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PlanetSide 2

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PlanetSide 2 has been released and is on steam for free. Its a MMO FPS which looks quite impressive. Has anyone got this yet? What are your thoughts?

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I got Alpha Squad. Some people dislike this game for various reasons, among the ones I heard is the departure from the original. I find it highly enjoyable, especially with a good and organised squad. My experience is currently limited to the beta because of one immensely annoying bug I have with the account authenticator:

1. Log in to Planetside 2 website

2. "Please Change password for security reasons"

3. Done

4. Download and install

5. Activate launcher and log in

6. "Please Change password for security reasons"

7. Done?

8. "We currently have a limit on the number of times you can reset a password within a 24-hour period. The account in question has reached the maximum permitted number of resets and must wait until tomorrow to reset again."


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Really can't get into this at all (and had similar issues with the original PS).

I like the idea of large scale combat but the stupid mechanisms they have in place vis a vis balance (among other things) really put me off.

For example, you can land a tank shell on top of a soldier and he will happily turn around and RPG you (unbelievably, this was done in favor of balance and is nothing to do with netcode).

Conversely, sometimes you will kill an enemy in a shot or two, sometimes it takes a mag due to the horrible client prediction.

The list goes on and on.

A truly awesome concept but not so good in it's execution.

Still, it is free :D

Edited by BangTail

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Well my first impressions are not good. I like the concept, but the game is completely unplayable for me. There are bugs everywhere, I have CTD so many times its just pointless in playing at the moment. I managed to play about 20mins and then my graphics started to flicker, ive fallen thru the map, saw people walking in midair.. It looks quite good but the amount of issues its just a no go for me atm.

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Tried it, could´nt really fall in love to it.

Somehow it failed to deliver the sense of large ongoing combat, which i thought this game was aimed at. Cap-zones switching sides on a minutely basis? Bah.

And then theres of course the 1337 kids again who always seem to be better than me at games like that .. :rolleyes:

Best thing in the game for me was the in-built recording tool.

Almost no performance loss (eat that, FRAPS), records in .avi on the fly, and you could even upload to youtube directly from ingame.

here´s some footage of our bunch in beta:



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Tried it, could´nt really fall in love to it.

Somehow it failed to deliver the sense of large ongoing combat, which i thought this game was aimed at. Cap-zones switching sides on a minutely basis? Bah.

And then theres of course the 1337 kids again who always seem to be better than me at games like that .. :rolleyes:

The minutely changing zones are somewhat reduced in the real game ;)

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Meh played a few hours without crashing. Its pretty pointless and gets rather repeative and boring. Good concept tho, just seems like a game for those who have more time and perhaps money on their hands than life would provide for those who actually have a life. And some of the balances is well are truly messed up wtf... I blasted a soldier at point blank range with a tank .... a tank mind and it took 12 tank rounds to kill him!

... Exit please

But quess i cant complain much as its a F2P.

Just seems to be focased more towards the addictive gamer type whos or nothing more than a statwhore. Someone said its better with outfits which i proberly would agree but i still dont think that changes the raw gameplay from being a meatgrinder of spawning and getting killed over and over again. There seems to be no bigger picture for victory or global goal.. You might play one day and the enemy faction owns 90% of the map, but the next day you play its the otherway round and completely differnt, its just a endless repeat over and over again...

Ar well like i said its free and some might like it, but im struggling to find the reason why i should cont playing it.

Edited by Opticalsnare

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I was going to play, but it keeps giving me an error saying 'cannot initialize your graphics card', and this is despite my card having everything I need to play the game.

