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Carrier Command is Excellent

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Carrier command is an Epic release –the critics complain it lacks patches

CCGM takes you away to another world full of Adventure and exploration

CCGM Gives you command and control over some serious cool hardware Aircraft Carrier

CCGM has not bad game engine and graphics

If the community supports this Game the same way OFP it will become a great release

This game is a hidden Treasure that is being overlooked

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CCGM has the most amazing atmosphere, puts you under the illusion that you are actually there.

CCGM has such potential it's a midges widge from becoming a classic. I hope the devs can see this. It's different to what gamers are use to these days that's all, but that's a good thing.

It's not over till the fat lady sings. BI can swing this around to become major sort-after title. They have the game, now all they need is good PR and a good patch.

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CCGM has the most amazing atmosphere, puts you under the illusion that you are actually there.

CCGM has such potential it's a midges widge from becoming a classic. I hope the devs can see this. It's different to what gamers are use to these days that's all, but that's a good thing.

It's not over till the fat lady sings. BI can swing this around to become major sort-after title. They have the game, now all they need is good PR and a good patch.

100% Totally agree. It's not the devs' fault though. They've done a good job so far, but ran out of time due to the self-imposed 'ship date' from the producer. They just need to just fix the AI for now. Concentrate on all the other good stuff later, just fix the AI, drop the price, and get the console port out, so that the home gamers are appeased and the metacritic scores and revenue can start to come back.

THEN do some modding tools for the PC. Once they're out, the fan community can get its teeth into the game, and raise it to a cult status. There'll be mods, TC's, new maps.. But the faith just needs to come back into the game first.

Just my 2c, though..

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The problem is content consumption, the rate of which is staggering these days. It doesn't take that long for people to move on to something else. The next big thing or whatever.

Consistent support from developers and community driven aspects is what helps a game to stay around. Terraria for instance, has officially stopped development but continues to thrive because of its community.

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The problem is content consumption, the rate of which is staggering these days. It doesn't take that long for people to move on to something else.

This. It's a bad thing actually. I find myself collecting TOO MANY games on GOG or Steam - and actually not playing them completely or finishing them... . Not good... Anyone else?

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This. It's a bad thing actually. I find myself collecting TOO MANY games on GOG or Steam - and actually not playing them completely or finishing them... . Not good... Anyone else?

I try to be disciplined and only play a new game once I've finished an old one. That said, I still have a few Steam sales games I never got into enough to bother finishing.

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I think I have about 30 games in the Queue, which I have not played or just begun or not finished playing - and playing them would already consume my lifes spare time. Baldurs Gate, Planescape Torment, XCOM, X³, Eschalon 1+2, Drakensang 1+2, Risen 1+2, Gothic 2, Skyrim, Myst 3-5 and so on and so forth... OH TEH GODDAM INETRWEBBS - if only I had no information and no distraction, and if I only had ONE game and would play THIS ONE AND ONLY game at a time...

Yes, discipline, *sigh* - Someone (I think from "gamers with jobs") talked about this topic once on youtube. Interesting topic IMO.

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Carrier command is an Epic release –the critics complain it lacks patches

CCGM takes you away to another world full of Adventure and exploration

CCGM Gives you command and control over some serious cool hardware Aircraft Carrier

CCGM has not bad game engine and graphics

If the community supports this Game the same way OFP it will become a great release

This game is a hidden Treasure that is being overlooked

The retail version is almost not playable, however I tried the --03-BETA patch today on steam. ( You can set this in the properties if you rightclick the game )

With the Beta-patch applies the game is a lot better! AI pathfinding works now and I enjoy the game very much! Keep the fixes coming please!

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Just bought in the Steam sale, applied the beta patch and it's great. None of the issues that people are complaining about - sure, pathfinding can get a bit funky from time to time but it's no worse than any other freeform AI (and better than many). Besides, all it takes is a quick nudge and it's back on track. Made the mistake of taking Fulcrum too early in the campaign game though. Currently spending a lot of time and fuel running away....!

I'd love to see a few mods - there's a hell of a lot of potential for 3rd party creativity.

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