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Possible to call other functions with variables involved?

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Hi guys,

Is it possible to do something like:

_truck1 = "S1203_TK_CIV_EP1" createVehicle(getMarkerPos "tSpawn1");

but where there is S1203_TK_CIV_EP1 could I replace it with a variable that would contain the vehicle, so I could have a player variable with their vehicle in instead?

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What are you trying to do? Create a specific vehicle for a given player(s)? I'm not understanding, could you elaborate further?

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Thats exactly what I want to do, so the player could have a 'vehicle' variable, and when they have purchased a vehicle, it gets stored there and I can then create that vehicle at a later date.


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hmm. I'm not the best person to help you with this. Maybe you could do it in a function

guy1Veh = {      if (player == guy1) then {_veh = "S1203_TK_CIV_EP1" createVehicleLocal (getMarkerPos "tSpawn1")}     }

call guy1veh

Something along those lines. I'm not very good at these sort of things.

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The best way to handle this is to assign the vehicle to the player, save it to him.

player setVariable["MyVehicle","S1203_TK_CIV_EP1"];

then in your script:

_veh = player getVariable "MyVehicle";

_veh createVehicleLocal (getMarkerPos "tSpawn1");

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The best way to handle this is to assign the vehicle to the player, save it to him.

player setVariable["MyVehicle","S1203_TK_CIV_EP1"];

then in your script:

_veh = player getVariable "MyVehicle";

_veh createVehicleLocal (getMarkerPos "tSpawn1");

What would be the best way to use this for an MP Game? Just replace the CreateVehicleLocal with CreateVehicle?

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