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CD Info?

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Hi there am not sure if this is the right place as i can not find a help part?

So I need info about CD for OA as iv lost my CD but have my CD key now its not that bad as I was sad to go out and buy two one for me and one for my GF who sadly I broke up with so Game been left alone for some time and CD been miss placed now DayZ has come about and my brother wants to play I said sure I have a spair coppy you can have only to find no CD in the box? am still looking for it. I read that I need to ask the publisher for new CD but dont know who they is that the shop? also I have a CD as I had two but what I want to know is If I let him use My CD but the spair Key will it give him my UID number as I need it for the Mod CITYLIFE I play at and he will need his own?

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If you still have one disc, you can give it to him so he can install the game with his own key. That's no problem, just using the same key by both you and your brother is no good idea. The UID is bound to the key, not the DVD.

So there is no need trying to obtain a replacement disc at all, just make sure you don't lose that disc as well.

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Thanks for the Help Wolle going to tell him now and try it cheers.

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