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Multi-Session Operations v4.5 released

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Hello MSO Team,

I know the PDB project was closed since those involved have moved on to MSO however I was wondering if you may be able to help me out.

Below is what I originally posted on the PDB topic on the BI Forums:

I am attempting to establish a persistent Insurgency mission however I get an error. I believe I had gotten this error when trying to set up PDB for an MSO mission as well but I do not remember how to get around it.

Here are my log files and RPT. If anyone could help it would be greatly appreciated.

Arma2Net Log: http://pastebin.com/JkDZR4be

Arma2MySql Log: http://pastebin.com/Er4jm26N

RPT File: http://pastebin.com/M0fy63J6

Firefly was able to tell me the general area of the issue but I am unable to ascertain how to fix it.

It looks like it's line 160 of the RPT file. Here, tsc is being set to "any" when it should be getting an actual value. When the plugin tries to send this to the database, it fails. It's looking for an integer value. You'll have to fix the SQF script wherever it's creating the query.

The reason I do not wish to use MSO currently is we aren't able to sustain normal performance with the mission. It starts performing poorly after the first few hours.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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2 Noob Questions

1. Is there HALO functionality in MSO for late joiners? (if not is it easy for a noob like me to add the flagpole script?

2. IS it possible to roll the 32 tak version with just 5 people? or should we stick to the smaller versions.

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There's no HALO built into MSO, that's a Domi thing. There is an HQ wagon that you can move to a new location, deploy and then set as your new spawn point though.

You can roll with as many (or as few) people as you want. I would suggest toning down the enemy % in mission parameters to 10% CQB though!

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You can roll with as many (or as few) people as you want. I would suggest toning down the enemy % in mission parameters to 10% CQB though!

Bah don't listen to him.. real men roll with 50% CQB :p

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05/06/2013 13:07:05 Error function: Arma2NETMySQL ['arma','CountLocationIDsByMission','[tmid=<null>]']

05/06/2013 13:07:05 Error maxResultSize: 10239

05/06/2013 13:07:13 Error Caught exception of type System.IO.FileNotFoundException

System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'MySql.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=c5687fc88969c44d' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.

File name: 'MySql.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=c5687fc88969c44d'

at Arma2NETMySQLPlugin.MySQL.OpenConnection(String connectionString)

at Arma2NETMySQLPlugin.DatabaseObject..ctor(String[] values)

at Arma2NETMySQLPlugin.Databases..ctor()

at Arma2NETMySQLPlugin.Startup.StartupConnection()

at Arma2NETMySQLPlugin.Arma2NETMySQLPlugin.Invoke(String args, Int32 maxResultSize)

at Arma2Net.Managed.AddInManager.DomainInvokeAddIn()

at System.AppDomain.DoCallBack(CrossAppDomainDelegate callBackDelegate)

at Arma2Net.Managed.AddInManager.InvokeAddIn(String addInName, String arguments, Int32 maxResultSize)

at Arma2Net.Managed.Bridge.InvokeBuiltInOrAddIn(String function, Int32 maxResultSize)

at Arma2Net.Managed.Bridge.InvokeFunction(String function, Int32 maxResultSize)

WRN: Assembly binding logging is turned OFF.

To enable assembly bind failure logging, set the registry value [HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Fusion!EnableLog] (DWORD) to 1.

Note: There is some performance penalty associated with assembly bind failure logging.

To turn this feature off, remove the registry value [HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Fusion!EnableLog].

05/06/2013 13:07:13 Error function: Arma2NETMySQL ['arma','GetPlayer','[tmid=<null>,tpid=9182086]']

05/06/2013 13:07:13 Error maxResultSize: 10239

Arma2MySQL log

Info: 13:12:44 - Arma2NETMySQL Plugin Started.

Info: 13:12:44 - Version number:

Info: 13:12:44 - Compiled against Arma2NET Version: TBF

Info: 13:12:44 - Loading databases...

Info: 13:12:44 - Type: mysql Database: arma IPAddress: Port: 3306 Username: arma Password: NotShownForSecurityReasons

Server gets stuck on "Client is loading persistent player data"

MYSQL screenshot


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Any help would be great! May just be a simple thing...

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Anyone help with the database problem? Ive done this before, No idea why its not connecting! :( Thanks.

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Are you sure you're using the latest sql dump? Try dropping the db and reimporting using the one included with the mission - it got changed slightly before release.

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Yes its the same sql dump from the mission itself.. Thanks for the help, Any other ideas?

