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Opinion: Too many opfor one shot -one kill weapons

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Firstly.. I love the game and play SP daily. but I'm getting frustrated with OPFOR rifleman shooting at 400m and killing me with one shot when I have been in sight for less than 1-2 seconds. I just don't believe that in real life, under conflict conditions - that accuracy can be that real. And this is a sim.

I find that there are too many opfor one shot - one kills. Regardless of whose mod I use..,. it appears that when AI opfor gets you in their sights (regardless of distance -with reason ~200-500M or weapon) your dead or seriously wounded on the first shot. Of course, this is not EVERY shot but does have a very high incidence of occurring. To me (never having been in a real live firefight) it seems a very high probability that there would be less perfection on using non-sniper (say AK-74s) weapons that would be as accurate as OPFOR in this sim.

I'm not looking for advice on how to beat the game. Or advice of getting better at the game. But seeing this is a SIM - am I correct? Are there mods that better reflect true to life spotting then with less accuracy? Or are there settings (besides the 4 difficulty settings in the options menu) that can be adjusted?

Opinions and advice appreciated? The advice I'm seeking is not for gameplay but rather for set-up.


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apparently you keep setting their accuracy level too high. you said you played SP, do you mean the campaign? what difficulty level?

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It has nothing to do with OPFOR; friendlies are even more accurate by default.

The AI shooting ability is often inferior to actual player skill (which in turn is far too high for realistic engagements), but the various situational exceptions to this can indeed be quite jarring.

So turn down the AI skill sliders in the options, and reduce their accuracy. This will also make them slower and stupider, however, so I recommend just installing an AI mod like ASR AI instead. If you play vanilla MP, yell at the mouthbreathing excuse for a server admin that runs without serverside AI improvements.

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apparently you keep setting their accuracy level too high. you said you played SP, do you mean the campaign? what difficulty level?

Is there a way to tweak the accuracy level... I usually play on veteran.. but the same issue occurs evenon recruit

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I think if you added an ai mod that had configs to setup more accurately how effective various types of enemy units are, that should benefit your game-play.

If you want intelligent ai that can be made a little more real via configs that cover a varied amount of ai skill sets, then have a look at my test vids linked in my sig (Intelligent AI). If they look to be the type of ai you want, then there is also a pbo list there.

May help..


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I typed a very detailed answer to this thread. It seems to be gone now? o.O

Short version: lower skill setting for enemy in options or install ASR AI

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Is there a way to tweak the accuracy level... I usually play on veteran.. but the same issue occurs evenon recruit

there are ways, all related to modding. unfortunately, mods tend to break campaign missions. if you have any mods running, that affect gameplay, turn them off before launching the game to play the SP campaign.

playing on Veteran will affect their accuracy a lot, so that is probably the reason why. I don't know why it's so hard on Recruit for you, don't remember it being the case for me, but Red Harvest and Operation Arrowhead aren't very good campaigns to begin with. you'd be better off playing SP scenarios, a lot of custom made missions can be found on Armaholic.

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I don't find the AI all that accurate if you're behind cover. If you're standing in enfilade or out in the open they kill you pretty fast.

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Try to find out the AI skill and precision setting you like. Doubt that BIS will change or improve the AI action/behaviour of A2OA.

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Its not a problem with the weapon, its a problem with the AI. The base ArmA2 AI has view distance on max as default, allowing them to see you before you see them in some cases. This is what is causing you to be killed so easily, simply lower the AI skill in the options menu.

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Identical threads created half an hour apart merged. Please do not crosspost.

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Is there a way to tweak the accuracy level... I usually play on veteran.. but the same issue occurs evenon recruit

Start game and go to, Options/Game options/difficulty (choose which level) then click the "Edit".

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Thanks for the input... I will try the MODS listed... I have tweaked all the in game fuctions (ie: options and skill levels).

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Its not a problem with the weapon, its a problem with the AI. The base ArmA2 AI has view distance on max as default, allowing them to see you before you see them in some cases. This is what is causing you to be killed so easily, simply lower the AI skill in the options menu.

View distance? What?

The default infantry AI is almost always incapable of seeing you beyond 1000m anyways, so unless you're running around with a view distance of 200m, this has nothing to do with the problem even if it's true.

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Hi Bill, its been a few, we should hook up and play again sometime, your last mission we played was fun.

A mod i recommend that is in COWarMod, is you can adjust the factions and unit types to have specific how should I say..recognition of you.

