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Broken Filters

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Ever since installing the beta, a long time ago, back when Day Z was I have not been able to use filters in normal OA. If I have Day Z loaded filters work fine, but if I have normal arma + beta and put anything in the filters absolutely nothing will come up. I have searched and seen that not a single person has the problem, its extremely irritating. Thanks to Day Z commander, it also overwrote the normal OA exe, which I no longer have so I can't go back without redownloading arma.

Just wondering if anyone has heard of this and can help? I am using the latest beta.

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I have the same problem. If I change ping in filters to something else than 0 then I have empty server list. So, try to keep ping as 0 in filters.

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Yeah but trying to find specific servers, or hosted games by friends is next to impossible.

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I nearly always have no servers showing until I hit refresh twice. Hitting it only once nearly always shows no servers for me using latest betas.

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[96798] Changed: When there any too many servers (>500) available matching the current filter, server browser shows close servers only.

[95307] Changed: Default matchmaking filter now shows only servers with ping < 100.


Filters are not broken. Its a feature not a bug. If you wish to find a custom server, you need to simply type part of the servers name youre looking for in the name field.

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After using this system for a while, I don't like it. There are USA servers that it hides from me pretty much every time I play. My ping to this server does be about 150-200, but the game runs fine and I get no lag or warping and no complaints from the hosts. Trying to get the server to show up became so bad that I had to go on to the web and to one of those Game Tracker sites so I could find the IP of the sever and enter it into the "Remote" section of the Arma lobby.

I would like to go back to choosing what servers I can play on myself. As Arma is not capable.

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I'm suffering from the same issue too. Despite of the filters, ping setting etc. I can see only some servers, usually none. For example filtering "wasteland" with max 200 ms ping usually results in 0-10 results, but I know that there are tens of servers matching the search criteria. I'd estimate that in general I can see about 10-20 % of the servers that match the filter criteria. I've used arma2.swec to search for servers and used the "Remote" function to join the wanted server. I do have a horrible connection (lagging and unsteady 0,4 / 0,1 Mb/s) connection, so maybe it could be caused just by the massively increased number of servers and therefore my connections incapability to download the server list.

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Maybe soon we can choose country and continent because with last beta I find this in my ArmAOAProfile :confused:




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I'm having issues with this "feature" as well... It was just fine before.

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I'm having a different issue with the browser. Sometimes I'm not able to see full servers, even though I don't have the Hide Full servers filter checked.

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I am trying to help people test scripts on dedicated servers and the filter makes it very difficult to find or join them. You have to press refresh and then you get 1 second to click on the server name before the game auto hides it again.

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same issue here, i search specificly for a certain name of a server and only after 5-7 refreshes it shows up. If i didnt know any better i would suspect after 3-4 times that the server was down. this is not an acceptable "feature" for a game being updated in the year 2013.

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