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Modifying resupply sub and Island distances

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Call me old school. Increasing the distances between islands and making remote resupply much slower (or slower AND a destroyable cargo barge ala the original) would create a much more strategic style game. Any interest in such a mod, should the tools be able to make it happen?

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Increasing island distances might be possible by editing islandsgenerator.h - if it is though you would also need to update the enemy carrier ai because it would effect distance checks etc. when he's deciding what islands to attack.

I'd like to play with changing the barque speed but I can't see any way of adjusting it in the scripts and I can't see a way to adjust the space in the barque either. Maybe the database has the speeds and space settings but if there was a way to change either in the scripts it would be nice to know.

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I'm guessing the barge is a unit like any other, and its stats will be in the db file.

In the original game you could only resupply AT an island, which made things a lot more strategic. I do like that the barge is there in case of fuel emergencies, but it does remove some of the logistics strategy elements. Perhaps if we could limit it to fuel only when the time comes :)

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I think the barge is a fake unit, ala the cake is a lie.

We know that there is a barge, but have you ever seen it?

I do agree that it needs to be slowed way down and made visable and killable. There is no reason to have all this 'magic' bs in a game like this.

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I always thought the "barque" was a submarine - and so it can't be targetted as nothing in the game uses sonar.

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In the first carrier command, it was more of a barge or small boat

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It is currently a sub. That is one thing I would love to see changed - if it was a destroyable surface target it would make the game a LOT more interesting. A fully loaded bargue being destroyed could do a LOT of damage to a battle plan.....

Slowing it down is also a necessity. Fuel management right now is really pretty non-existent once you can make enough. Just send supplies - it won't take long to arrive. That really kills a lot of the planning necessary.

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I guess its how my games go - but i lose enough mantas and walruses that it is already challenging balancing a barque with fuel and resupply equipment.

If it moves much slower I think it may just drag the game as your carrier would be dead in the water waiting for fuel to move or equipment to launch an attack.

To balance it, they would also have to slow down the enemy carrier resupply rate - but then all you are doing is dragging the game out longer.

Probably adding islands - or increasing their spacing a bit - might give you more of the strategic improvement you are looking for.

As for making it destroyable - I never played the original - but how many times did that happen in a game? If that was implemented, I would then ask for the ability to set waypoints for the barque myself, so if i suspect the enemy carrier is close enough to intercept it (which would be rare i think), I can move my barque around it.

If its slowed down, and you are unlucky enough to have it destroyed enroute for resupply, I think you would be so far behind now that the game is lost.

As it is now, you can stay in the fight ,and the enemy carrier does too with his resupplying timer - and the new nemesis mod :-) .

** EDIT **

Of course choice is good.. If a slider for adjusting barque speed or a checkbox to make it destructible is added that's cool.

Edited by jureidinim

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