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Need: ArmA players willing to help me make my newest video.

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Hey all!

Jetliner here. Recently, I've created and posted two Machinimas on here, and gotten great feedback from them. If you have yet to see them, or need proof that this will be worth your time, check them out here:

Now, it seems the only person I had helping me before is just flat out not helping anymore. Unfortunately, for the newest video, it requires some pretty advanced stuff, stuff AI cant do. So I call on you. Who would like to help with my current, and most likely future ArmA Machinimas!?

You? GREAT! Please get in contact with me via Skype: "JetsMachinimas" (Made specifically for this reason)

Add that user, and we will be in touch!

Thanks all for your help, and I look forward to getting some awesome players! :D

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