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How do I prevent mutiple instances of 1 script from running?

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It's hard to explain an example of this. I have a punish script that when you kill a friendly unit or civilian it executes a script that punishes the player, and lets say that I just accidentally killed 3 teammates. I want to then execute a script that actually punishes the player and does a bunch of stuff, but I do not want the script to run multiple times, in this case 3 times for each of the 3 teammates that were killed. I tried adding a counter that first counts the kills, then pauses for a second and then executes a script based on the counted kills being >0. And then after the punish script finishes it sets the kill count back to 0 again. But so far I can't even get this to work. So I figured that I need to try a different method, but I first wanted to find out what other methods might be possible.

So is it possible, once a script starts running, to prevent the same script from running again until the original script has finished? Basically prevent 1 script from running multiple times.

So if I kill 3 teammates, it then executes only 1 punish script.

My punish script is working great, but there are times when I kill more than one teammate with something like an explosion where the punish script then runs multiple times and just seems freaky.

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Start your script function with something like:

if (player getVariable ["TAG_isPunished", false]) exitWith{};
player setVariable ["TAG_isPunished", true];

Hope that helps.

Edit: Of course, whenever your punishment is finished,

player setVariable ["TAG_isPunished", false];

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I will try that now.

I did manage to get it to work by adding this to my init.sqf:

s1_KillCount = 0;
s1_Killer = false;
publicVariable "s1_killer";

Later when a teammate or civilian is killed, it set it to be:

s1_Killer = true;
publicVariable "s1_killer";

Then I added a repeating trigger in the mission with the condition:


and in the On Act:

s1_KillCount = s1_KillCount +1;

Then I added another repeating trigger with the condition:

s1KillCount == 1

and in the "On Act":

null = [s1] execVM "jail\punish.sqf";

Now if I blow up three enemy with a grenade, it only runs the punish script 1 time, and at the end of the punish script, just as it releases the player from jail, it sets it back to:

"s1_KillCount = 0;"
s1_Killer = false;
publicVariable "s1_killer";

Edited by A-SUICIDAL

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