Infantry Stealth and Recognition Skills


This mod comes with a userconfig where as I said you can adjust the AI factions and unit types to what would work for you.

heres what it looks like:

// Author: Mysteryman5150
Change the defined values to modify the stealth and recognition abilities of the particular factions and units you wish to modify. 
The values in green behind the value you set are the vanilla standard values.
I am not 100% positive of all the definitions I posted so feel free to test and determine for yourself.
I have only seperated into 3 classes per faction to reduce this list-1)Basic units 2)Snipers/Spotter/Scouts/Marksman 3)Launcer Units-AT,AA,RPG

//Defines USMC Soldiers - Basic Infantry
#define __USMC_audible  	.05;//.05  defines how load a unit is - higher number is louder.
#define __USMC_camouflage  	1.6;//1.6  defines how easy the unit is to spot - higher number results in unit being easier to spot  
#define __USMC_sensitivity  	2;//2  defines sensor sensitivity - how well and how far unit senses other units - higher is more sensitive
#define __USMC_sensitivityEar  	.4;//.4  defines how well can the given unit hear others - the bigger the value the better the hearing
//Defines USMC Soldiers - Snipers (.5), Spotters (.5), Marksmen (1.0) and scouts (.75) - ***(##) DEFINES VANILLA CAMO RATING FOR THAT UNIT***
#define __USSN_audible  	.01;//.01  defines how load a unit is - higher number is louder.
#define __USSN_camouflage  	.2;//.2   defines how easy the unit is to spot - higher number results in unit being easier to spot  
#define __USSN_sensitivity  	3;//3  defines sensor sensitivity - how well and how far unit senses other units - higher is more sensitive
#define __USSN_sensitivityEar  	.5;//.5  defines how well can the given unit hear others - the bigger the value the better the hearing
//Defines USMC Soldiers - Launchers - AT (2.0) and AA (2.1).
#define __USAT_audible  	.03;//.03  defines how load a unit is - higher number is louder.
#define __USAT_camouflage  	2.0;//2.0  defines how easy the unit is to spot - higher number results in unit being easier to spot  
#define __USAT_sensitivity  	3;//3  defines sensor sensitivity - how well and how far unit senses other units - higher is more sensitive
#define __USAT_sensitivityEar  	.3;//.3  defines how well can the given unit hear others - the bigger the value the better the hearing
//Defines FR soldiers - Basic Infantry - (US Special Forces - May only be used in main campaigns and in certain infantry mods)
#define __FRBI_audible  	.01;//.01  defines how load a unit is - higher number is louder.
#define __FRBI_camouflage  	.1;//.1  defines how easy the unit is to spot - higher number results in unit being easier to spot  
#define __FRBI_sensitivity  	4;//4  defines sensor sensitivity - how well and how far unit senses other units - higher is more sensitive
#define __FRBI_sensitivityEar  	.5;//.5  defines how well can the given unit hear others - the bigger the value the better the hearing
//Defines FR Soldiers - Marksmen (.6)and Scouts (.6).
#define __FRSN_audible  	.01;//.01  defines how load a unit is - higher number is louder.
#define __FRSN_camouflage  	.1;//.1  defines how easy the unit is to spot - higher number results in unit being easier to spot  
#define __FRSN_sensitivity  	5;//5  defines sensor sensitivity - how well and how far unit senses other units - higher is more sensitive
#define __FRSN_sensitivityEar  	.5;//.5  defines how well can the given unit hear others - the bigger the value the better the hearing	
//Defines RU soldiers - Basic Infantry -(standard Russian infantry used in game like USMC)
#define __RUBI_audible  	.05;//.05  defines how load a unit is - higher number is louder.
#define __RUBI_camouflage  	1.6;//1.6  defines how easy the unit is to spot - higher number results in unit being easier to spot  
#define __RUBI_sensitivity  	2;//2  defines sensor sensitivity - how well and how far unit senses other units - higher is more sensitive
#define __RUBI_sensitivityEar  	.2;//.2  defines how well can the given unit hear others - the bigger the value the better the hearing
//Defines RU Soldiers - Snipers (.5), Spotters (.5) and Marksmen (1.0).
#define __RUSN_audible  	.01;//.01  defines how load a unit is - higher number is louder.
#define __RUSN_camouflage  	.1;//.1  defines how easy the unit is to spot - higher number results in unit being easier to spot  
#define __RUSN_sensitivity  	5;//5  defines sensor sensitivity - how well and how far unit senses other units - higher is more sensitive
#define __RUSN_sensitivityEar  	.5;//.5  defines how well can the given unit hear others - the bigger the value the better the hearing
