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New Admin Need help and suggestions for tools to make a fun server(Wasteland Mission)

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Hi, I'm a new admin and i need help to find the right tools for my Arma 2 OA Wasteland server i'm Renting a server from Vilayer.com and need to know how i can edit what's spawning and the amount of vehicles spawning also i want a tool for creating in-game Events! like spawning a Apache or something for the teams to fight over!

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First, for configuration of pre-defined mission parameters you should check the "Parameters" option just before launching a new mission on your server. For the more in-depth customisation you'll need to open (DePBO) the mission .PBO file and edit the scripts. Check out the Editing & Scripting section and Wiki.

As for tools to help with administration, I recommend that you read the following links.

- BattlEye Extended Controls

- Server-Side Event Logging

- Server Security

- Server Documentation

If you wish to spawn and modify the mission on the fly (as server admin), I recommend using the MCC Sandbox.

I hope this helps! Enjoy your server. :)

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