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I for one love this game. The objectives for capturing a zone is simplified enough, like destroy a generator here to make some shield protecting the capture point at another location go down and the result that I often see is there is always huge groups either defending their zone or attacking it making a fun if somewhat chaotic mass battles. I found all the vehicles and classes fun to play w/ and didn't find myself being bored filling any type of role whether it was being a medic or engineer, or ferrying people to battles in a large galaxy transport. Only real complaints I have w/ the game is the devs are playing the whole micro transactions A little too hard, it takes a lot of grinding to earn enough points to buy anything useful and so they are temping people to spend a bunch of real world money instead to get those unlocks faster so it kinda has a "pay to win". Other complaint is mostly just about cosmetics like how each of the 3 factions share some of the same vehicles like the galaxy transport, quad bike, the sunderer ect.. I would of like for all the vehicles on each faction to be unique in appearance as well as maybe see each of the captured buildings take on a unique theme depending on who's controlling them. But overall this is probably got to be the best ftp online shooter since tribes 2 came out.

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This game is a blast man, although I suck at it right now. My two brothers started playing it and I logged in with them. Had some hilarious moments I will probably post to YT in a day or two. What is everyone's handle? I will look for you in game

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I got roped into playing this game on Friday... and then somehow my weekend vanished and suddenly it's Monday again. What the f? :D

Btw. anyone else playing as New Conglomerate on the "Miller" server? If so, shoot me a PM if you feeling like playing in a squad. :)

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On the sidehand, why does this game inspire so much fictional racism? Is it something with the characters being permanent? I get it that sometimes it's just a joke, but I've seen people seriously get insulted simply over allegiance.

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Btw. anyone else playing as New Conglomerate on the "Miller" server? If so, shoot me a PM if you feeling like playing in a squad. :)


On the sidehand, why does this game inspire so much fictional racism? Is it something with the characters being permanent? I get it that sometimes it's just a joke, but I've seen people seriously get insulted simply over allegiance.


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Needs more mottos like: "Loyalty until death, strength in unity!" or "Victory is our tradition." Pretty cool, when you think about it.

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Only girls play as NC or Vanu :p

Playing it already for some months now (beta).


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New Conglomerate here. Having fun with this game for sure.

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It looks like a great game, need to wait for my long over due new PC before i can actually play :(

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Planetside 2 has good basic aproaches but at the end it sucks.

The game suffers a significant balance problem of infantry weapons aswell balance problems with vehicle/air combat. Some parts of the game are way to gamey and the gameplay is just not deep enough to hold many players for longer.

The f2p model of the game draws a lot more attention to hackers.

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Planetside 2 has good basic aproaches but at the end it sucks.

The game suffers a significant balance problem of infantry weapons aswell balance problems with vehicle/air combat. Some parts of the game are way to gamey and the gameplay is just not deep enough to hold many players for longer.

The f2p model of the game draws a lot more attention to hackers.

Yeh my impressions were this is amazing, but then it all went to shit. Worst game ive played in terms of balances for units and weapons. Aircraft are insanely overpowered and AA defences are utter crap. Its mostly about just rushing about capping bases which are not being defended and moving onto the next one. Its good for a week and then its just meh. I really cant see the game maintaining a playerbase unless those balances are sorted out.

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Been playing since beta.

It has its moments of sheer beauty and huge scale battles but gameplay gets repetitive.

As has been said, there are balance issues. You know things aren't working properly when every base capture ends with spawn camping/raping and there is no hope for defenders to change the outcome.

A few of my friends love it and I will continue to play but as soon as ARMA3 comes out I'll drop it like a hot potato.

(Hey Opticalsnare: Just noticed we joined 4 days appart 6 years ago (nearly 7 now) :D)

Edited by EDcase

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You know things aren't working properly when every base capture ends with spawn camping/raping and there is no hope for defenders to change the outcome.

There is always hope, but obviously not if the defenders allow themselves to become surrounded and boxed in... in that case I'd say they deserve to lose the base. The trick to "think outside the box", for example by bringing in a few Sunderers as alternative spawn points from a neighboring base (along with armor and air support of course) before the fight becomes hopeless. Trying to fight your way out of a siege from the inside against a superior force just won't work. ;)

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