Edit, I imported the sql dump again to make sure, and got this (from the arma2net log)

05/08/2013 12:17:18 Error function: Arma2NETMySQL ['arma','CountLocationIDsByMission','[tmid=<null>]']
05/08/2013 12:17:18 Error maxResultSize: 10239
05/08/2013 12:17:26 Error Caught exception of type System.IO.FileNotFoundException
System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'MySql.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=c5687fc88969c44d' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
File name: 'MySql.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=c5687fc88969c44d'
  at Arma2NETMySQLPlugin.MySQL.OpenConnection(String connectionString)
  at Arma2NETMySQLPlugin.DatabaseObject..ctor(String[] values)
  at Arma2NETMySQLPlugin.Databases..ctor()
  at Arma2NETMySQLPlugin.Startup.StartupConnection()
  at Arma2NETMySQLPlugin.Arma2NETMySQLPlugin.Invoke(String args, Int32 maxResultSize)
  at Arma2Net.Managed.AddInManager.DomainInvokeAddIn()
  at System.AppDomain.DoCallBack(CrossAppDomainDelegate callBackDelegate)
  at Arma2Net.Managed.AddInManager.InvokeAddIn(String addInName, String arguments, Int32 maxResultSize)
  at Arma2Net.Managed.Bridge.InvokeBuiltInOrAddIn(String function, Int32 maxResultSize)
  at Arma2Net.Managed.Bridge.InvokeFunction(String function, Int32 maxResultSize)

WRN: Assembly binding logging is turned OFF.
To enable assembly bind failure logging, set the registry value [HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Fusion!EnableLog] (DWORD) to 1.
Note: There is some performance penalty associated with assembly bind failure logging.
To turn this feature off, remove the registry value [HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Fusion!EnableLog].

05/08/2013 12:17:26 Error function: Arma2NETMySQL ['arma','GetPlayer','[tmid=<null>,tpid=9182086]']
05/08/2013 12:17:26 Error maxResultSize: 10239

Edited by JaFuzz

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Just guessing here.. you have the .txt file in the right directory with password? Your permissions in mySQL are setup properly (arma account has dba permissions?)

They have a Skype channel for support it might be worth checking that out.

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I'll be going though it again when i get home, But i already went though it 6-7 times....Ill check out their skype channel too.. Do you have the info? again if not ill do a search when i get home.

Thanks for the help fellas Ill try my luck on skype :)

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My issue was something to do with the mysql connector (step 5 on the wiki) When i tried to install it, it said it was already installed but it wasnt so i cleaned the registry of all mysql products re-installed everything and done the steps again and it worked!

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Working on making a MSO Mission on Dula with PCDF :3

How does the "sharing" work around with MSO, am I free to upload and make my own topic with download link or completely opposite rule?

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If you make a mission with the MSO framework you can share it like any other mission no probs - make your own thread as you wish. Of course it'd be nice if you credit the MSO team but it's not strictly necessary! Only thing we ask is if you make any modification to the MSO scripts or include any non-MSO stuff be sure to detail what they are so people don't come here asking for support for things we can't help them with.

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Does the HC work on 4.5 version or do i need the 4.6 version?

the 4.6 version just gives us all a black screen once we initialize..

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Any possibility to make custom takeover places aka the + on the map or simply towns that go opfor and blufor, you know what I mean xd because on Dula it seems to mistake one town with a desert and miss some towns out.

As well, gotta say thanks for making this mission, simply amazing, couldnt have more fun, been driving my T-62, got shot by RPG and passed out so I just respawned, went back to the same place aaaand... My T-62 was driving and shooting at me xd Clever AI buggers fixed it and stole from me! can you believe it?! ((ofc that is not from MSO but still...))

Oh and I have added a playable soldier under rank of Colonel and it says that his rank is too low to ask for patrol ops?

EDIT: and for some reason sometimes AI just disappear... I guess I can interpret it as respawn which is rather annoying...

Edited by Sakai

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MSO should have it's own 'configs and missions' thread (like DAC) where people can post their MSO versions and edits... just a thought :p

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Do I have to name everything to resupply etc with mso_numberhere when using NOMAD?

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You only need to name things if you want them saved to Persistent Database (and if you're using PDB, you shouldn't be using NOMAD as well). It doesn't matter what they're called - I just used MSO_xx cos it was easier to spot them in the DB table.

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Finaly have the time to look probably at this mission and set it up.

But i can see there are 4.55 and a newer. Which is recommended to use for arma 2 co? And is there a place to get a bit "faster" or more direct support about this setup. As i would really like to just get this going good for my group.

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You only need to name things if you want them saved to Persistent Database (and if you're using PDB, you shouldn't be using NOMAD as well). It doesn't matter what they're called - I just used MSO_xx cos it was easier to spot them in the DB table.

Yes but the thing is since I do not use database I do not use Persistent DB so I use NOMAD, I read that PDB needs stuff being named to resupply does NOMAD need it or does it just need the init command? Im actually too lazy to name every bloody thing >.< So what I mean when I use NOMAD and my ammo crates have resupply init command it but no name will they be still resupplied?

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No you don't need to name anything

Nomad actually has nothing to do with the ammo crates and vehicles, it only covers the player units. Vehicles and Objects use very simple respawn scripts on a timer.

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