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Few questions (Addaction, Anims and others)

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Hey guys, working an an absolutely massive mission right now, and i've experienced a few problems:

A) You have the option to save or leave/make decisions throught the mission, and these effect the whole thing. Saving certain people makes them playable, adding to the number of others able to play with you.

Problem: These units do not appear playable when using the SetPlayable Syntax mid mission.

B) When talking to "Sidiki" of "Sidiki's Supplies" (An Ammo and Weapons stash in the mission), everything plays fine locally, but not on Multiplayer! If another player talks to him, it works for them too, but again, only clientside. The script for his talking is a simple Addaction and a Playsound.

C) I need to make a location where if you fail to disarm an IED (25% chance of Success), the explosion knocks out all units. You're then kidnapped by Russian forces and taken to a camp. This is where all the animations from the "Miles Death" Scene play out. I've got most of them down pat, but the knockout, Teleport to camp, etc, are hard. If anyone can help, or has knowledge or suggestions on what to do, that would be greatly appreciated.

This is all for now, there's much more work to be done and I'll continue posting any further problems, if I'm unable to solve them (I'll avoid being a nuisance).

If you need to see the scripts, I can post them in further comments on request.


SGT M. Sasuke

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For problem A, try addSwitchableUnit and see if that works. If have not used it so I cannot confirm.

For problem B, there are locality issues. A script executed using the addAction command will only run on the client where it was executed so only the player using the action will hear the conversation. There are two possible solutions:

The first is the easiest but I am unsure it will work. Use say instead of playSound.

if that does not work, you will have to do something similar to discussed in fatty86's post in this thread:

Some problems with removing the addactions for everyone

Again, scripts executed by addAction are local, so if you monitor a public variable on the server and when it meets the condition you are looking for, it can execute the conversation script and ensure the it is heard. You should also use the say command here as well to make sure the conversation is only heard at Sidiki's location.

for problem C, if I understand correctly, you want to simulate knocking out the units and then teleport them to the kidnapping area. If you don't want the players to see what is going on, you could use cutRSC or similar commands to black out the screen so the players cannot see what is going on after the explosion and while they are teleported and then undo it when you are ready for the kidnapping scene. We did something similar in ACE1 when players died so they could not see what was going on around them when the respawn menu appeared. If that is not the effect you are looking for chime on.

Good luck!

Edited by Loyalguard

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Thanks for the huge explanation, I intend to look further into any issues not solved so far tomorrow.

CutRSC wasn't something I originally thought of, as I rarely use it, but it should work well with this particular scene.

If it isn't too much of a fuss, could you tell me the script for teleporting the players to the given location? Just the Syntax or such should suffice.


SGT M. Sasuke

1st LAR Nightmare Actual

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Look up setPos or setPosATL, that should give you what you need need. You may also need to setDir after the teleport to make sure the unit(s) face the right way.

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To run the addAction for everyone use CBA_fnc_globalExecute lets you control where the script is executed. You will probably also have to use this for the Miles Execution scene at the camp because playMove is local as well.

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Playmove is LOCAL? Oh my god, this has screwed up half of my scripts.... So what can I do to make Playmove/Switchmove Global for the whole server?

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playMove needs to be executed where the unit performing it is local, but has a global effect.

switchMove needs to be executed where the unit is local, and only has a local effect.

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Oh, so let me get this straight:

Addaction needs a GlobalExecute to work Server-Side,

Playmove is a Local script but acts globally?

And Switchmove is entirely local.

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playMove needs to be executed where the unit performing it is local, but has a global effect.

Should have explained that a bit better but that's what I meant. Typing when half asleep isn't the best.

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