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Audio Surveillance Systems In Public Buses

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Just like dogs once used to roam free and then got hooked on a leash. Majority of people used to be polite, normal, and civilized unlike today where even a public transport is unsafe. I am not surprised about this new tech being used more and more.

As I sometimes say - Don't blame others for something you don't like, blame yourself for allowing that to happen.

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in new Polish trams and city buses you have 8-16 cameras since some years , so i am surprise by your being surprise , we have surveilance since few years in all newly produced or repaired trams and buses,

in so called "evil empire" people were less spied than in "freedom" and it is not only matter of technical possibilities and level of electronics, knowing people who worked in army before 1989 and after joining NATO i know differences in surveilance (x-raying people crossing to building, gun-control, documents-safety procedures, checking people ancestors etc. )

but high-tech is spying people more and more and more , afaik my country is leading in telephone-surveilance in Europe, we have 10 times more surveilance than UK after terrorist attacks, so now it comes to your countries too it seems,

for me dozen cameras in bus is something i get used to since few years

Edited by vilas

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Regarding the level of aggression in public transportation during the last years I'm glad everytime I see a video camera in my bus.

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we do not have such agression in transport, maybe because we do not have ... it would be politcally incorrect ;)

but such camera is VGA 640*480 or even ... buahahahaha qvga 320*240, it gives only shape , so it works only "psychologically" on "most not oriented in the world and most stupid hools from small cities"

"stree-wise hool" knows that this camera is useless , if hool has hood and baseball cap he is unrecognizable as if he has dark skin also it is impossible to recognize his face at poor and full of noise ISO 6400 image, because noise of digital imagining is vanishing shape of face details,

if you know noise from digital photography of low size sensors (not Canon EOS , Nikon D, Sony Alpha) but from small sensor , you can imagine high-ISO picture 640*480 from it, it is nothing, it is just psychological factor working on most cowards with zero knowledge about technic,

those are not high size sensors producing fullHD view on relative ISO, being amateur photographer one knows how big ISO is needed to give 1/30s picture in bus at evening when only compact bulbs are giving light, such tech is mostly psychological-tools without software which would follow people movement in time,

Edited by vilas

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Of course its a psychological effect. The same effect like lighting dark places. So that people don't even get stupid ideas. Thats why I like it. :)

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Just put your tinfoil hat on and pretend to be one of them! Just don't forget to crush their system from the inside.... :cool:

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in new Polish trams and city buses you have 8-16 cameras since some years , so i am surprise by your being surprise , we have surveilance since few years in all newly produced or repaired trams and buses,

in so called "evil empire" people were less spied than in "freedom" and it is not only matter of technical possibilities and level of electronics, knowing people who worked in army before 1989 and after joining NATO i know differences in surveilance (x-raying people crossing to building, gun-control, documents-safety procedures, checking people ancestors etc. )

but high-tech is spying people more and more and more , afaik my country is leading in telephone-surveilance in Europe, we have 10 times more surveilance than UK after terrorist attacks, so now it comes to your countries too it seems,

for me dozen cameras in bus is something i get used to since few years

8-16 cameras in city buses ? Well, nah we dont have that many cameras just in one bus.

Anyway, there is a huge difference between a camera and a methodical audio surveillance system. I would not feel comfortable to speak in such an area about certain toppics. And yes, Iam surprised since I wonder how data privacy is regulated when such an audio surveilance system is allowed.

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Regarding the level of aggression in public transportation during the last years I'm glad everytime I see a video camera in my bus.

I get this. It's exactly like that for me. But I personally know a guy who had to get his jaw stitched because he got assaulted for nothing in the train. My brother's friend has a piece of metal replacing a part of it's jaw from getting kicked in the face when he was already knocked down, my brother got his nose broken in that fight. The problem is: both happened on camera. These guys figured out that they can get away with beating people up. Cameras help finding these guys and proving what they did. But they don't prevent it. Hell I doubt they're even actively monitored.

Money should go into prevention. Prevention in terms of education, deterrance in terms of more security/law enforcement and deterrance in terms of faster sentencing for a better "learning" effect.


Oh and see the problems authorities currently have identifying the guys who dropped that bomb in Bonn. I mean, what the hell is a camera supposed to see from above? Who the hell thought that was a good idea?

