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Getting a string of town & village names

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so right now I'm trying to get a list of town & village names (in string format) for use in scripts, but I have no idea how to do this. Sadly, nearestLocations only returns something like this:

Location NameCity [XXXX, YYYY];

So that isn't an option. I'd like to avoid placing markers everywhere.

An idea I have going through my head would be incorporate a switch statement into a for loop to place markers and name them appropriately but the problem with this is that I have 0 idea what number equals what town / village so this may not work either. Right now I'm simply placing numbered markers everywhere via for loop.

If anybody wants to give it a shot here's the script (I'm actually just going to post the full script, because why not):

titleCut ["RANDOM TOWN WARS","BLACK IN",15];
_villages = nearestLocations [getmarkerpos "center",["NameVillage","NameCity","NameCityCapital"], 50000];
towns = [];
for "_i" from 0 to count _villages - 1 do {
sleep 0.1;
_town = _villages select _i;
_mkrname = format ["%1",_i];
_mkr = createMarker [_mkrname,getpos _town];
towns = towns + [_mkr];

randtown = (floor(random(count towns)));
switch (randtown) do {
case 0:
 _mk = towns select randtown;
 _mk setMarkerType "DESTROY";
 _mk setmarkershape "ICON";
case 1:
 _mk = towns select randtown;
 _mk setMarkerType "DESTROY";
 _mk setmarkershape "ICON";
case 2:
 _mk = towns select randtown;
 _mk setMarkerType "DESTROY";
 _mk setmarkershape "ICON";
case 3:
 _mk = towns select randtown;
 _mk setMarkerType "DESTROY";
 _mk setmarkershape "ICON";
case 4:
 _mk = towns select randtown;
 _mk setMarkerType "DESTROY";
 _mk setmarkershape "ICON";
case 5:
 _mk = towns select randtown;
 _mk setMarkerType "DESTROY";
 _mk setmarkershape "ICON";
case 6:
 _mk = towns select randtown;
 _mk setMarkerType "DESTROY";
 _mk setmarkershape "ICON";
case 7:
 _mk = towns select randtown;
 _mk setMarkerType "DESTROY";
 _mk setmarkershape "ICON";
case 8:
 _mk = towns select randtown;
 _mk setMarkerType "DESTROY";
 _mk setmarkershape "ICON";
case 9:
 _mk = towns select randtown;
 _mk setMarkerType "DESTROY";
 _mk setmarkershape "ICON";
case 10:
 _mk = towns select randtown;
 _mk setMarkerType "DESTROY";
 _mk setmarkershape "ICON";
 case 11:
 _mk = towns select randtown;
 _mk setMarkerType "DESTROY";
 _mk setmarkershape "ICON";
 case 12:
 _mk = towns select randtown;
 _mk setMarkerType "DESTROY";
 _mk setmarkershape "ICON";
 case 13:
 _mk = towns select randtown;
 _mk setMarkerType "DESTROY";
 _mk setmarkershape "ICON";
 case 14:
 _mk = towns select randtown;
 _mk setMarkerType "DESTROY";
 _mk setmarkershape "ICON";
 case 15:
 _mk = towns select randtown;
 _mk setMarkerType "DESTROY";
 _mk setmarkershape "ICON";
 case 16:
 _mk = towns select randtown;
 _mk setMarkerType "DESTROY";
 _mk setmarkershape "ICON";
 case 17:
 _mk = towns select randtown;
 _mk setMarkerType "DESTROY";
 _mk setmarkershape "ICON";
 case 18:
 _mk = towns select randtown;
 _mk setMarkerType "DESTROY";
 _mk setmarkershape "ICON";
 case 19:
 _mk = towns select randtown;
 _mk setMarkerType "DESTROY";
 _mk setmarkershape "ICON";
 case 20:
 _mk = towns select randtown;
 _mk setMarkerType "DESTROY";
 _mk setmarkershape "ICON";
 case 21:
 _mk = towns select randtown;
 _mk setMarkerType "DESTROY";
 _mk setmarkershape "ICON";
 case 22:
 _mk = towns select randtown;
 _mk setMarkerType "DESTROY";
 _mk setmarkershape "ICON";
 case 23:
 _mk = towns select randtown;
 _mk setMarkerType "DESTROY";
 _mk setmarkershape "ICON";
 case 24:
 _mk = towns select randtown;
 _mk setMarkerType "DESTROY";
 _mk setmarkershape "ICON";
 case 25:
 _mk = towns select randtown;
 _mk setMarkerType "DESTROY";
 _mk setmarkershape "ICON";
 case 26:
 _mk = towns select randtown;
 _mk setMarkerType "DESTROY";
 _mk setmarkershape "ICON";
 case 27:
 _mk = towns select randtown;
 _mk setMarkerType "DESTROY";
 _mk setmarkershape "ICON";
 case 28:
 _mk = towns select randtown;
 _mk setMarkerType "DESTROY";
 _mk setmarkershape "ICON";
 case 29:
 _mk = towns select randtown;
 _mk setMarkerType "DESTROY";
 _mk setmarkershape "ICON";
ah1z2 engineon true;
_pos = towns select randtown;
_modpos2 = [(getmarkerpos _pos select 0) - 150, (getmarkerpos _pos select 1) - 150, 0];
_modpos = [(getmarkerpos _pos select 0) + 80, (getmarkerpos _pos select 1) + 80, 0];
_modpos3 = [(getmarkerpos _pos select 0) + 350, (getmarkerpos _pos select 1) + 350, 0];
_opgrp1 = [_modpos2, EAST, 10] call bis_fnc_spawngroup;
sleep 0.5;
_opgrp2 = [_modpos2, EAST, 10] call bis_fnc_spawngroup;
sleep 0.5;
_blugrp1 = [_modpos, WEST, 15] call bis_fnc_spawngroup;
sleep 0.5;
_blugrp2 = [_modpos, WEST, 15] call bis_fnc_spawngroup;
sleep 0.5;
_opvehgrp1 = [_modpos3, EAST, 

