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Derp Squad: Arma 2 ACE/ACRE PvP Group

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We're a just a group of dudes who like to kill each other! If you're tired of DayZ or shooting endless amounts of AI then you've come to the right place. We're not a clan, we're just a community who likes to play a bit of ArmA on weeknights and weekends.

No Ranks / No Promotions / No Tears

We play with the ACE / ACRE mods as well several others. All of our missions focus on a PvP / TvT aspect. You'll be locked into first person and you'll only have a single life. Even though we are pretty casual, we still like to play tactically, we just don't use 'yes-sirs' and 'no-sirs'. If you feel like that's your kind of thing then be sure to check out the website to find out how to join!

We typically play Arma every Wednesday and Saturday at 8pm cst (gmt -6).

Check out our website www.derp-squad.com for more information! Thanks for checking us out!

Derp Squad #1 Insurgency ACE/ACRE


Derp Squad #2 Training ACE/ACRE


Derp Squad #3 I44 ACRE


Teamspeak 3


Website: www.derp-squad.com

Steam Group: Derp Squad

Steam: CaseMonster

Edited by CaseMonster

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Good news everyone! Since our inception in late December our active member count has risen to well over 100 players. Our sessions now consistently hit 50+ players! If you run an ACE/ACRE community, get in touch, we would love to play some TvT with/against you. Just remember, we play for fun, not for score!

A few notable changes to Derp Squad are:

We've upgraded our servers to now support just about anything that gets thrown at us!

We've adapted the F2 Mission Framework to our needs to help build high quality and consistent missions!

We now have an in-depth guide on setting up Teamspeak 3 and Play withSix! Link

We utilize a squad.xml to show off our sexy logo!

We also have more consistent video makers than ever:



Jeff Salad



Edited by CaseMonster
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Over the last several months we have implemented a custom repo, hosting our own version of ACE, complete with our own tweaks and features.

Recently Created Mods:

ds_peaceandquiet (lowers ambient volume of Namalsk) (bi forums link)

ds_disablemissions (disables default A2/A2OA/ACE/ACEX missions)

Our install guide:


Cinematic video from one of our users:

Edited by CaseMonster

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