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ARMA2.RU -Wasteland Sandbox- servers thread

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Thanks for the quick answer and the video! I tried to fly the UAV again today and i was able to take off but i failed to be careful enough to turn around in the air .. seems theres a lot of more practice neccessary!

But i got still one question! I play wasteland for about a half year now on your servers but i was not able to find one of these "Snowman"


Snowmans are now in form of green half-transparent cubes. They can be found in open spaces around Chernarus and Takistan.


(Reposting a video so people can see that UAV flies perfectly fine)

Edited by SaMatra

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Thanks for the quick answer and the video! I tried to fly the UAV again today and i was able to take off but i failed to be careful enough to turn around in the air .. seems theres a lot of more practice neccessary!

But i got still one question! I play wasteland for about a half year now on your servers but i was not able to find one of these "Snowman"


They are not snowmans anymore. Now they are a green cube, they are usually in those open fields. It's a bit hard to see them, also, after you use one, it will respawn in another random location. Maybe now that SaMatra increase the number to 5 it will be a bit more common to find one.

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Hi SaMatra,

First of all thanks a lot for the great mod! We've been playing on arma2.ru wasteland a lot, and also tested the other variants out there and it's clear your version is superior to the others.

I've got a couple of questions/problems though:

1) Is there a reason why arma2.ru servers seem to have lower framerates than other wasteland-variants, for example sweclockers? The difference is quite noticeable. On my (oldish) i7 i get around 20-30FPS on arma2.ru, while on sweclockers it's around 40-60FPS. Is this due to the mod itself, or is the server HW not powerful enough? (it seems arma2 client FPS depends on server FPS also)

2) "microstutter" or what do you call this. I've read the thread through, but haven't found a solution to the stutters that happens on arma2.ru -servers. The stutter happens every 10 seconds and it lasts like half of a second. I haven't had this on other servers, and i have no clue where this comes from and how to fix this. Any ideas? Seems like this stutter isn't present always, though... or atleast the stalls the stutter causes are shorter or something.

3) Game time sync: we usually play as a team of 3-7 players. We've noticed many times that the game time isn't synched between clients. Some of us might have complete darkness and nighttime, while others are running around in broad daylight. In many cases the changes comes to everyone within minutes, but sometimes someone remains "in the dark" for a longer period, while others already have the sun up on the sky. Is this a known issue?

Thanks again for everything, keep up the great work!

-V- Slayer

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one question to get six launcher able to join sa-matra servers ;) ... i only see this ***** servers from 404 ...

can anyone tell me what i am doing wrong .. like this mod soo .. play all the time ;)

i installed the file from mega .. but only see 404 -_-

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3) Game time sync: we usually play as a team of 3-7 players. We've noticed many times that the game time isn't synched between clients. Some of us might have complete darkness and nighttime, while others are running around in broad daylight. In many cases the changes comes to everyone within minutes, but sometimes someone remains "in the dark" for a longer period, while others already have the sun up on the sky. Is this a known issue?

As far as I'm aware this is because the time depends on the client's FPS among other things. It also happens in DayZ for example.

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hi, i got a problem ... yesterday my friends and me got banned for 14 days because of teamkilling...

so its a long story about a great evening. i have to tell the hole story. but first sorry for my bad englisch .. i am from germany :D

so we were a group of 6 people and had a lot of fun ... what a great game !!! ... ok we started builing a huge base and had a lot of fun while defending it ...

we also bought together a radar and found an AMMO truck ^^ that was great to defend ;)

so than a player from our team started to destroy our base and took everything away ... .. and also took our ammo truck ... we talked to him... but he didnt realized it.

after about 30mins .. he took our hole base to build his own .. while we were defending the rest of our place ...

so one of us said in ts ... we should change team that we can kill him rightly without teamkilling ...

but a teamchange isn allowed .. its ok ... than one of us said we have to kill eachother and punish us so we re getting kicked and can join the other team ... the only thing we wanted was judgement ... we wanted to kill him and fight to get our stuff back ...

so we started to kill eachother and punish us ...

so we could change and wanted to start a convoy to attack his base ... BOOOOM Kicked Banned !!! =!=!= WTF :((((

so i am sorry that we used this way for something forbidden ! that is not normal that we do something forbidden !

So could you pls unbann us ??

we were playing on #6 .. our names are Phil Apfelsaft Dog Streitzig ... we 4 guys ... shame on us .. we did this ...

soo SORRY for that but the name of the player i forgot. BUT now it comes ... i have everything recorded ... the next days a 3 hour base defending with alot of deaths and fights will be released on youtube ;)

Edited by lutscher204

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Hi SaMatra,

Would it be possible to get some kind of save mechanism for this mod? Like the one on some of the 404wasteland-servers,

or at least something that would save your gear, money and other stuff when you log off. Maybe some stash possibility?

Thanks for the excellent mod! It wipes the floor with the 404wasteland mod.

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Hosting wasteland

Beware, we are pretty decisive in selecting hosts. We mainly look for US hosts right now but can accept EU as well.

