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TPWCAS - TPWC AI Suppression System

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Arma2 updated version compatible with recent A2 beta: tpwcas5.0.zip

Link contains both pbo and script version for ARMA 2 only!

Note: I only briefly tested this version: it started without error messages for me, and debug balls told me it it should work....

Please share results to let us know if it really works. Thanks!

Thanks Ollem!

The readme doesn't contain the 5.0 changelog. Can you update us what are the changes?

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Thanks Ollem!

The readme doesn't contain the 5.0 changelog. Can you update us what are the changes?

readme line 62:

Changes version 5.0:

- update: fixed error messages which appeared after latest A2 beta patch


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Terribly sorry, don't know how I missed that! :)

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Yo, ran a few tests in CO 1.62 after correcting a typo in the user config. V5.0 works just fine :)

Many thanks, Ollem.

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At this stage, with the updated A2 version I've yet to see the reported 'undefined variables' (good sign).

Should I notice/encounter any new ones (or reported ones that have surfaced) I'll post here and make you aware.

Thanks for the quick turnaround in getting those resolved :)

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hi. found a few more undeined variables. hope that is of some use. everyting else seems to be working swimminlgy!!! really enjoying it. thanks

Error in expression <skill;
_unit setskill ["aimingaccuracy",_newaccuracy];         
_unit setskill [>
 Error position: <_newaccuracy];         
_unit setskill [>
 Error Undefined variable in expression: _newaccuracy
File C:\Users\fam\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\2legs\missions\heli%20crash.Stratis\tpwcas\tpwcas_decskill.sqf, line 42
Error in expression <nemybulletcount"; 

_newaccuracy = (_originalaccuracy - (( _originalaccuracy>
 Error position: <_originalaccuracy - (( _originalaccuracy>
 Error Undefined variable in expression: _originalaccuracy
File C:\Users\fam\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\2legs\missions\heli%20crash.Stratis\tpwcas\tpwcas_decskill.sqf, line 39
Error in expression <

_inc = 0.10; 

if (_currentaccuracy < _originalaccuracy) then 

 Error position: <_originalaccuracy) then 

 Error Undefined variable in expression: _originalaccuracy
File C:\Users\fam\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\2legs\missions\heli%20crash.Stratis\tpwcas\tpwcas_incskill.sqf, line 23

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hi. found a few more undeined variables. hope that is of some use. everyting else seems to be working swimminlgy!!! really enjoying it. thanks

 Error Undefined variable in expression: _originalaccuracy

The error seems to be caused due to fact original accuracy value of AI hasn't been stored yet after spawning when they are being shot at.

I will investigate.

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Yo, ran a few tests in CO 1.62 after correcting a typo in the user config. V5.0 works just fine :)

Many thanks, Ollem.

Nice one mate.

Mind sharing that typo?

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Hi domokun

Oh sorry, didn't spot the ambiguity in my post. It was my typo, not Ollem's. I put a "3" into the debug option without noticiing.

As for suppression effects on me as player, I was playing with just TPWCAS & CBA, no other mods; & without asr_ai I find I tend to get hit by the instant-death head-shot if I get shot at at all. Played a test scenario where a firefight breaks out almost immediately. Same scenario with asr_ai is still pretty hairy but I do get suppressed & live long enough to see AI getting suppressed.

Once I fixed the typo I got log entries & coloured flashes, though I didn't get to see too many of those before the black-screen 'you are dead' unless asr_ai was running.

By the way, AFAICT the user config is unchanged from at least v 4.5 so you don't need to replace the current config if you have tweaked it to suit yourself / your server.

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Hi domokun

By the way, AFAICT the user config is unchanged from at least v 4.5 so you don't need to replace the current config if you have tweaked it to suit yourself / your server.

confirmed - you are right. Thanks for the feedback.

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Hey Ollem, I use ACE together with ASR and TPWCAS.

Sometimes there seems to be a problem but I can't identify the mid responsible for it.

What happens:

AI units get supressed by enemy or friendly fire.

They seem to go into a low skill state where they aim their guns into the sky. You can also see the weapons shacking.

They stay like that even when the firefight is over.

Do you have any idea wich Mod might be responsible?

I can quite reliably reproduce this in some Missions made by Zipper5.

There is a Mission in his Op Cobalt campaign where your CDF checkpoint gets attacked by armed civilians arriving by truck (I think it is called Public Relations but I'm not sure). Your CDF soldiers almost always get the problem during the firefight and stay like that for the rest of the mission.

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I recall seeing this particular behavior before in the early days of tpwcas.

If I do recall well this seemed to be related to skill setting dropping too low.

Could you please verify the following settings?

tpwcas_skillsup = 1;

tpwcas_minskill = 0.15;

Could you perhaps try to increase minskill or maybe even check with tpwcas_skillsup = 0; to see if that solves the issue?

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I can't check anything atm since I'm on vacation till the end of august. 1500km away from my PC :)

I'll try not to forget to check this when I get home ;)

This behaviour sounds as if the skill doesn't return to it's initial value.

Maybe you could introduce a timer that resets the values x seconds after the group calls "clear"?

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Recently there seems to be unexpected behavior (could be aka bug) in ARMA 3 BETA with the unit setUnitPos "MIDDLE" command to make AI go prone.

Units that have been ordered using this command get into some weird state where they keep lowering and raising their weapon.

While TPWCAS is using this command I recommend to turn it off in ArmA 3 until I've implemented a workaround.

Edited by Ollem

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Hi Ollem, I´m back from vacation and I did some tests.

Campaign: Operation Cobalt

Mission: 06 Traitors


tpwcas_skillsup = 1;

tpwcas_minskill = 0.4;

Play the Mission up to the Ambush. Notice how immediately almost all enemy and friendly units display the "aim for the sky" behaviour. Some of your units will have this until the end of mission.

This doesn´t happen if I change tpwcas_skillsup = 1; to tpwcas_skillsup = 0;

Could you please look into this?

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Bump on the Arma 3 download link, we have moved to Arma 3 and miss this mod it adds a great deal of realism.

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Bump on the Arma 3 download link, we have moved to Arma 3 and miss this mod it adds a great deal of realism.

You can currently try TPWEBS, which attempts to offer something very similar for ArmA III.

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HI Ollem is there a way to use the player suppression only in ARMA 3 its the best ive seen would like it for pvp and coop played with it a bit without any luck thanks a lot

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HI Ollem is there a way to use the player suppression only in ARMA 3 its the best ive seen would like it for pvp and coop played with it a bit without any luck thanks a lot

Right now there is TPW EBS, which acts presently as a substitute for TPW CAS.

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Hi guys,

I hope that had been ask yet. I dicovered some problems:


1. The first one appears right at the beginning of the mission. (If I can remember right)

2. This one appears at the loading screen.

What can I do to solve this problem.

The Mission is an ARMA 3 MP-COOP mission.

Hope you can help me

If you need more Infos, ask me. ^^

Many Greetings


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moon im pretty sure that is because you are not up to date... that was fixed a few updates ago...

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Might be possible ^^

I'm using 0.1.

I would love to use 0.5 but the downloadlink is not working. Maybe you could send me a PM with a download?

Edited by Moon_chilD

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Sorry for slow response - I removed v5 link because I thought it had issues wit recent Beta release.

I'm quite limited in time so cant really test it - if v5 gives you trouble or doesn't work please try v4..

v4: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/96469595/tpwcas_a3/tpwcas_a3_v04_script.zip

v5: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/96469595/tpwcas_a3/tpwcas_a3_v05_script.zip

I'll hope to be able to spend some time to double check and sort it out.

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