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Say3d heard all over the map

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Hi, I'm having an issue with getting say3d to work the way I want, basically I want it so if I press a button on the keyboard it will say a sound in the area of the person pressing the button, however it is saying the sound over the entire map.

Here is my init.sqf for say3d:

if (isNil "PVEH_netSay3D") then {
   PVEH_NetSay3D = [objNull,0];

"PVEH_netSay3D" addPublicVariableEventHandler {
     _array = _this select 1;
    (_array select 0) say3D (_array select 1);


private ["_obj","_snd"];

_obj = _this select 0;    //object
_snd = _this select 1;    //sound

// broadcast PV
PVEH_netSay3D = [_obj,_snd];
publicVariable "PVEH_netSay3D";

// run on current machine also if not dedi server
if (not isDedicated) then {_obj say3D _snd};


and the keybind part:

	case 79:
    nul = [player,"sound1"] call fn_netSay3D;

Any help would be appreciated,


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Have you tried changing the volume value in your description.ext for your sounds?

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Have you tried changing the volume value in your description.ext for your sounds?

I have my sounds in a file called sounds.hpp.

here is the file:

class sound1
name     = "sound1";    
sound[]  = {"\music\sound1.ogg", 1, 1};
titles[] = {};

What would you recommend me changing the volume to?

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Play around with it. Someone told me that you're actually changing the sound curve loss of volume, not the direct volume (A higher value will be audiable a longer distance).

I've had this value before for these types of things, but it really depends on the original volume of the sound.

class sound1
name     = "sound1";    
sound[]  = {"\music\sound1.ogg", db-25, 1};
titles[] = {};

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Play around with it. Someone told me that you're actually changing the sound curve loss of volume, not the direct volume (A higher value will be audiable a longer distance).

I've had this value before for these types of things, but it really depends on the original volume of the sound.

class sound1
name     = "sound1";    
sound[]  = {"\music\sound1.ogg", db-25, 1};
titles[] = {};

Perfect, thanks very much.

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Play around with it. Someone told me that you're actually changing the sound curve loss of volume, not the direct volume (A higher value will be audiable a longer distance).

I've had this value before for these types of things, but it really depends on the original volume of the sound.

class sound1
name     = "sound1";    
sound[]  = {"\music\sound1.ogg", db-25, 1};
titles[] = {};

Found a problem with this, once a player gets into the radius with another player that has previously said a sound out of the radius, the player will hear everything he has previously said.

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Yes that is an engine bug and has been resolved in one of the beta patches.

[95783] Fixed: Some sounds (esp. say) queued if played out of hearing range.

I guess you could try an ugly approach until it has been fixed, maybe

"PVEH_netSay3D" addPublicVariableEventHandler {
     _array = _this select 1;
     if ((player distance (_array select 0)) < 50) then {
          (_array select 0) say3D (_array select 1);

Edited by cuel

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class sound1
name     = "sound1";    
sound[]  = {"\music\sound1.ogg", 1, 1, 500};
titles[] = {};


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The "500" is used as the radius of the sound.

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Doesn't seem to be in the wiki

You're not talking about the maxTitlesDistance that's available for the say command?

Edit: Which I've never seen working as intended.

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I am working on a suicide bomber script for a special event on our wasteland server.

Basicly what it should do is on keypress, play a soundfile in Directchannel (or at location of player) that can be heard let´s say up to 100 meters of the player that issues it, then a animation and a bomb is spawned at the player.

But I can only get the say3D command to work while broadcasting on the whole server.


//> key

case 86:


if(((getPlayerUID player) in serverAdministrators)) then


[nil,nil,rEXECVM,"client\systems\playerMenu\akbar.sqf",[player,allunits]] call RE;

execVM "client\systems\playerMenu\suicidebomb.sqf";



player say3D "akbar1";

//player playmove "AmovPercMstpSlowWrflDnon_Salute";


class CfgSounds


sounds[] = {alahuakbar};

class akbar1


name = "akbar1"; // Name for mission editor

sound[] = {"sounds\alahuakbar.ogg", db-25, 1.0};

titles[] = {0, "TESTING"};




_bombpos = [ getPosasl player select 0, getPosasl player select 1, (getPosasl player select 2) +0.2];

sleep 5;

_tmp = "Bo_Mk82" createVehicle _bombpos; _tmp setPosasl _bombpos;

I tried the player Say command and several other things but can´t seem to get it to work. I also tried changing the volume in the description.ext, and in the code above the sound still broadcasts from north map edge to south map edge, that is for the whole server.

Could anyone hint me towards a solution for this?

Any help would be much appreciated!

Also: xJordanX, would you mind showing me you description.ext? Havent tried a solution like you are using, only playerSay which I cant seem to get to work.

Edited by haz3

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I can't help you, but you are not alone with sound volume issues. Often when I add sounds to an object or player it is to loud and the radius of that it is being heard is to big. I personally gave up with messing with settings (seems broken/borked) and just edit the sound itself in audacity till it sounds soft enough and a hearable in a smaller radius.

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It's been said before, but you can include a third parameter in your CfgSounds to limit the radius in which the sound will be heard. But, first, check that your sound is actually mono, not stereo.

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You can check your sounds with audacity - the option to convert from stereo to mono is under 'Tracks' -> Stereo track to mono

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