I would love to host the Sa-Matra A3 wasteland mission files. I live in the US, my server is hosted by Vilayer, how do we proceed from here?

Edited by mlewis1969

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I would love to host the Sa-Matra A3 wasteland mission files. I live in the US, my server is hosted by Vilayer, how do we proceed from here?

Please email to ws@arma.su with server specs, server geo location, how many servers you plan to host and description of your community. We are not sharing the mission yet, but your email will make us keep you in mind when we will. Thanks.

Hi SaMatra,

Would it be possible to get some kind of save mechanism for this mod? Like the one on some of the 404wasteland-servers,

or at least something that would save your gear, money and other stuff when you log off. Maybe some stash possibility?

Thanks for the excellent mod! It wipes the floor with the 404wasteland mod.

Hi. Saves has been discussed from day 1 of Wasteland, we came to conclusion that they simple do not fit into our vision of the mission (evading death by leaving, server jumping is big concern here as well), but we going to implement base saving eventually so you will be able to join any server from our network, gather people up and load your base to use it and continue building. Few other things going to be persistent as well but I don't want get into details yet. Thanks.

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Hello SA-Matra,

My and my community are looking at hosting are own Wasteland server. We are looking to make massive changes to the mission files to encourage more teamplay and gradual progress.

I see you are very selective about giving out your mission files but I thought it would be worth asking because I really prefer your version to the Tonic version.

Your version of wasteland seems much more stable than tonics and we would really love to use your's as the base upon which we progress.

Even though we plan to completely change a load of things we would still of course credit you for all the fabulous work you have done.

Is there any way we could sort something out?

Thanks for your time. Good job making wasteland fun!

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I got banned on all Sa-Matra Servers! How do i know why i got banned? Because i played normally and i think i got banned by mistake!

Edited by Pedobear

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2) "microstutter" or what do you call this. I've read the thread through, but haven't found a solution to the stutters that happens on arma2.ru -servers. The stutter happens every 10 seconds and it lasts like half of a second. I haven't had this on other servers, and i have no clue where this comes from and how to fix this. Any ideas? Seems like this stutter isn't present always, though... or atleast the stalls the stutter causes are shorter or something.

That's something 2 friends of mine and I are also experiencing at the moment. The problem only appears on the arma2.ru servers. We all got 1GB Vram and 8GB Ram. Feel's like some objects might not get cleaned up and it overfloods the memory or something like that.

Would love to get a response to that. Thanks in advance.

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I think and don't take this as 100% gospel, that samatra's version is using time skip code, basically it means that day can last x amount of hours, the same with night time. What you are experiencing is the time synching, it used to happen in my builds before I removed it.

Maybe samatra can verify this.

To be honest I thnk the mission file runs a lot smoother without the script running.

If admins on my old server felt the need for night time then, it was announced the time was skipping forward to sunset, to allow players to find the equipment they needed. After an hour or so of nighttime, the admin would announce daybreak and set time.

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10 seconds is period of R3F scanning for objects around the player to see if new objects were spawned to make them interactive. Small freeze when this happens occurs for some players and doesn't occur for others (it doesn't for me for example even though I have low end PC).

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10 seconds is period of R3F scanning for objects around the player to see if new objects were spawned to make them interactive. Small freeze when this happens occurs for some players and doesn't occur for others (it doesn't for me for example even though I have low end PC).

Why does it have to be a 10 seconds period? Can't you change the way of scanning for new objects? It's definitely a problem which prevents some players from playing on your servers.

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Hello Sa-Matra, I've some suggestions and I would like to see them discussed. I don't know if you plan to still improve the mission on ArmA 2, but the suggestions would work for ArmA 3 aswell. I just posted here because this is the 'main' topic for the mission.

Suggestion 1:

Problem 1: People killing team mates just to go Indi, the punishment system not being a real punishment because they want to be punish so they can go Indi.

Problem 2: Need to wait until the restart to change teams.

Possible Solution: If you are playing on a team and then log off, a counter should start and after 2h logged out, you are able to chose any team again. I don't think it can be used as a bad thing, since after 2 hours most bases will already be discovered/raided etc. In addition, instead of going Indi after being punished 2 times, the player should be kicked and put in a ban list that will be deleted/refreshed only after the restart.

Suggestion 2:

Problem: Choppers IMO are very powerfull in Wasteland. The ability do lift off vehicles make it too easy to 'exploit' some missions. I'm just a regular pilot, and when I'm flying if a Ammo truck mission pops up, 8/10 I will easily steal it without any damage, because AI is too slow when it comes to vehicles. It also works on some Armored missions.

Possible Solution: Make the "tow vehicle command" for choppers too, so to lift a vehicle you must have at least one team mate on the ground. I think this will be a good improvement for both realism and balance aspects.

Suggestion 3:

Problem: Unable to reload mounted guns, also relying on an Ammo truck mission (which is random) to rearm vehicles.

Possible Solution: Create a new item called "Ammo box" just like Fuel Can, Medkits, can be looted on buildings and goes in the player menu. It could rearm a limited amount of rounds (100 MG rounds, 5 mortars, etc..) for both vehicles and mounted guns. Consumed when used.

