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respawn script using BIS spawn functions.

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Hi I spent probably longer working on this than should have been. idk why. I guess I wanted to find out if its possible using the spawn function BIS provided for us. SO I took a look at a few scripts. NORRIN's MURK's and a few I did a while LONG while back. I think Cobra II and ArmaholicII helped me on. If you see something that looks familiar please post a reply so you can get recognized if you'd like. :) I'm not a script smith, but I do dabble. It was a lot of work on my end figuring this out for something so small. lol . THOUGH I haven't found it Im sure someone already has did this. lol OR you can point out why we normally don't do this. :) Use as you will if ya want. Ive been using it with I44 and HAC. BTW it does work with Big boss. OHH one more thing, I did this to work with HAC. SOOO they will just respawn and sync to the LEADERHQ you provide in units init. Other wise they never move. I haven't tested it with forward observer on I44 yet so that may not work.

Put this is units init.

nul = [this, 5, 1, "ws3",LeaderHQA,ARTY] execVM "Init_respawn.sqf"; 


if (!isServer) exitWith {};

_unit 			= _this select 0;
_rspawns		= _this select 1;
_delay		= _this select 2;
_spawn		= _this select 3;
_HQ			= _this select 4;
_FO			= _this select 5;

[_unit, _rspawns, _delay, _spawn, _HQ, _FO] execVM "AI_respawn.sqf";

if (true)exitWith {};


if (!isServer) exitWith {};
_countThis 		= count _this;
_unit 			= _this select 0;
_type 			= typeOf _unit;
_rspawns		= _this select 1;
_delay			= _this select 2;
_spawn			= _this select 3;
_HQ			= if (_countThis >= 5) then { _this select 4; } else { "" }; // Optional;
_FO			= if (_countThis >= 6) then { _this select 5; } else { "" }; // Optional;
_dir			= getdir _unit;
_group			= group _unit;
_unitsGroup		= units group _unit;
_side 			= side _unit;
_pos 			= getMarkerPos _spawn;
sleep 5;

if (_type isKindOf "Man") then
while{ ({(alive _x) && (canStand _x)} count _unitsGroup) > 0 } do { 
sleep 2; };
_wait = Time + _delay;
waitUntil {Time > _wait};
if (_rspawns == 0) exitWith {};
_rspawns = _rspawns - 1;
_AI_unitArray  = [];
{_AI_unitArray = _AI_unitArray + [typeOf _x];}forEach _unitsGroup;
_group = [_pos, _side, _AI_unitArray ,[],[],[],[],[],_dir] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup;
_leader = leader _group;
_HQ synchronizeObjectsAdd [_leader];
_Leader synchronizeObjectsAdd [_Fo];
[_leader, _rspawns, _delay, _spawn, _HQ] execVM "Init_respawn.sqf";


else 		{ 
while{ ({(alive _x) && (canMove _x)} count _unitsGroup) > 0 } do { 
sleep 2; };
_wait = Time + _delay;
waitUntil {Time > _wait};
if (_rspawns == 0) exitWith {};
_rspawns = _rspawns - 1;

deleteGroup _group;
if (_type isKindOf "Air") then 
       { _pos 		= [(getmarkerpos _spawn select 0), (getmarkerpos _spawn select 1), 100];};
if (_type isKindOf "Land") then
       {_pos 		= getMarkerPos _spawn;};
_group = CreateGroup _side;
_veh = [_pos, _dir, (_type), _group] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle;
_leader = leader _group;
_HQ synchronizeObjectsAdd [_leader];
_Leader synchronizeObjectsAdd [_Fo];
_NV = _veh select 0;
[_NV, _rspawns, _delay, _spawn, _HQ] execVM "Init_respawn.sqf";};

if (true) exitWith {};
///end script

If there is a simpler way please by all means post. I was hoping it would simplify this kind of things for people who dont really know much about scripting. and as a tool to learn.

PS LeaderHQ and FO are optional.

Edited by Mikey74

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