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Add your own custom sounds

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Hi, im hoping someone can help with this.

I have some custom sounds in my mission file, and i am trying to set them up so they have something like a 5% chance of activating the trigger

At present i have this:

I created a folder called sounds i put into my mission file, in there i have scream.ogg and scream2.ogg

I created a description.ext file and used

class CfgSounds
// List of sounds (.ogg files without the .ogg extension)
sounds[] = {scream,scream2};

// Definition for each sound
class scream
name = "scream"; // Name for mission editor
sound[] = {\sounds\scream.ogg, 0.4, 1.0};
titles[] = {0, ""};
class scream2
name = "scream2"; // Name for mission editor
sound[] = {\sounds\scream2.ogg, 0.4, 1.0};
titles[] = {0, ""};

Now in my mission.sqm i have

class Sensors
       class Item0
           class Effects

I just have no idea how to randomize the chance of the trigger, does anyone know how i could do this please

Kind Regards

Edited by AudioRejectz

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That's a good question. As far as I know you can't make a trigger activate randomly. Though it wouldn't surprise me if it was possible, I've just never heard of literal, random trigger activations. Here's something to try, idk if it will work. You could set a trigger to repeat, and set a condition. Lets make up a variable, say randomTrig. Also, set the activation up to play the sound. On the deactivation, put randomTrig=false ... In a seperate sqf file you could put bis_fnc_random into a loop. maybe someone else has a better solution, that's all I could come up with atm.Place a functions module on the map.



activation (play your sound)




waituntil {!isnil "bis_fnc_init"};

while {true} do


_rand = [1,2,3] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;

switch (_rand) do {

               case 1: {randomTrig=true};
               case 2: {};
               case 3: {};

sleep 10;


Edited by Iceman77

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Don't use BIS_fnc_selectRandom, ref this thread. Condition:

this && ((random 1) < 0.05)

For activation you could also choose to delay and delete remaining triggers, or make sure all are set off by combining the condition, like:

(this && ((random 1) < 0.05)) || alarmsactivated

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