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Tank (ir) smoke

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I'm trying to make an ai tank harder to kill. The code works fine. Except the smoke appears to be ineffective against missiles. I thought the smoke was supposed to jam up any locks and/or incMissiles? Seems to work okay in WF. Does the default smoke not work?

tusk init

_smoke = this addEventHandler ["IncomingMissile", {_this execVM "smoke.sqf"}]


_this select 0 action ["useWeapon",_this select 0,_this select 0 turretUnit [0,0],5]

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well it (the Ai tank) sure does pop the smoke when i fire the jav round at it LOL

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When you pop the JAV round at it it's already too late. The smoke in tank is used to PREVENT missiles from firing at it when for example covering something and when the tank is stationary.

The smoke tanks use is not identical to a flare. It only prevents people from aiming at the tank but it does not deflect already incoming missiles.

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hmmm, I could have swore IR smoke acted kind of like flares :(

---------- Post added at 13:56 ---------- Previous post was at 13:54 ----------

I'm basically trying to reproduce what there is in BE WF 0.73. When someone shoots a missile, it auto pops smoke and basically "deflects" the missile..jams the missiles tracking up.

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I think in 073 the smoke shot by tank is not the one on it by default ! PM me i send you the whole thing (made by benny),becauinside of it to be posted here !

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Thanks! I was gonna unPbo and take a look too. I was more interested in the integrity of the default smoke. Anyhow, I sent you a PM, if you've already isolated the BE smoke script :cool:

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