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dragon zen

Why the dialog or HUD cannot fit the full screen, changed with the size of interface?

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Hello friends:

I create dialogs in my mission, but I was confused with the position of the dialog. For example, the dialog cannot cover all screen, and those dialog should set in right down corner cannot stick to corner of screen.

I find the size of HUD is changed with the Size of Interface in Video Option. Larger the interface, larger my dialog. What's more, if I put a dialog to right down corner, the right side of the dialog is consistent with the right side of video option.

The script below is to set a dialog to right down corner, but the dialog was just shown in the middle right, not stick to right edge of screen. Very urgely...

Anyone could help? Appreciated.

==========Sample of my script in description.exp=============

class MessageMoney {

idd = 10001;

onLoad = "with uiNameSpace do {MessageMoney = _this select 0 };";

movingEnable = 0;

duration = 6;

fadeIn = "false";

fadeOut = "false";

controls[] = {"MessageMoney"};

class MessageMoney {

idc = 10001;


style = ST_LEFT;

colorBackground[] = { 1, 1, 1, 0.25 };

x = 0.75; y = 0.795;

w=0.25; h=0.2;

size = 0.05;

text = "";

class Attributes {

font = "TahomaB";

color = "#000000";

align = "right";//"middle","right"

valign = "top";//t valign='bottom';"top","bottom"

shadow = false;

shadowColor = "#ffffff";

size = "0.5";};



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