_bluleader1 = leader _blugrp1;
_bluleader2 = leader _blugrp2;
_opleader1 = leader _opgrp1;
_opleader2 = leader _opgrp2;

_opgrp1 setBehaviour "COMBAT";
_x domove (getpos _bluleader1);
} foreach units _opgrp1;
_opgrp2 setBehaviour "COMBAT";
_x domove (getpos _bluleader2);
} foreach units _opgrp2;
_blugrp1 setBehaviour "COMBAT";
_x domove (getpos _opleader1);
} foreach units _blugrp1;
_blugrp2 setBehaviour "COMBAT";
_x doMove (getpos _opleader2);
} foreach units _blugrp2;

// hint format ["Get to %1, enemies have been seen there.",str(_pos)];

You'll notice the commented out hint. This returns what I posted above.

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Doesn't seem to work in conjunction with nearestLocations or a marker position. That's really the only thing I can base that off off unless I'm blind.

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Hoz has a find closest town function, in which the name is output also. I use a modified version. Maybe this could be of use?

Otherwise, here's some food for thought from the function:

_cfgTowns=(configFile >> "cfgWorlds" >> WorldName >> "Names");
for "_i" from 0 to ((Count _cfgTowns)-1) do
  _cfgPath = _cfgTowns Select _i;
  _typecity =  getText (_cfgPath >> "type");
  if ((_typecity == "NAMECITY") || (_typecity == "NAMEVILLAGE") || (_typecity == "NAMECITYCAPITAL") || (_typecity == "NAMELOCAL")) then 
     _towns Set [_i,[getText (_cfgPath >> "name"),getArray (_cfgPath >> "position"), _typecity]];			

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Doesn't seem to work in conjunction with nearestLocations or a marker position. That's really the only thing I can base that off off unless I'm blind.

Perhpas I do not understood right, what is yours goal, but such code in player's init field:

nul = [] spawn {_Villages = nearestLocations [position player, ["NameVillage"], 5000]; {diag_log (text _x)} foreach _villages};

will return in RPT output like this:

"Novy Sobor"

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I tested it like this:

_towns = [getmarkerpos _pos,["NameCity","NameVillage","NameCityCapital"],1];
_obj = text _towns select 0;

The thing is it's an array still since _towns select 0 simply returns Location NameCity [XXXX, YYYY] for me.

So I used str, but it didn't help one single bit, still returning the above.

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And if we will add ()?

_towns = [getmarkerpos _pos,["NameCity","NameVillage","NameCityCapital"],1];
_obj = text [color="#FF0000"]([/color]_towns select 0[color="#FF0000"])[/color];

That code in init field:

nul = [] spawn {_villages = nearestLocations [position player, ["NameVillage"], 5000]; diag_log (text (_villages select 0))};

gives me "Novy Sobor". Without braces - only error log.

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Thanks, putting parenthesis did the trick. DAMN YOU PARENTHESIS :(

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