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Multi-Session Operations v4.5 released

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Holmes, change the 4 to something lower. That should work for you.

BIS_alice_mainscope setVariable ["civilianCount","round (2 * (sqrt %1))"];

Otsit: It looks like PDB is trying to load player data that no longer exists. Did you start a fresh DB? If not, drop the schema and import a new one, that should fix it.

Edited by friznit2

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How can I open the mission so I can delete all the bunkers and useless stuff in base?

Also how may I add the RG-31 to Logistics Demand?

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Use eliteness to depbo and load in the mission editor, same as any other mission. If you're not sure how, there are lots of tutorials about mission editing on this forum or you could try Google.

You can edit the logistics demand arrays in support\modules\TUP_Logistics\logistics.hpp

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Do you guys have a working HeadlessClient version ?

we can test or play ?

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Use eliteness to depbo and load in the mission editor, same as any other mission. If you're not sure how, there are lots of tutorials about mission editing on this forum or you could try Google.

You can edit the logistics demand arrays in support\modules\TUP_Logistics\logistics.hpp

What do I edit in it? What do I put..

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Hello everyone! I was wondering if I could get some help with some MSOs Im trying to make.

One Isla Duala im trying to spawn only African Civilians (without the russians/europeans that always spawn) and I added the CIV_AFR to the ALICE parameters with no effect. Also for some reason the Dualan Rebels seem to attack/kill eachother.

I also noticed on other MSOs that guerillas will turn town blue sometimes.

THanks so much for your help! If I could figure out how to spawn town factions and fix the guerrillas killing each other, Id be soo happy!!!!!

---------- Post added at 18:55 ---------- Previous post was at 18:46 ----------

lol the rebels killing eachother on spawn is getting really annoying

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Hello everyone! I was wondering if I could get some help with some MSOs Im trying to make.

One Isla Duala im trying to spawn only African Civilians (without the russians/europeans that always spawn) and I added the CIV_AFR to the ALICE parameters with no effect. Also for some reason the Dualan Rebels seem to attack/kill eachother.

I also noticed on other MSOs that guerillas will turn town blue sometimes.

THanks so much for your help! If I could figure out how to spawn town factions and fix the guerrillas killing each other, Id be soo happy!!!!!

---------- Post added at 18:55 ---------- Previous post was at 18:46 ----------

lol the rebels killing eachother on spawn is getting really annoying


In ambience/modules/crb_civilians/crB_AmbCivSetup.sqf look for case isladuala and add

BIS_alice_mainscope setVariable ["townsFaction",["CIV_AFR"]];

Make sure you have the correct units-addons loaded.

Also in mission.sqm (editor) dont forget to change the "center units" (directly beside the modules) to the correct factions for Afrenian CIVs and enemies AND turn Independent friendly to OPFOR to avoid the issues you have got.

Keep in mind, that all the enemy custom factions you use need to have default group-configs (introduced by BIS) for "Infantry", "Motorized", "Mechanized", "Armored" defined.

Independend factions like Guerillas turn townmarkers green (and not blue)!

Gimme feedback if that worked!



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Takistan they just run all over the place ignoring orders, gonna do what Savage said to see if it works.

ACE wounds is enabled it says but everything always rather dies than being severely injured.

Be aware that mods like ASR_AI can lead to 'unintended' AI behaviour as squads will communicate and work together more than in vanilla Arma. If you are experiencing strange AI behaviour I would try it without AI mods to see if that helps.

ACE wounds is on and there is the ACE healing and all that but if theres a guy bleeding it says he appears to be fine and so you dont get the full options.

My character and friends never have passed out from running too much nor pass out from anything, there is no severely injured in this mission just pure death.

re: ACE Wounding you need to do more than just plop down the ACE Wounding module for revive

ACE wiki: http://wiki.ace-mod.net/Wounding_System+notes

or use this script:


http://dev.volcbat.com/player_example.png (477 kB)

...to see what is coming ahead...

Horray!! Is this for Next Gen version of MSO? One of our guys is working on a simpler version of this should I tell him to stop and wait? :p

Shameless Plug:

I see a bunch of requests re: Reshmaan and RG-31s. Feel free to drop by our server anytime which is running Reshmaan with RG-13s, MH47E Chinook, YUP Blackhawks, Rangers units, @SNR (Paladin)

Servername: VETERANS-GAMING COOP | MSO Community Event

Teamspeak: ts3.veterans-gaming.com (you'll need to join to get the server password)

For mods use SU and import this URL:


Edited by SavageCDN

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Hi silly question do we run this like a mod @MSO for example and then the missions we want just place in MPmissions folder?