//Defines RU Soldiers - Launchers - AT (2.0) and AA (2.1).
#define __RUAT_audible  	.05;//.05  defines how load a unit is - higher number is louder.
#define __RUAT_camouflage  	2.0;//2.0  defines how easy the unit is to spot - higher number results in unit being easier to spot  
#define __RUAT_sensitivity  	3;//3  defines sensor sensitivity - how well and how far unit senses other units - higher is more sensitive
#define __RUAT_sensitivityEar  	.2;//.2  defines how well can the given unit hear others - the bigger the value the better the hearing
//Defines RUS Soldiers - Basic Infantry - (Russian Special Forces - Spetznaz -Same as US Special Forces above)
#define __RUSB_audible  	.01;//.01  defines how load a unit is - higher number is louder.
#define __RUSB_camouflage  	.1;//.1  defines how easy the unit is to spot - higher number results in unit being easier to spot  
#define __RUSB_sensitivity  	3;//3  defines sensor sensitivity - how well and how far unit senses other units - higher is more sensitive
#define __RUSB_sensitivityEar  	.5;//.5  defines how well can the given unit hear others - the bigger the value the better the hearing
//Defines RUS Soldiers - Marksmen (.6) and units with silienced weapons (.6).
#define __RUSS_audible  	.01;//.01  defines how load a unit is - higher number is louder.
#define __RUSS_camouflage  	.1;//.1  defines how easy the unit is to spot - higher number results in unit being easier to spot  
#define __RUSS_sensitivity  	5;//5  defines sensor sensitivity - how well and how far unit senses other units - higher is more sensitive
#define __RUSS_sensitivityEar  	.5;//.5  defines how well can the given unit hear others - the bigger the value the better the hearing
//Defines MVD Soldiers - Basic Infantry - (More Russian Special Forces - Same as US Special Forces)
#define __MVDB_audible  	.01;//.01  defines how load a unit is - higher number is louder.
#define __MVDB_camouflage  	.1;//.1  defines how easy the unit is to spot - higher number results in unit being easier to spot  
#define __MVDB_sensitivity  	5;//5  defines sensor sensitivity - how well and how far unit senses other units - higher is more sensitive
#define __MVDB_sensitivityEar  	.5;//.5  defines how well can the given unit hear others - the bigger the value the better the hearing
//Defines MVD Soldiers - Snipers (.6) and Marksman (.6).
#define __MVSN_audible  	.01;//.01  defines how load a unit is - higher number is louder.
#define __MVSN_camouflage  	.1;//.1  defines how easy the unit is to spot - higher number results in unit being easier to spot  
#define __MVSN_sensitivity  	5;//5  defines sensor sensitivity - how well and how far unit senses other units - higher is more sensitive
#define __MVSN_sensitivityEar  	.5;//.5  defines how well can the given unit hear others - the bigger the value the better the hearing
//Defines MVD Soldiers - Launchers - AT (1.0) and no AA in vanilla Arma2
#define __MVAT_audible  	.02;//.02  defines how load a unit is - higher number is louder.
#define __MVAT_camouflage  	1.0;//1.0  defines how easy the unit is to spot - higher number results in unit being easier to spot  
#define __MVAT_sensitivity  	3;//3  defines sensor sensitivity - how well and how far unit senses other units - higher is more sensitive
#define __MVAT_sensitivityEar  	.5;//.5  defines how well can the given unit hear others - the bigger the value the better the hearing
//Defines Guerilla Soldiers - Basic Infantry
#define __GURB_audible  	.05;//.05  defines how load a unit is - higher number is louder.
#define __GURB_camouflage  	1.0;//1.0  defines how easy the unit is to spot - higher number results in unit being easier to spot  
#define __GURB_sensitivity  	2;//2  defines sensor sensitivity - how well and how far unit senses other units - higher is more sensitive
#define __GURB_sensitivityEar  	.3;//.3  defines how well can the given unit hear others - the bigger the value the better the hearing
//Defines Guerilla Soldiers - Snipers (.5) and scouts (.6).
#define __GUSN_audible  	.02;//.02  defines how load a unit is - higher number is louder.
#define __GUSN_camouflage  	.3;//.3  defines how easy the unit is to spot - higher number results in unit being easier to spot  
#define __GUSN_sensitivity  	3;//3  defines sensor sensitivity - how well and how far unit senses other units - higher is more sensitive
#define __GUSN_sensitivityEar  	.5;//.5  defines how well can the given unit hear others - the bigger the value the better the hearing
//Defines Guerilla Soldiers - Launchers - AT (1.2) and AA (1.3).
#define __GUAT_audible  	.05;//.05  defines how load a unit is - higher number is louder.
