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Red hammer

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Is Red Hammer any good? WHo actually made the game, code masters? If they did how did they do it?

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I liked it, I think the majority liked it, a few whined about it, can't really recall the details of their whinage though smile.gif

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If you can live with the unrealism in getting 20 kills in every single mission then it can be quite enjoyable.

Personaly prefer Resistance campaign over RH anytime though.

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It poses a nice challenge, at least for moi. I played it sporadically, and was satisfied with the features like the [then-new] Su-25. Buy it, but then you'll have a little too much to choose from if you also buy Resistance. biggrin.gif

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it was gr8 at start, but then bis released the 1.46 patch (i think it was the 1.46) which turned the ai soldiers into lazy bustards that cant seee an nme from 20 meters, and when they have noticed the nme, they usually waited for 5 sec before pulling their guns. like they guys before me said, u end up almost every mission with a nice 20 kills (but boring ones).

i hope resistance fixed that problem, or made the ai tuning more efficent.

sory for spelling mistakes :O)

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I never has a problem with that. And (even though I am a biased American pig) I liked the Russian campaign a lot better. The story isn't as good, but the missions are generally better.

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Red Hammer has a much more immersive story (since you man one character, Dmitry) and better cut-scenes than the original game.

Yes, because of your Spetznaz past you get the responsibility to kill 20+ enemies...

I would prefer either better AI enemies (and fewer) or better AI and initiative by your team-mates.

What I liked in the original was the fact you could end your mission with 20 kills and you could also end it with 1-2...

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Red Hammer also gives you a taste of resistance. Dont want to spoil anything so thats all I'll say. Good game. I think a little more difficult than OFP, Longer missions. wink.gif

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Red Hammer isn´t anything spectacular but the downloadable version is quite cheap, so I think that´s pretty good value for money.

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What's all this complaining about having to make twenty kills? I tried my very best in every mission, both Cold War Crisis and Red Hammer, to make as many kills as possible.

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