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Military Airfield MAJOR bugs (SE-Asia Sumrakent)

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Fiddling around with rearmed again, I wanted to try making an Airbase at the border airfield at Sumrakent, however, the AI has major problems with this airfield.

They take off from the (by designation closed) short airstrip next to the main runway (which is also, realistically, way too short for Jet aircraft).

And, they are completely unable to land. They go into the pattern, and then fly along the runway (the wrong one, again) at an altitude of about 100 ish meters, until they have left the airfield, when they start to climb and go around, only to repeat the pattern.

This is a pity, especially since this is the only mapped airfield useable by aircraft. I wish the others (Dirt strip at Shapur-e-Dalanper, Vashakum Dam lake airstrip and whatever other fields I missed) would also be useable, for extended air combat missions.

Is there any possibillity to make these available in the next patch, if this is still being developed at all?

Thanks for any information.


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U have a shot of that airfield?


Shots here. First pic shows the plane just slowly hovering along the runway (does this from city limits until it crosses the fence at the other side). Rest of the pics show the airbase on map and ingame. The hangars are same as Arma 2, for size ref.

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Not sure what is going on with the AI, but I do know that in the Modules or Game Logic( or somewhere in that vicinity ) this is an Airport block of code; similar to the 'Heliport'. You could try to place that at one of the smaller airfields. It SHOULD create a usable airport.

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