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[RELEASE] fn_createWallChain.sqf | Easy way to create chain of walls

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I've decided to release my script that creates chain of walls with different settings. Originally created after help request from other member.

Script is free to be used and modified with mention of original author left intact

Function code


File: fn_createWallChain.sqf
Author: Sa-Matra

Function creates chain of objects (walls) from specific pos with supplied array of relative angles.

_walls = ["Land_fort_bagfence_long", 1.5, getPos player, [0, 90, 90]] execVM "fn_createWallChain.sqf";

_this select 0: string, Wall class name
_this select 1: float, Wall length divided by 2
_this select 2: array, PositionATL of first wall
_this select 3: array, List of angles where each angle is relative to angle of previous wall
_this select 4: array (optional), List of settings strings. Possible strings are "NO_FIRST" which will not create first wall in the chain and "FLIP_WALLS" to flip all walls the other way

Array of created objects

if(typeName(_this) != typeName([])) exitWith {
diag_log format ["Wall chain script error :: Supplied argument is %1, expected %2", typeName(_this), typeName([])];
if(!(count(_this) in [4, 5])) exitWith {
diag_log format ["Wall chain script error :: Supplied array length is %1, expected 4 or 5", count(_this)];

private ["_class", "_w", "_pos", "_angles", "_no_first", "_flip_walls"];
private ["_new_pos", "_angle", "_edge_pos", "_obj", "_objs"];

_class		= _this select 0; // Wall classname
_w		= _this select 1; // Length of the wall divided by 2
_pos		= _this select 2; // Initial wall position
_angles		= _this select 3; // Array of angles relative to previous angle

_no_first	= false;
_flip_walls	= false;
if(count(_this) == 5) then {
if(typeName(_this select 4) != typeName([])) exitWith {
	diag_log format ["Wall chain script error :: 5th argument is %1, expected %2", typeName(_this select 4), typeName([])];
_no_first	= "NO_FIRST" in (_this select 4);	// Do not create first wall
_flip_walls	= "FLIP_WALLS" in (_this select 4);	// Flip all walls

_new_pos = _pos;
_angle = nil;
_objs = [];
_is_first = true;
if(isNil{_angle}) then {
	_angle = -90 + _x;
} else {
	_is_first = false;
	_edge_pos = [(_new_pos select 0) + (_w * cos (_angle * -1)), (_new_pos select 1) + (_w * sin (_angle * -1)), _new_pos select 2];
	_angle = _angle + _x;
	_new_pos = [(_edge_pos select 0) + (_w * cos (_angle * -1)), (_edge_pos select 1) + (_w * sin (_angle * -1)), _new_pos select 2];

if(!_no_first || !_is_first) then {
	_obj = createVehicle [_class, _new_pos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
	_obj setPosATL _new_pos;
	_obj setDir (if(_flip_walls) then {180 + _angle} else {_angle});
	_obj setVectorUp (surfaceNormal getPosATL _obj);
	_objs = _objs + [_obj];
} forEach _angles;


Or here: http://pastie.org/pastes/5580626/text

How to use it:

Compile the script:

fn_createWallChain = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "fn_createWallChain.sqf";

and then call it

[... arguments ...] call fn_createWallChain;


Create earthen rampart curve



fn_createWallChain = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "fn_createWallChain.sqf";
["Land_fort_rampart", 5, [10355, 8643, 0], [0, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20]] call fn_createWallChain;

Create concrete walls box



fn_createWallChain = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "fn_createWallChain.sqf";
["Concrete_Wall_EP1", 1.2, [10355, 8643, 0], [0, 0, 0, 90, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 90, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 90, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 90, 0, 0]] call fn_createWallChain;

Randomized tank traps lines



fn_createWallChain = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "fn_createWallChain.sqf";

_angles = [];
for "_i" from 0 to 20 do {_angles = _angles + [-20 + random 40];};
["Hedgehog", 2, [10335, 8643, 0], _angles] call fn_createWallChain;

_angles = [];
for "_i" from 0 to 20 do {_angles = _angles + [-20 + random 40];};
["Hedgehog", 2, [10355, 8643, 0], _angles] call fn_createWallChain;

_angles = [];
for "_i" from 0 to 20 do {_angles = _angles + [-20 + random 40];};
["Hedgehog", 2, [10375, 8643, 0], _angles] call fn_createWallChain;

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Nice work, I had a mission idea where I'd need such a concrete wall box, helps immensely, thanks alot.

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Inspired by this and needing something similar, I adapted it to create a circle of objects centered around given position:

/*    File: fn_createWallCircle.sqf
   Author: Sa-Matra
   Original version:     fn_createWallChain.sqf
   Adapted by: ÄŒeh

   Function places objects centered around a specific position.

   _walls = ["Land_fort_bagfence_long", getPos player, 6, 8] execVM "fn_createWallRing.sqf";

   _this select 0: string, Wall class name
   _this select 1: array, PositionATL of first object
   _this select 2: float, Radius of the circle
   _this select 3: int, Number of objects
   _this select 4: boolean, flip walls
   _this select 5: int, max angle of variation on each object placement angle (useful if you don't want the circle to look too tidy)

   Array of created objects

private ["_class", "_pos", "_flip_walls", "_noise"];
private ["_new_pos", "_angle", "_obj", "_objs"];
private ["_radius", "_count", "_center", "_i", "_xpos", "_ypos"];

_class        = _this select 0; // Wall classname
_center        = _this select 1; // Center of the circle
_radius        = _this select 2; // Radius of the circle
_count        = _this select 3; // Number of objects
_flip_walls    = _this select 4; // Flip all walls the other way
_noise         = _this select 5; // Max angle of variation for each object 
_objs = [];
_new_pos = [];
_center set [2, 0];

for "_i" from 1 to _count do {
   _xpos = (_center select 0) + (_radius * cos(360 * _i / _count));
   _ypos = (_center select 1) + (_radius * sin(360 * _i / _count));
   _angle = 90 - ((360/_count) * _i);
   _new_pos set [0, _xpos];
   _new_pos set [1, _ypos];
   _new_pos set [2, 0];    

   if(_flip_walls) then { _angle = 180 + _angle; };
   if(_noise != 0) then { _angle = _angle + (random _noise) - (_noise/2); };

   _obj = createVehicle [_class, _new_pos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
   _obj setPosATL _new_pos;
   _obj setDir _angle;
   _obj setVectorUp (surfaceNormal getPosATL _obj);
   _objs = _objs + [_obj];

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