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Violently shaking choppers and different speeds at the colective

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I am experiencing some problems with the choppers..

Firstly they are all shaking violently allready at the ground making them pretty much uncontrolable..

Secondly the colective raise and lower seem to change speed when ever it wants to..

Some times it takes for ever to make the chopper change attitued, then it just changes at the spot and makes the chopper crash in to the ground..

Also the choppers keep on breaking and falling out of the sky for no apparent reason..

Anyone else had these problems and know of a solution?

Becaus as it is now the game is pretty much unplayable..

Edited by EatenMarcus

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Hi, it sounds like for some reason your helicopters are experiencing significant stress damage (can be disabled in the options if it's too frustrating). When you say it happens already at the ground, is this in the campaign and have you performed maintenance to repair them? Are you using a joystick and is it calibrated well?

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Hi, it sounds like for some reason your helicopters are experiencing significant stress damage (can be disabled in the options if it's too frustrating). When you say it happens already at the ground, is this in the campaign and have you performed maintenance to repair them? Are you using a joystick and is it calibrated well?

It is in any of the game mods, no matter what I do it does no difference to the behavior of the helicopter for some reason.

Yeah, I am using a joystick, and it is calibrated well.

The over all behavior of the helicopters is screwd up, only way to make them flyable is to set the dificulty to easy, and even then its like flying a paperplan in a hurricane.

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If you have any complaints about the flight model (or any physics in ANY sim, tbh), I highly suggest leaving the difficulty on Veteran or Expert. If your joystick truly is well-calibrated, check the rudder. If you have a twist-rudder stick like I do, there's a very good chance the potentiometer (the piece that detects left/right twisting) inside is full of metal shavings, dirt, ash, congealed pieces of substandard lubricants, who knows what. I don't know what the factory conditions must be like where they make these things but afaik every single one in the world has this problem. No exaggeration ;) This will internally cause impedance problems or something (I know nothing about electrical engineering) and lead to a rudder that is jerky.

A way to get an idea of whether this is happening is by getting in a light chopper, looking at your feet, and twisting back and forth. Your feet should not be moving on the pedals except during the twist-phase of what you're doing, and it should be a slow, deliberate measured move. If you see the guy's feet jerking left and right, acting 'touchy', or in any way not matching EXACTLY the motion of your hand, you are suffering from this problem.

The only real solution of which I am aware- and the one which has worked flawlessly for me - is to open up your joystick to gain access to the potentiometer and spray some TV Tuner/Electrical Contact Cleaner/Lubricant into it. You can get it at radio shack, make SURE you get the kind designed for TV tuners that cleans AND lubricates. Just stick the nozzle into a gap on the side of the potentiometer and give it a single spray. Let the propellants evaporate from the area, work the joystick back and forth a few times, and then plug her in. If you were successful, the joystick should operate better than when it was brand new.

If this isn't your issue, then I'm at a loss. The problems you're describing are not inherent to the sim but indicative of some other error.

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One time my brother and I were flying multiplayer and his joystick was giving the odd buggy input which equated to changing rudder force from nothing to full in a fraction of a second. The aircraft got more and more difficult to fly until the tail rotor flew off in mid flight. I was watching in an outside view as it happened and was all like, "That ain't good!"

Did you do as DNA suggested and check to make sure your helicopter is not damaged?

Does this also happen in free flights? If you choose a free flight, you should start off with a nice and clean, new helicopter without any history to worry about.

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What's your joystick? Check in the command option if all the axes are well and logicaly set up. No conflict. etc..

A way to get an idea of whether this is happening is by getting in a light chopper, looking at your feet, and twisting back and forth. Your feet should not be moving on the pedals except during the twist-phase of what you're doing, and it should be a slow, deliberate measured move. If you see the guy's feet jerking left and right, acting 'touchy', or in any way not matching EXACTLY the motion of your hand, you are suffering from this problem.


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