#define __GUAT_camouflage  	1.2;//1.2  defines how easy the unit is to spot - higher number results in unit being easier to spot  
#define __GUAT_sensitivity  	3;//3  defines sensor sensitivity - how well and how far unit senses other units - higher is more sensitive
#define __GUAT_sensitivityEar  	.5;//.5  defines how well can the given unit hear others - the bigger the value the better the hearing
//Defines Insurgent Soldiers - Basic Infantry
#define __INSB_audible  	.05;//.05  defines how load a unit is - higher number is louder.
#define __INSB_camouflage  	1.4;//1.4  defines how easy the unit is to spot - higher number results in unit being easier to spot  
#define __INSB_sensitivity  	2;//2  defines sensor sensitivity - how well and how far unit senses other units - higher is more sensitive
#define __INSB_sensitivityEar  	.3;//.3  defines how well can the given unit hear others - the bigger the value the better the hearing
//Defines Insurgent Soldiers - Snipers (.3) and units with silenced weapons (.7).
#define __INSN_audible  	.01;//.01  defines how load a unit is - higher number is louder.
#define __INSN_camouflage  	.3;//.3  defines how easy the unit is to spot - higher number results in unit being easier to spot  
#define __INSN_sensitivity  	3;//3  defines sensor sensitivity - how well and how far unit senses other units - higher is more sensitive
#define __INSN_sensitivityEar  	.5;//.5  defines how well can the given unit hear others - the bigger the value the better the hearing
//Defines Insurgent Soldiers - Launchers - AT (1.6) and AA (1.7)
#define __INAT_audible  	.05;//.05  defines how load a unit is - higher number is louder.
#define __INAT_camouflage  	1.6;//1.6  defines how easy the unit is to spot - higher number results in unit being easier to spot  
#define __INAT_sensitivity  	2;//2  defines sensor sensitivity - how well and how far unit senses other units - higher is more sensitive
#define __INAT_sensitivityEar  	.3;//.3  defines how well can the given unit hear others - the bigger the value the better the hearing
//Defines CDF Soldiers - Basic Infantry
#define __CDFB_audible  	.04;//.04  defines how load a unit is - higher number is louder.
#define __CDFB_camouflage  	1.3;//1.3  defines how easy the unit is to spot - higher number results in unit being easier to spot  
#define __CDFB_sensitivity  	2;//2  defines sensor sensitivity - how well and how far unit senses other units - higher is more sensitive
#define __CDFN_sensitivityEar  	.3;//.3  defines how well can the given unit hear others - the bigger the value the better the hearing
//Defines CDF Soldiers - Snipers (.5) and Marksmen (.8).
#define __CDSN_audible  	.01;//.01  defines how load a unit is - higher number is louder.
#define __CDSN_camouflage  	.4;//.4  defines how easy the unit is to spot - higher number results in unit being easier to spot  
#define __CDSN_sensitivity  	3;//3  defines sensor sensitivity - how well and how far unit senses other units - higher is more sensitive
#define __CDSN_sensitivityEar  	.5;//.5  defines how well can the given unit hear others - the bigger the value the better the hearing
//Defines CDF Soldiers - Launchers - RPG (1.6) and Strella (1.7).
#define __CDAT_audible  	.05;//.05  defines how load a unit is - higher number is louder.
#define __CDAT_camouflage  	1.6;//1.6  defines how easy the unit is to spot - higher number results in unit being easier to spot  
#define __CDAT_sensitivity  	3;//3  defines sensor sensitivity - how well and how far unit senses other units - higher is more sensitive
#define __CDAT_sensitivityEar  	.4;//.4  defines how well can the given unit hear others - the bigger the value the better the hearing

As Mysteryman5150 said on the thread for it:

Fun testing results:

- With Audible at 0 enemy units cannot hear you at all, unless you fire a weapon, but can still see you (good for stealth adjustments).

- With Camouflage set to 0 enemy units cannot see you at all, unless you fire a weapon, but can hear you move (you can run around them in a circle, LOL)

- with both set at 0 enemy units cannot see nor hear you, once again unless you fire a weapon.

So this shoudl give you an idea of what is extreme and what you could set the codes too, i suggest just trying one faction and then doing tests with it and getting an idea or feel for how the AI responds in different situations like close quarters, stealth, and long distant fights.

there is also ASRAI and TPWC AI Suppression System

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And here I was thinking Russian weapons were inaccurate and jumpy.

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