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Resetting a Countdown upon Respawning

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I have a script that counts down a value and I'd like it to reset to 100 after a player dies and respawns. Here's what I have.

if (not((_this select 0)==player)) exitwith {};

while {true} do {
while {alive player && animationstate player!="ainjppnemstpsnonwrfldnon" && animationstate player!="ainjppnemstpsnonwnondnon_rolltofront" && animationstate player!="ainjppnemstpsnonwnondnon_rolltoback" && animationstate player!="ainjppnemstpsnonwrfldnon_rolltofront" && animationstate player!="ainjppnemstpsnonwrfldnon_rolltoback" } do {
if (thirst>=100) then {thirst = 100};
if (thirst>0) then {sleep 180};
if (thirst>=100) then {hint parseText format["<t valign='bottom' size='1.2' color='#0F81EB'>Your thirst is at 100</t>",12];};
if (thirst == 90) then {hint parseText format["<t valign='bottom' size='1.2' color='#0F81EB'>Your thirst is at 90</t>",12];};
if (thirst == 80) then {hint parseText format["<t valign='bottom' size='1.2' color='#0F81EB'>Your thirst is at 80</t>",12];};
if (thirst == 70) then {hint parseText format["<t valign='bottom' size='1.2' color='#0F81EB'>Your thirst is at 70</t>",12];};
if (thirst == 60) then {hint parseText format["<t valign='bottom' size='1.2' color='#0F81EB'>Your thirst is at 60</t>",12];};
if (thirst == 50) then {hint parseText format["<t valign='bottom' size='1.2' color='#0F81EB'>Your thirst is at 50</t>",12];};
if (thirst == 40) then {hint parseText format["<t valign='bottom' size='1.2' color='#0F81EB'>Your thirst is at 40</t>",12];};
if (thirst == 30) then {hint parseText format["<t valign='bottom' size='1.2' color='#0F81EB'>Your thirst is at 30</t>",12];};
if (thirst == 20) then {hint parseText format["<t valign='bottom' size='1.2' color='#0F81EB'>Your thirst is at 20</t>",12];};
if (thirst == 10) then {hint parseText format["<t valign='bottom' size='1.2' color='#0F81EB'>Your thirst is at 10</t>",12];};

if (thirst<=0 && alive player && animationstate player!="ainjppnemstpsnonwrfldnon" && animationstate player!="ainjppnemstpsnonwnondnon_rolltofront" && animationstate player!="ainjppnemstpsnonwnondnon_rolltoback" && animationstate player!="ainjppnemstpsnonwrfldnon_rolltofront" && animationstate player!="ainjppnemstpsnonwrfldnon_rolltoback" ) then {
thirst = 0;
while {thirst<=0 && alive player && animationstate player!="ainjppnemstpsnonwrfldnon" && animationstate player!="ainjppnemstpsnonwnondnon_rolltofront" && animationstate player!="ainjppnemstpsnonwnondnon_rolltoback" && animationstate player!="ainjppnemstpsnonwrfldnon_rolltofront" && animationstate player!="ainjppnemstpsnonwrfldnon_rolltoback" } do {
(hint parseText format["<t valign='bottom' size='1.2' color='#0F81EB'>Thirst is at 0%, Health loss because of dehydration!  Find something to drink!</t>",12]);
titleText ["Thirst is at 0%, Health loss cause of dehydration!  Find something to drink!", "PLAIN"];
player setdammage (getdammage player) + .1;
wps1 = (floor(random 2)); // generates random number from 1 to 1"
if (wps1 == 0) then {
Playsound "pain1";
if(wps1 == 1) then {
Playsound "pain2";
if(wps1 == 2) then {
Playsound "pain3";
sleep 12;
sleep 1;

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Where should I put this line? in the unit's Init field or in a script?

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You can put it in that script after thirst=100;

or in the units init field. but you'll have to change it to

this addEventHandler ["Respawn", {thirst = 100}];

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