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Oculus Rift VR headset

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you need to close one eye.

You do NOT have to close one eye to shoot with peep sight, open sight or red dot sights, or even magnifying optics IRL. At least not if you aim with your dominant eye. Both eyes are kept open to prevent unneccessary fatigue to your dominant eye, allowing you to stay accurate longer. It may take a little time to learn depending on person.

Ever wonder why competitive shooters often wear eye-patches? To make aiming through magnifying optics easier with both eyes open.

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You do NOT have to close one eye to shoot with peep sight, open sight or red dot sights, or even magnifying optics IRL. At least not if you aim with your dominant eye. Both eyes are kept open to prevent unneccessary fatigue to your dominant eye, allowing you to stay accurate longer. It may take a little time to learn depending on person.

Ever wonder why competitive shooters often wear eye-patches? To make aiming through magnifying optics easier with both eyes open.

Well OK, you CAN keep both eyes open if you wish, I would say normal use is to close one eye.

But regardless, one eye (normally your right) has to be lined up correctly yes? The weapon should not be aligned with your nose.

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It's normal for civilians, but I'd be surprised if it wasn't taught in military training all over the world not to do it.

And in the game context, the sights should be aligned with the right hand view port as they are in 2D obviously, not between them. Optimally the game should feature left handed animations for people with dominant left eye but that's asking a bit much.

Edited by Pulverizer

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You've snipped my post so the context is not obvious, and I believe you've possibly misunderstood something... when you bring a weapon up to ironsight IRL you close one eye to see down the ironsight. It's not a "solution" but simply what you do. Likewise in ArmA in 3D you need to do this also. You cannot have a weapon up in ironsights in 3D and expect to have a useful weapon, you need to close one eye.

Hmm, in my experience , going tactical with hand guns, particularly a CQB situation, you'd never close an eye. your too busy watching targets and focusing on the situation. The double image of your sights is just something you train to deal with. It's a relatively simple technique but for some impossible to master.

But you are right though, it needs to adjustable. Centering on the nose would be really off putting.

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Please, please Bohemia Interactive ,

YOU HAVE ENOUGH FINANCIAL RESOURCES(Combined Operations is always in Top10-Steam)


PLEASE add full compatibility for Occulus Rift

Edited by Jake_Krieger

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And in the game context, the sights should be aligned with the right hand view port as they are in 2D obviously, not between them. Optimally the game should feature left handed animations for people with dominant left eye but that's asking a bit much.

Exactly. My experience of other 3D drivers has always the eyes both moved equidistantly from center, only one single driver had the option to move each eye separately. IO this is an essential feature.

---------- Post added at 12:03 ---------- Previous post was at 12:00 ----------

Hmm, in my experience , going tactical with hand guns, particularly a CQB situation, you'd never close an eye. your too busy watching targets and focusing on the situation. The double image of your sights is just something you train to deal with. It's a relatively simple technique but for some impossible to master.

But you are right though, it needs to adjustable. Centering on the nose would be really off putting.

I might have thught that mentioning closing an eye would be the thing people home in on ;) but that was just an obvious example for the idea I was trying to push. In CQB situations, you will have both eyes yes. You might close one eye in any specific situation where you suddenly need to concentrate on the ironsight - but that's entirely by-the-by. Even in a both-eyes-open ironsight situation, I think we can ALL agree that the ironsight needs to line up with one of your eyes.

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i don't care... But wait i do care. When devs will decide to work on this, it will delay arma 3 release even further. I'm not planing to get stuff like this, do i need it? Absolutely not!

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i don't care... But wait i do care. When devs will decide to work on this, it will delay arma 3 release even further. I'm not planing to get stuff like this, do i need it? Absolutely not!

Oh listen, nobody else really gives a fuck about what YOU want/afford to buy. Don't want it, don't buy it and move along.

Delaying ArmA3 is the least of concerns

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From oculusvr

Integrating the Oculus Rift also requires gameplay changes. Without proper game design changes like Oculus head-tracking, the virtual reality experience will not be compelling.
- doubt that BIS is going to risk their A3 game developments and profits for an device that is not available yet (for all "at a price that everyone can afford").
The Oculus SDK will be available as soon as the developer kits ship (estimated April, 2013).
- guess no one does think that BIS will be able to understand and integrate all the Oculus Rift VR things properly within few days/weeks. It could be interesting to see for how long how many people will like to use such a eye/divers mask.

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From oculusvr - doubt that BIS is going to risk their A3 game developments and profits for an device that is not available yet (for all "at a price that everyone can afford"). - guess no one does think that BIS will be able to understand and integrate all the Oculus Rift VR things properly within few days/weeks. It could be interesting to see for how long how many people will like to use such a eye/divers mask.

With all the experience they have with TIR, I doubt that would be a huge prorblem on the head-tracking part, real problem is the video part through, but that is more about creating proper eye relief, proper display desertion for the google to work, as well as how to make sure that FPS won't sucks.

