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Is Anyone Here a CTI Mission Editor?

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I'm interested in editing and creating a variety of CTI missions featuring content from FFUR 2008, DVD 1.79, and Ballistic Addons for my community to play on.

So far we've been able to host servers using all these addons, but these CTI missions we're using only feature a fraction of the units and vehicles all these addons have to offer

I'm trying to hack away at a few mission files at the moment, to see if I can figure it out myself... but I'd really like to link up with someone who has experience in mission editing.

Hopefully I can make a single CTI mission pack featuring all the best content from these addons for my community to enjoy on all the islands we have

So I'm just wondering, is there anyone here with experience in editing CTI mission files? I'd really like to talk

Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Bluedrake42/

Or just hit me up on this forum, hopefully we can link up in Teamspeak or something

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I have created a CTI Mission a while ago for ArmA1 but never released it, it was (and still is) a project for me and my friends.

I also have an optimized Version for ArmA2 (using CAA1 Mod). So the question is, what is it you want to talk about?

I understand CTI as capture the Island...what is specificly you are up to?


Sorry, noticed to late that I am in the ArmA CWC Forums...not in the ArmA (2) Forums...anyways, may be this is somethings for you:


Edited by MemphisBelle

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yes I'm interested in editing the MFCTI mission to include new vehicles and weapons, do you think you might be able to cross over your knowledge of arma missions editing to this? I can't imagine it would be TOO different.

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I've actually gotten pretty far now, I've been able to transfer standard games from one island to the other, also I've been able to get weapons and vehicles into the build menus, however it gives me an error every time (even though it still creates the vehicle) something about not being able to load mission because dvd_config218 was not found

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I've actually gotten pretty far now, I've been able to transfer standard games from one island to the other, also I've been able to get weapons and vehicles into the build menus, however it gives me an error every time (even though it still creates the vehicle) something about not being able to load mission because dvd_config218 was not found

The addon dependancies are not defined automatically when you spawn things only via scripts instead of the mission editor. You can add dependencies manually to mission.sqm so it reads addOns[]={"bis_resistance", "dvd_config218"}; etc

IIRC this error will prevent a mission from loading on dedicated servers.

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