Edited by Serclaes

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Oh and see the problems authorities currently have identifying the guys who dropped that bomb in Bonn. I mean, what the hell is a camera supposed to see from above? Who the hell thought that was a good idea?

after decade of work in ... public administration i became very cynic, i would say "someone had to earn money, that's why it was installed"

it works following :

guy A works in ministry of xxx, guy B is his nephew and sets up company which produce something,

guy A orders stuff in company of guy B,

taxpayer pays money , guy A is happy, guy B is happy, that's all how it works

playing advocatus diaboli i would say "camera is so high because it can observe smokes of fire in case if some buildings burn or in case of car accident on nearest plaza"

many people look for a sense in some state-bought services or equipment, while real reason is that someone had to earn some money ,

systems, equipment, whatever do not need to be effective, but made to earn money on it

"camera didn't spot guy ? what a shame, now we can make commision and conference and take money for taking part in such commission and taking part in such conference "

in Polish we have beautiful proverb - i will try to translate it into English - bureaucracy is thing created to solve problems created earlier by this bureaucracy itself (biurokracja jest tworem stworzony w celu rozwiązywania problemów przez nią samą uprzednio stworzonych) , and what is most beautiful in it, we have to work somewhere when machines replaced human in production, so we create problems which later we can try on and on and on to solve (not solve, cause when problem is solved we are useles again)

someone has to earn some money, so thats why you have cameras which do not see anything except some big buildings and weather (+some operators taking money being policeman for watching such sky, nice job is there, they earn more than guys whose lives is in danger but they only keep watching screens eating donuts )

:D :D :D

Edited by vilas

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Obviously I feel intruded upon but I never use public transpo either. At least now they can find bad stuff... after it happens... You know, instead of preventing it or stopping it in the first place.

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Are you over 21? Can you handle things well? Do you dare to win? Can you judge properly? Do you want to be secure (at least to some level, better than nothing)?

Then get yourself a piece, just like I did (legally of course) and get some connections.

Few times it happened to me that some drunk or brain-lacking unknowns try to take the whole block and mock people around, beat some even. Of course they act all bossy and start attacking with pocket knives, but I was passing there, they are in my way, and the moment I put my rapid out and paint from point blank then fire up the sky, they disperse in a matter of seconds and never come to the same place again. Some call it peer pressure, I would rather call it 21st century, things aren't what they used to be sadly.

The other thing you can try is to avoid conflicts at all costs. This is actually the best option.

But then again, I'm working in a dangerous place at the moment, and situation in your place is probably different. However, it's always good to be prepared because one never knows.

About the cameras, they can be low quality, doesn't matter much. Public service, Military and some private organizations use specific software to decrypt and sharpen footage. The thing is, not every footage or violation will go through this procedure, there are many things to be considered before some proper action is taken. An example is, two teens ended up in a fist fight, few scratches. Use the cameras? No, of course. Another example is, shots are being fired in a public transport with CCTV cameras recording, several injured or even worse there are casualties, now this is the kind of matter police takes very seriously, and it takes from several minutes, to 24 hours to identify the person/persons involved, track them down and put them behind the bars. The suspects can wear whatever they want, it wont help much. There are CCTV cameras everywhere, public transport, streets, banks, shops, stores, etc, just enough to track someones progress. In a way it's like a Google Earth, except with live videos and better control.

Of course, everything can be used for good or bad, the same goes for cameras, regardless of their position, quality or who owns/controls them.

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In other breaking news: It's now reported that are recording you at the bus terminals and airports! Visually watching your every move!!

Honestly who cares. It's their bus so let them watch/listen as they please. Now if they started sticking these in our Condos...

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Not to be jumping on that tin foil hat bandwagon but: do you have a smartphone? ;)

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i think that best surveilance would be to mount those cameras in ... floor of bus (do not let enter woman older than 40 to bus), and give men special terminals to see girls during summer, what do you think about it ? :D than bus travel would be safe, cause all passengers would be focusing on observing those terminals

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Not to be jumping on that tin foil hat bandwagon but: do you have a smartphone? ;)

Thats why I asked if this is for real.

Honestly who cares. It's their bus so let them watch/listen as they please. Now if they started sticking these in our Condos...

Your answer is quiete simplistic. It would be illegal here and only the secret service or judge can arrange audio surveillance. The surveillance of individual objects by private persons is even indictable. Well different laws different countries, alright. I prefer the right of privacy, thats a part of our freedom. But who knows what the EU has planned already.

Edited by oxmox

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In other breaking news: It's now reported that are recording you at the bus terminals and airports! Visually watching your every move!!

Honestly who cares. It's their bus so let them watch/listen as they please. Now if they started sticking these in our Condos...

Kinect later generations, Smart TV's (Mic/Camera built in), Smart devices in general all networked perminently, you consume its packaged well. Don't forget the already circulating ideas of mobile scanning tech, and for that to extend to bus terminals and, well, pick a place that may be deemed to be "threatened" and imagine one popping up later.

I would like to see the figures on crime caused on this type of transport based on usage per day by populations and really see how it could be explained as justified, cameras are enough, but as mentioned they only deal "post" crime, so I can only see this as "pre crime" tech (Go back and watch Minority Report again, especially with its touch screen pre promotion for the masses, oddly enough through "smart" devices and tablets Hollywoods good for that).

I have mentioned this before but "Smart" = "Sly".

Unfortunately 2 threads I think the facebook thread and another were locked, they hold some information all about this so have a search.

Problem is people see this as fragmented systems for different areas, you have to realise that all this information can be gathered and stored, so it has a much broader picture to it.

Edited by mrcash2009

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