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Oh listen, nobody else really gives a fuck about what YOU want/afford to buy. Don't want it, don't buy it and move along.

Delaying ArmA3 is the least of concerns

u mad, bro?

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Screw Oculus Rift support from the get-go. I'd rather see it being added after the game is released.

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Screw Oculus Rift support from the get-go. I'd rather see it being added after the game is released.

exactly, there's nothing preventing BIS from adding support for it after release with patching.

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Alright lads

we stop the personal attacks and trolling here and now. If any of you has nothing constructive to add to the thread, then leave it instead spamming the thread with nonsense like "logged in just to report you" or "u mad bro".

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Logged in just to report you...

Then take your conversation to PM and stop spamming the topic, please.

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Lol. I love a lively forum :)

Not sure if u guys have heard about Leap Motion? Its like Kinect, but 100 times more accurate... Check out the video in my next post

I think this device, when combined with the oculus rift, will revolutionise our idea of interfaces. Think about what the iPad did with its touch interface, remove the touch but replace it with the ability to see objects in front of you which can be manipulated. There are already developers working with oculus and leap tech to create virtual input devices like keyboards... But. Think what you could do in Arma 3 with oculus and rift combined... You are sat in a car with a wheel and gear shift in front of you. But now you can reach out and grab the controls and drive and as the movements are via a steering wheel it automatically benefits from analogue input. Forget keyboards and mice. In the video leap also demonstrated first person shooter controls.

If these technologies combine successfully then we won't need to take the mask off to do what we want... The only thing lacking at this stage is the tactility we get from real input devices

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Leap Motion does look quite impressive, especially for a $70 device. But I don't really see the advantage in an Arma3 like game. Is there really anyone who wishes to get rid of keyboard+mouse controls? There's nothing wrong with them, unless you compare them to a super expensive virtual reality projector setup where you aim with an actual rifle in your hands or something crazy like that.

Besides, 8 cubic feet is not enough to sense your legs. How do you suggest you move forward, make the walk with your index and middle finger on the mouse pad? :P

Edited by Pulverizer

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It's normal for civilians, but I'd be surprised if it wasn't taught in military training all over the world not to do it.


No, it is not. We use the G36 and it uses a build in scope with 3x magification. Standard procedure to use the scope is to close the left eye, if you cant for soem reason youre tols to use a eyepatch. having 3x zomm one one eye and normal view on the other is higfhlöy disorienting. You can use both eyes onyl with holographic sights that have no magnification. Humans in RL are limited and videogames tell us wrong things a lot in this context. Enlisting to an army does not give you special magic perception powers and does not make you a camelion. Edited by Beagle

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Yeah I suppose with magnifying optics it's only really useful for competetive shooting. That's why I only mentioned them as a side note, to be within the realm of possible. In finnish military service it is taught to keep both eyes open and we have a diopter type peep sight on the assault rifle. I can only imagine it being easier with open and holographic sights.

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Leap Motion does look quite impressive, especially for a $70 device. But I don't really see the advantage in an Arma3 like game. Is there really anyone who wishes to get rid of keyboard+mouse controls? There's nothing wrong with them, unless you compare them to a super expensive virtual reality projector setup where you aim with an actual rifle in your hands or something crazy like that.

Besides, 8 cubic feet is not enough to sense your legs. How do you suggest you move forward, make the walk with your index and middle finger on the mouse pad? :P

I see where you're coming from ;)

I would suggest that because oculus and leap are still in their prerelease stages that we will have to wait to see what implementations will prove to be successful. Laterally thinking I can see use cases for leap operating controls in vehicles or otherwise. Maybe even a 3 dimensional gesture standard will be developed by oculus, who knows. However, in terms of coordinating movement through the world, another handheld device would be needed - One that would free you from being locked in front of a desk keyboard and mouse. One that allows you the head and body movement that would add to the immersion of being there in a military simulation. Imagine blind firing at someone from behind cover by literally moving your arm and hands to do it. Maybe something like the razor hyrda, even thou it has its limitations, could be used for movement and to represent the gun... I have a feeling that we will start to see marketing and promotion of new movement related gadgets leading up to the release of dev-kit oculus, in march. I don't think we'll see many releases, however until oculus outs the consumer version

I think Arma3 is the perfect platform to be championing this sort of immersion related gadgetry, if anything, because the devs spend so much time making things more realistic for us

Here's a link for anyone who's not seen leap yet:

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About touchscreens:

Yeah, they are super easy to use, very accessible and whatnot, but they are also crap when it comes to gaming complexity.

Just look at the games that you can buy in the Appstores. 75% of them can be controled with a single finger by tapping on the screen or by draging something. That gives us a truckload of temple run style games, angry birds, and some other things that can be controlled by one fingertap. I had more complex games on my old stone age nokia then on my samsung smartphone. Go and try to play some old gameboy games through a emulator and see how "effective" touch controls are. More simple controls are not always a good thing. Usually they lead to games with less features (console controllers and lean in the FPS genre.)

