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Shaggy | Arma 2: Combined Operations & DayZ | Video Copyright Permission

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So, My friend (BlackMist) and I wanted to start out a youtube channel as we are Aspiring to become known. Instead of going against copyrights I wanted to start out clean and get permission to play Arma 2: Combined Operations to make videos of DayZ. This way I could entertain viewers by just playing the game instead of having to make the game super educational and withhold the Fair Use act. I could not find a place to directly contact Bohemia Interactive and ask for the bypass. As getting permission would help me even further myself by being able to get permission from several other companies to use their games without boring my viewers with educational nonsense, although I would be teaching them how to play I wouldn't like to spend my whole video that way due to the fact that I myself would get bored of talking about what to do, or run out of things to say. This is where it helps Bohemia Interactive because if I were to not bore myself then I would play more of the game, making more videos, getting more viewers, furthering people to want to buy Arma 2: Combined Operations for the campaign or mods. Either way Bohemia Interactive is still able to earn income from their game. If you are to accept me it would be amazing to email me and if I have posted this in the wrong place please send me an e-mail saying where to send this. Thank you for your time. :)

~Shaggy, MaskedDuoGaming

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