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Question about Global Bans/Stolen CD Key

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Hallo there,

first of all, I didn´t open this Thread to complain about being banned, because I am not banned.

I just want to ask a question.

And since pretty much all threads regarding Global Bans are closed -probably because of whiny hackers-

I made a new Thread I hope you forgive me.

So, in the Closed Sticky Thread: "Globally banned by BattlEye? See this" by W0lle

He is saying that, if someone installs a tool, lets say a hacking tool, or maybe just an FPS booster as he said

and its a fake tool that steals your key, it is your own fault and shouldn´t be

running your computer in admin mode if you suck like that.

Ok, so I think that statement is very narrow-minded.

Let´s say I got my key stolen by using the FPS booster.

I bought the game at bistore.com, so why couldn´t Bohemia

check my Profile, see that I bought the game, ban the key I originally got

and send me a new one?

I mean it does not cost Bohemia any money, other than running the support in first place.

Then my key would be useless for the guy who stole it = people like him could stop making fake programs to steal keys -because its useless.

Oh and in case I got my key stolen by using the hacking tool, if it actually hacked anything (even though its just a CD key stealer)

I should be banned by Battle Eye, as a hacker = whiny hacker not getting a new key.

If I hacked anything and did not get banned, you should improve Battle Eye.

And by being polite like that and giving me a new key, Bohemia is a Good Guy instead of an ass, who lets me stand in the rain.

This way, everyone but the hackers/stealers

-they can go to hell-

is happy.

So, if Bohemia cares about their customers, they should exactly act like that.

Maybe they actually already do this and give you a new key (of course banning the old one, as I said) because they are a customer friendly and awesome company!

If they do, I would wonder why a Moderator is writing stuff like that in the forum, though.

IF Bohemia however, does not give any f***s about people that got their key stolen, they are of course free to be a shitty company that nobody likes.

I hope you understand what I mean and maybe -if the situation is like W0lle describes- think about it.

I wrote this to help improving the customer experience.

So I am a nice guy, right? I hope you are too!

Okay, thank you for reading and good bye (aka kthxbye lol)


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TL;DR for everybody else, I want to give my key away and BI should give me a new one and ban the old one or else:

IF Bohemia however, does not give any f***s about people that got their key stolen, they are of course free to be a shitty company that nobody likes.

Good luck with that.

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TL;DR for everybody else, I want to give my key away and BI should give me a new one and ban the old one or else

1st: TL;DR <-- idk what that means.

2nd: So people could troll Bohemia like "Hey my key got stolen, send me a new one. Hey my key got stolen, send me a new one."

Why? Instead they could just send an E-Mail to Bohemia containing the words "F**k You" 10 times every day.

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As said already in the thread you found: You are responsible for your keys, not Bohemia Interactive or anyone else. You purchased exactly one key/license, not unlimited ones.

f your key gets stolen because you run every software you run into on the internet, and thus your key gets banned it's entirely your fault and if you need a new key you purchase another one. If a new key costs BI nothing is irrelevant here.

Thread closed and scheduled for removal as said in the sticky thread.

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