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Hi silly question do we run this like a mod @MSO for example and then the missions we want just place in MPmissions folder?


No MSO is a mission .pbo file you just need to drop it into your MPMissions folder (make sure you are using a non-ACE version of MSO if you are not running any mods)

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Thanks for your help guys! Unfortunately it doesnt seem to work :(, I put BIS_alice_mainscope setVariable ["townsFaction",["CIV_AFR"]]; in the civ setup under isladuala but its still spawning mostly russians/EU civilians (although it does spawn the occasional African civilian too). I also changed the center units to the proper factions and put "Resistance setFriend [EAST, 1]; East setFriend [RESISTANCE,1];"( also tried adding East setFriend [WEST,0]) in their init as well just to make sure they dont shoot eachother but it didnt seem to work either. They still shoot eachother (either eachother or any OPFOR that spawns) immediately and you can hear them shooting eachother as you approach the towns. Also it appears as if the rebels dont engage BLUFOR anymore either

I also tried grouping the OPFOR in the editor along with the codes but that didnt work either :( Its really weird that the Dualans either shoot eachother, or shoot the only other enabled faction (molation). I thought it might be a general AI bug but the Molatioan Army units work perfectly

Oh and with the Green.Blue town colours, when I turn on Takistani Guerrillas or regular Guerrillas they seem to turn the towns blue and give BLUFOR negative scores for killing them, but they act just like OPFOR

Edited by Opendome

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Hi Savage,

Maybe out before NG, depends if I can get it finished ready for the 4.6 launch

Believe it or not its changed considerably since those images lol, I keep changing my mind :cool:

Here how its looking now, including an extra teaser image!

You can get your guy to contact me if you wish.

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I've finally opened the mission and have only deleted the bunkers and barriers and those objects right outside the US base, and have added a few modules. I goto play the mission and there's no logistic demands or any MSO features there before. What's up with that?

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Thanks I got confused with the folder I assume thats just the core files if ya wanted to mess with MSO other wise use the mission pbo`s.


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Zaksle, logistics runs on dedicated server, changed in upcoming version to work also for the Host and in SP!

Opendome, i will pass you a working Duala... Just need to find the time to make it.



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ACE wounds is on and there is the ACE healing and all that but if theres a guy bleeding it says he appears to be fine and so you dont get the full options.

My character and friends never have passed out from running too much nor pass out from anything, there is no severely injured in this mission just pure death.

I had that problem and just fixed it commenting (adding //) these lines on the init-mods.sqf

//ace_sys_wounds_enabled = true;

//Ace_sys_wounds_no_medical_gear = false; //ACE adds medical items

//ace_sys_wounds_noai = true; //disable wounds for AI for performance

ACE_IFAK_Capacity = 6; //medical gear slots

ace_sys_wounds_leftdam = 0; //damage left when healed in the field (def 0.07)

ace_sys_wounds_all_medics = true; //everyone is a medic

//ace_sys_wounds_ai_movement_bloodloss = true;

//ace_sys_wounds_player_movement_bloodloss = true;

ace_sys_wounds_auto_assist = true; //non-medic AI help unconscious units in own group

//ace_sys_wounds_auto_assist_any = false; //non-medic AI help unconscious units in other group

//ace_sys_wounds_no_medical_vehicles = false; //medical vehicles can be used for full heal

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Been playing the MSO on clafghan now for a few weeks with database all set up thanks to gunny. Thanks mate!

Such a great gamemode and we run operations on it daily!

We do however have issues with markers and aar's saving but no biggie

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I can not request a helicopter by logistc Demand. Displays message (... Delivery armed ass there is no helipad whitin 500 m of delivery location)

I am using the mission map clafghan.

Anyone know tells me what can be wrong?


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That means there is no helipad within 500 mtres. Call it at base when there is a free helipad!

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I have a question regarding the GBL_AIM module usage in MSO. Do you plan to introduce the gbl_descentRateDrink and gbl_descentRateFood into the parameter setup? I'm asking because I like the functionality that comes with AIM but having to eat a ration and fill your camelback every 30min is major pain.

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Yeah mate,the param-variable is already in latest DEV branch, hopefully BIS releases 1.63 patch soon so we can put out 4.6 ASAP! In the meanwhile simply place the variable in init-mods.sqf or feel free to grab latest RC from GIT DEV branch (anonymous access).


BTW: thank you for the nice feedback JaFuzz, glad you enjoy MSO

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Thx for the tip, I've managed to dl this through GIT.

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