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BinMake assistance,

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Hello there.

I have a issue that I could do with some information on, trying to use the binmake tool (and other community made versions) however whenever I start the program typing anything will close it on instant. I was under the impression I did the work within the cmd prompt window it gave me, but it seems to be not. Any pointers? Or have I actually gotten a bugged version.

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it's hard to tell since that issue is quite generic... why don't you try to make a clean install of Bis Tools 2.5.1 and then use BinPBO instead? There is a great tutorial for beginners from Bushlurker in the terrain editing section and he explain in detail how to use this tool... saludos!

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cd /D pathToTool

although as Robster says normal users only need BinPBO

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Ah ha, why didn't I think of that, I've been around Linux enough derp.

Idk why I don't use BinPBO, I think I'm just a little strange.

(Sorry for the reallly late reply, had a few issues in real life)

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