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I'm just shocked by amount of spam and not meaningful messages in this thread and forum

I had to convince myself that "writing a message here still makes sense".. any way

brief result: If some of players Really want play arma 3 in Oculus Rift -

he easily do this in the middle of 2013 with good pc (not super expensive - just good)

and please sorry for my harsh - just try understand (btw i love arma community)


- - - Oculus Rift required -

"3d stereo" + (necessarily) "VSync" + and 30-60fps after all

(otherwise lose the effect of solid image between the left and right eye)

if you will can setting ArmA3 for solid 120+fps - Boom! then your computer easily pull Oculus Rift

- - - some guy in internets already make driver -

for switch on Oculus Rift in any DirectX soft (yeah.. all good old games)

and do not ask me "who" "where" "how" - just use google or drop it (this is not necessary to know for now)

- - - shall be (standart for stereo 3d) issue with "UI" "HUD" interface -

because by default it does not have the depth and would be too close to the eyes

(I think it's pretty easy to fix by small mod)

- - - and shall be very not standart probleme -

in Oculus Rift people have very strong sense of size proportion game world..

This means that all objects with unnatural not realistic proportions will looks stupid (but this is not fatal)

- - - people who still can not deal with keyboard -

shortcuts key in ArmA 2

just do not try hard enough to do it - or do not try at all

ArmA 2 has excellent capabilities for shortcuts

(like double tap button.. try find something like this in other soft - not just games)

I have ALL important functions under left hand - and left hand doesn't move at all on the right side of keyboard

and I do not throw sight at keyboard during the game - it is simply not required

someone mentioned bots command..

all stuff for this can be in "scroll menu" \ "map" \ and some support "ui" WITHOUT KEYBOARD KEYS

- - - and finaly - there is another problem - for an enjoyable game in Oculus Rift -

require completely new type of in-game interface

interface can use old pictures but it will require orientation in 3d space - like "


(i think something like pie-menu in Crysis will be nice for basic functions)

- - - (bonus) Sony VR Headset just useless -

trash with "Screen-door effect" - you feel like see on small monitor in black box

and Oculus Rift is Really good (on dev-kit 720p it have small screen-door effect BUT Warp function with lens is AWESOME)

ps. Currently discussing Oculus Rift pointless - but in the future it will not be a big problem

just calm down guys and wait until mid-2013 - after this all will be obvious and at hand

Don't sell the skin till you have caught the bear

Edited by ScorpyX

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the Armaholic website is still online to prove you're very smart.

Points of the discussion: Oculus and Visor make you blind, i will not use it.

First of all, the level of immersion you will obtain, is like going to war. Yeah i was a military and ofc it's not like the real thing, but have you ever tried a visor? You are in the game. You are in the matrix.

the problem

To solve the tedious problem, about the obscuring of the eyefield by the visor, that doesn't let you watch the keyboard, surrounding, as i wrote in AMVI forums(most important italian aircraft simulation they often go mount simming device to the real aeronautics), SIM HQ forums, i have the solution.

Two are the current solution for obtaing said see-thro, that often is necessary, so instead of toggleing yoor visor for activities like like sipping your coffè,the need to pickup the phone, and last but not least watch the keyboard and the keys, and sorrounding.

The actual solutions

1. Not mine, you make the visor trasparent like 30%, so you actually see the game and your sorround. But it's a boner killer imho.

2. My solution: you mount a webcam/small cam on the center of the visor looking to external world. With the press of a "designated key easy to reach like eject key panic room key" you press it and you activate the webcam/cam on the oculus and start trasmitting inside the oculus monitor. Actually you will see the real world thro the eye of the webcam without leaving the oculus.

Practical uses. 1. Press the key-tap once=activate cam =tap again =deactivate. 2. Continue pressure=activate cam briefly, release=deactivate. 3. Press: activate for X amount of time, 5 sec, 3 sec, 2 sec, 10 sec. Press again=deactivate instantly.

So you need to really sip that huge ultracaffeinated extra long coffè you drink to aim better and keep concetrante. But you have the visor. So you would ask where is my cup of coffè? Press the panic/eject button with 1 of the fucntion above et voilà-->you see your sorrounding thro the cam, you sip your coffè like a boss, and go back in to the game, with the oculus still mounted on the head.

2. Your mum say it's ready to eat. You press the button watch your mum thro this terminator like cam, and smile and say " i will come in 5'". And so go on.

so what we should concentrate, and I know there are really smart people between us, despite theyr study level, to mod the oculus this way.

Technical solution WIP

Webcam mountedn on oculus with felcro. Webcam output into pc. Give primary task priority to webcam sofware. You press the button give priority to webcam sofware, you call the webcam it takes priority on Arma 3 software and you see the overlay. Some software magic could even apply a trasparence to the overlay like 60% so you don't lose the situational awareness.

my 2 cents.

I give them to you for my horrific english.

Edited by Kinexz

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