions folder

After saving the mission and exporting it to your MpMissions folder, this is where you can edit the filename safely, removing underscores etc.

As an example of how this benefits a server admin, here is a sample of our mission list, taken from the backend folder directly

co 07 Operation Stonefish.Stratis.pbo
co 08 Pegasus Raid-MkIII-JIP.Altis.pbo
co 08 Plutonium-mkIII.Stratis.pbo
co 10 cheeseburger-hill-altis.altis.pbo
co 10 Clear Marina.Stratis.pbo
co 16 liberation-oreokastro v01.altis.pbo
co 16 Operation Romeo.Altis.pbo
co 16 saving-recon-one.altis.pbo
co 18 hearts and minds v8.Altis.pbo
co 18 Operation Nightshade.Altis.pbo
co 21 Sunshine.Altis.pbo
co 26 Presence Patrol v01.Altis.pbo
co 28 Operation MILF Feres.Altis.pbo
co 28 Operation MILF Panagia.Altis.pbo
co 28 Operation MILF.Altis.pbo
co 28 TFZ Dyson.Altis.pbo

and then when a server admin wants to browse the missions in the ingame mission list browser, he sees exactly the same list in the same order (Island specific)

I run an app that that removes all the underscores to make it more easy on the eye

Windows A3 servers don't have a problem running a mission file with spaces in

Edited by Terox

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if you create a mission while running jsrs it WILL create mission dependancy, depending on which vehicles you have used.

This is the most likely cause of your issue

(Browsing through the server.rpt file will show this)

1) ALWAYS runs pure vanilla when making a vanilla mission,

2) Also when creating a name for your mission in the editor, never leave a space because, when saving

The file

co 11 Operation



3)Also if you go in and edit it again, or change the version number

most likely the new mission will not save the files, the only file in the mission.pbo folder will be mission.sqm

Finally use a consistent and useful (To server admins) naming convention.




replacing XX with no. of playable slots

co_0x is used if less than 10 player slots(Preced with a "0")

(Never add any content to the Mission editor\Advanced Intel\Name field)

if this field IS NOT empty, it is this that is shown in the Mission selection screen on the server, not the filename

Issues then occur if you create a newer version with a version number difference in the filename and both version are left on the server

The server admin has no way of distinguishing between the 2.

It also makes it easier for the backend admin to police his MpMissions folder

After saving the mission and exporting it to your MpMissions folder, this is where you can edit the filename safely, removing underscores etc.

As an example of how this benefits a server admin, here is a sample of our mission list, taken from the backend folder directly

co 07 Operation Stonefish.Stratis.pbo
co 08 Pegasus Raid-MkIII-JIP.Altis.pbo
co 08 Plutonium-mkIII.Stratis.pbo
co 10 cheeseburger-hill-altis.altis.pbo
co 10 Clear Marina.Stratis.pbo
co 16 liberation-oreokastro v01.altis.pbo
co 16 Operation Romeo.Altis.pbo
co 16 saving-recon-one.altis.pbo
co 18 hearts and minds v8.Altis.pbo
co 18 Operation Nightshade.Altis.pbo
co 21 Sunshine.Altis.pbo
co 26 Presence Patrol v01.Altis.pbo
co 28 Operation MILF Feres.Altis.pbo
co 28 Operation MILF Panagia.Altis.pbo
co 28 Operation MILF.Altis.pbo
co 28 TFZ Dyson.Altis.pbo

and then when a server admin wants to browse the missions in the ingame mission list browser, he sees exactly the same list in the same order (Island specific)

I run an app that that removes all the underscores to make it more easy on the eye

Windows A3 servers don't have a problem running a mission file with spaces in

I found it I once add m4's and removed, but didn't remove from the missions addons, thx :)

Edited by DroopyPiles

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