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Detecting If Player is JIP

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Hi guys,

I understand that init.sqf will be run by every player who joins the server, but I don't want this to be the case, There's only a limited part of the init script that I want to be run by players that JIP, as init also handles the spawning of some vehicles and I don't want them respawning everytime somebody joins.

So, Is there a way to find if a player is Join in Progress so I can give them the limited part of the script to run?



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Ah I see, Could you also suggest a way I might be able to find a Player's Unit on connect?

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When you say unit, are you referring to the slot or body he will spawn into or are you referring to the reference to him.

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The Body He will spawn into, It's because I set my variables to the Unit Names, and I need to be able to ensure that the Variables are reset when a new player takes up a slot.

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I don't think there is a way while the player is spawning in. You will have to wait until the player is not nul:

waitUntil { !(isNull player) };[color=#000000][font=Lucida Console]


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Using time should work.

_isJIP = if (time > 0) then { true } else { false };

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A simple null check should be enough.

if (!isDedicated) then {
 _isJip = isNull player;
 // isJip is now true or false
 waitUntil {!(isNull player)};
 // bla bla

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