Please keep in mind that I've a little to none knowledge on coding/scripts. If some suggestion seems dumb or hard to implement just ignore it.

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> Suggestion 1

Great suggestion about timeout, noted will implement it eventually

> Suggestion 2

Not sure about this, but problem with helis stealing Ammo trucks right away is definitely a problem.

> Suggestion 3

Rearm crates is idea I had in mind from the beginning of the Wasteland but never found time to implement it in A2. It is already implemented in A3 though. Also it is possible to reload mounted guns, you might be doing something wrong.

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hey, I was playing the Arma 3, wasteland #1 server yesterday, and today i cant log in to it as it keeps saying "You were kicked off the game" I wouldnt like to think i was banned, all i did was accidentally crash a chopper and rage quit. Any info would be splendid.

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hey, I was playing the Arma 3, wasteland #1 server yesterday, and today i cant log in to it as it keeps saying "You were kicked off the game" I wouldnt like to think i was banned, all i did was accidentally crash a chopper and rage quit. Any info would be splendid.

PM me your UID and i'll do the check.

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Hey Sa-Matra!

Great job with the mission file, I love it, and have been playing it for a long time.

I recently ran into a guy who told me about 'commander view', which you can enter if you are group leader. You press your del button at your numpad, and it lets you hover way above your character and you can peek around every corner and building with it. My question is simply, is that function supposed to be there, or is it something noone has noticed?

Also, any idea why servers #5, #6 and #7 are down?

Thank you for doing a great job!


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Hi SaMatra,

I've been playing your Wasteland mod for a few months now. I started playing random servers but once I stumbled upon one of your servers I don't play any other type. :)

I find Chernarus is a little too big so it tends to get boring; Takistan is too empty and featureless to hold my attention too. :p

In my opinion Utes is the best map for wasteland.

There's just one problem that I came here to complain about. THAT DAMN JET!

I love trying to build a base. Usually try to get a heli and air-lift a repair, fuel, and ammo truck out to the carrier. But that damn jet doesn't give you chance to do anything. I'm not sure if anyone else has raised any issues with this but I don't find being attacked by NPC's that much fun.

It's hard enough with these aim-botting NPC's at the missions... but a jet that has infinite fuel and ammo is just too much.

Maybe it's just me that thinks this way... maybe we could put it to a vote? :P

Anyways, thanks for all your hard work on this mod and please don't take my criticism negatively. :D

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Thanks for feedback. If you have suggestions on how to re-balance the jet, let me know.

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Thanks for feedback. If you have suggestions on how to re-balance the jet, let me know.

Wow... I wasn't expecting such a quick response. Its good to see a developer so interested in what the users have to say! :)

I don't know what kind of system you have in place to decide which targets the jet aims for so its hard to give any suggestions for change. Perhaps changing the jet isn't the solution anyway...

Perhaps increasing the availability of anti-air weapons? But then that makes getting and KEEPING a helicopter even more difficult, hehe.

I can see the problems you have with balancing the mod to keep everyone happy.

Does the jet stick with the same target until it has been destroyed or does it switch targets after a certain time? I imagine most of the AI is governed by the arma2 engine and you are limited by this.

I haven't done any Modding myself so I'm only trying to help creatively, hehe.

Perhaps an aircraft with a slightly less powerful and/or less accurate weapon?

Anyway, I've waffled on enough. Thanks again for reading and replying. :)

EDIT : I've finally had time to read back through most of your comments in this thread. I didn't realise there was an increasing respawn timer on the jet. This makes it seem a little less of a pain in the ass! :p. I also didn't realisx it prioritizes armoured and air vehicles. That would explain why it keeps picking on me and my buddies. :(

Edited by TastyChicken

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I recently ran into a guy who told me about 'commander view', which you can enter if you are group leader. You press your del button at your numpad, and it lets you hover way above your character and you can peek around every corner and building with it. My question is simply, is that function supposed to be there, or is it something noone has noticed?

It has been around since the group system was introduced. I believe disabling it is quite problematic without disabling third person (not sure if even this affects it) so it has been left as it is. Also, it is pretty common knowledge.

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Hi SuMatra, I've been playing your Wasteland version for some time now on usa servers. really enjoy it alot. Don't know if you are familiar about Headless Client being used in large battles with AI and up to 90 players if i recall correctly. Was wondering if you have considered using it with your build of Wasteland? I read on Tonic's page about doing some testing with it or considering using it for his version. Just a suggestion if possible or not too much trouble if you could implement it to your build. Helps with client and server performance when dealing with the AI and their complex coding and scripting. Also makes them very responsive to enemy players in a more realistic manner. It also helps the players performance increase because the AI are server controlled. On another suggestion the servers scanning for objects every 10 seconds or so that effects some players would be interesting if Headless Client could be used with the R3F objects addon. probably have to get with the R3F team about that one. Thanks for the time and work on this mod it's been a woot the past few months i have been playing it

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