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Strategic Response Unit Official Recruitment Thread [ACE] [ACRE]

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"In Unity there is Strength"


Teamspeak -

Actively recruiting ArmA 2 CO members for ACE modification.

We at 'SRU' are an Armed Assault tactical realism unit, with a one main goal... To create the most realistic military gaming experience possible while still maintaining the "fun" of the game. Our main game mode for our servers is COOP insurgency, how ever we do on occasion play Domination or PVP matches.

Strategic Response Unit has a detailed training programme for new members joining the unit. We believe that our training program will help you become better at the game and hopefully learn a few things in real life too.

SRU’s leadership and a few others have designed the training carefully, with just over a decade of real life military and law enforcement experience behind them, They have taken what they see fit out of their experiences in real life and applied it to in game.

We use US Military rank structure and tactics, in a MilSim Format, with in clan supervisory roles and leadership opportunities.


We have two servers for public use in ArmA 2 CO running the ACE modification listed below: (second server doesnt allow tracking :( )



To join SRU we have a few set rules which are listed below:

Minimum age of 16

Must speak fluent English

Must have a microphone

Must be willing to follow orders and directions given by supervisors


If realism, and all the above sounds like something your interested in then please register and let us know!

And always remember, once you take that step and commit to joining, we're going to hold you the same standards we hold every other member to.

If you want more information feel free to join our teamspeak and contact a Recruitment officer (marked with a red R) or post on our forums.

LTC. J. Wilson

Executive Officer, Strategic Response Unit

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