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How does multiple textures into 1 model work?

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I've been trying to figure this out, for a while. If you don't know what i mean, imagine a model composed of 3 sections, now each section is it's own texture since i want textures 1024x1024 so it becomes a crystal clear texture and so it looks nice.

How would said thing work?

This is how i imagine it: "You UV mapped the parts into different sheets but in the same UV set, then you export as a emf three times the size you want for each sheet, so if you want 1024x1024, export as 3072x3072 then turn into jpg, divide it into 3 separate files with photoshop and make them individually. Once done, save as 3 different tga files (tex1_co, tex2_co, tex3_co) and use the properties button (E) on Oxygen to map them individually and then make adjustments in the UV set."

Though, I'm not sure if that would be the way to go. Thus i'd like to ask if this is correct and if not how would one do it?

Best Regards.

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How do you divide a square texture into three equal square textures? And why 3072? That texture is 9 times larger than a 1024 x 1024. Remember, when you're dealing with texture dimensions, you're dealing with area, not length.

What program are you attempting to make these uv sets with?

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This is merely a question for future reference. But yes i failed at the point when it comes to area and not lenghtxwidth. Though the UV sets i use Oxygen2

And just so i understand, i can have multiple textures as long as they are on the same UV set correct?

Edited by Giorox

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Yes you can have multiple textures on different parts of things ie if I have a gun. I have a texture for the main body, a texture for the stock, the grip or whatever. I don't understand the increase of the dimensions. Also instead of making 3 1024x1024 textures. Just make one 2048x2048 and map them all to one sheet. Save memory an time. And you could even increase quality because you would still have one unused 1024 square.

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And you could even increase quality because you would still have one unused 1024 square.

or leave it black... as paa this should take next to no extra filesize. In fact, 2048x2048 pure blackness are 25KB.

Edited by Fennek

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