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Building/House Door animation function

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I was messing around trying to come up with something in response to this thread:

selecting building doors for animation

I've created a small function, which will return the following for buildings/houses, etc with animated doors:

Display Name - from cfg

Position - from config(this is the selectionPosition used on the building to place the "open door" action and animation

Statement - proper commands to open/close doors on building

I would like to expand this, if there is interest. I would like to add the building positions(easy enough, I was going to use the CBA function, but thought I would not require it right away). I also want to add the actual positions of the doors in world coordinates. Ran into a snag there, have another thread started regarding that.

The function can be called in a script, or trigger like I have in the demo. Or any other creative way you see fit.

Required to pass to the function is:

Position/Object - if you change what I have in the trigger, you may need to comment out:

_nBuilding = nearestBuilding _position;
diag_log format["nearestBuilding: %1", _nBuilding];
_houses = position _position nearobjects ["house",_radius];
diag_log format["nearObjects: %1", _houses];


Right now, I have most of the returns spitting out code to the log(diag_log). I run LogExpert(which is great by the way), and use it while I work in windowed mode.

Any building which does not have animated doors will spit out in a silent hint.

Okay, on with the code:


FindDoors = compile (preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\fn_findBuildingDoors.sqf");


// Find the selectionPosition of working doors on buildings
// return the activation statement
// version 1.0 by panther42 - November 2012

private["_position", "_radius", "_DoorArray", "_ActArray", "_GarbageArray", "_bldgsFound", "_i", "_bldg", "_cfgBldg", "_animated", "_act", "_cfgDisplay", "_cfgPosition"];

_position = _this select 0;
_radius = _this select 1;
_DoorArray = [];
_ActArray = [];
_GarbageArray = [];

_bldgsFound = (nearestObjects [_position, ["Building"], _radius]);

//next two are for comparison purposes.../////////////////////
diag_log format["nearestObjects: %1", _bldgsFound];
_nBuilding = nearestBuilding _position;
diag_log format["nearestBuilding: %1", _nBuilding];
_houses = position _position nearobjects ["house",_radius];
diag_log format["nearObjects: %1", _houses];

for "_i" from 0 to ((Count _bldgsFound) - 1) do 
	_bldg = typeOf (_bldgsFound select _i);
	_cfgBldg = (configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >> _bldg );
	_animated = getNumber (_cfgBldg >> "animated"); //tried using this to sort, but found out some buildings with animated doors do not have this config entry!
	_act = (_cfgBldg >> "UserActions");

		if (count _act > 0) then
			private ["_j"];
			for "_j" from 0 to ((Count _act) - 1) do
				_cfgDisplay = getText (_act select _j >> "displayName");
				_cfgPosition = getText (_act select _j >> "position");
				_cfgStatement = getText (_act select _j >> "statement");
				_ActArray set [_j,[_cfgDisplay,_cfgPosition,_cfgStatement]];
				_DoorArray set [_i,[_bldg,_ActArray]];
		_GarbageArray set [count _GarbageArray,_bldg];
		_DoorArray set [_i,_bldg];

hintSilent format["Sorry, no animated doors found for: %1", _GarbageArray];
diag_log format ["%1", _GarbageArray];
_DoorArray = _DoorArray - _GarbageArray;
diag_log format ["%1", _DoorArray];
// return	

And the demo mission...very simple, radius is set to 25m, and activate using Radio Alpha


If you see something which can/could be made better, feel free to edit, but please share with the rest of us.:)

Let me know what you think.



By the way, the output looks like this:

"[["Land_House_L_3_EP1",[["Open door","osa Door_1","this animate ["Dvere1", 0]"],["Close door","osa Door_1","this animate ["Dvere1", 1]"],["Open door","osa Door_2","this animate ["Dvere2", 0];this animate ["Dvere3", 0]"],["Close door","osa Door_2","this animate ["Dvere2", 1];this animate ["Dvere3", 1]"]]]]"

Edited by panther42

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Most walls/gates are of type house, I believe. You will need to utilize the "house" search, and change up the function. Right now it is using "Building". I can edit later when at home, so it includes a switch...

I don't know if Mondkalb has made an animation for this one, if it's from MBG buildings...

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Yea right it is form MGB. I try to change it up. Thanks for your answer ;)


Okay i'm a noob :D Think i do something wrong. I wait until you are at home :>

Edited by DeadalusHD

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If you run the function as is, do you get anything to print out in your log for:

diag_log format["nearestObjects: %1", _bldgsFound];

diag_log format["nearestBuilding: %1", _nBuilding];

diag_log format["nearObjects: %1", _houses];

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DeadalusHD, this is what I got:

"[["MBG_Cinderwall_5_Gate_InEditor",[["Open Gate","Gate_AP","this animate ["Gate_L",1];this animate ["Gate_R",1];[this, 'Gate_AP', 'MBG_SndSrc_GateOpen',2.5] execvm 'MBG_Killhouses\s\MPSoundV2.sqf';"],["Close Gate","Gate_AP","this animate ["Gate_L",0];this animate ["Gate_R",0];[this, 'Gate_AP', 'MBG_SndSrc_GateClose',6] execvm 'MBG_Killhouses\s\MPSoundV2.sqf';"]]]]"

No changes to the code, it was output to the log file

Just name your gate, for example gate1.

Make a trigger with the following, and place on top of gate:

axis a 5, axis b 5

Blufor Repeatedly - (or change to your side)


Condition: this

On Act: gate1 animate ["Gate_L",1]; gate1 animate ["Gate_R",1];

On Dea: gate1 animate ["Gate_L",0]; gate1 animate ["Gate_R",0];

Edited by panther42

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