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GBL Advanced Interaction

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Hello glowbal, I would like to know if it is possible to restrict use to specific players?

By the way great work. I play a bit with it and love it. It would be nice if the command stop to be define by probability of authority. More authority more chance to the civilian to stop, and it case it did stop only move when release by player. IT would be nice to have in addition to stop, order like get down and disperse.

To disable for a specific AI unit:

this setVariable ["gbl_disable_interaction", true];

This only disables the interaction with a unit.

I will see if I can include a possibility to disable AIM for only a specific player. Additional orders are on the list, but low priority. Certainly a nice feature for in the future.


I haven't forgotten about the hotfix needed for the respawn error. There are a few other things I also have to implement as soon as possible as well, some feature requests from my community that are needed for a campaign we are going to play etc. Hopefully I will be able to push out an update before next weekend.

Sorry for the delay.

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Sorry this may be a stupid question is this compatible with ACE?

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Sorry this may be a stupid question is this compatible with ACE?

Off course it is.

One of few in-compatibilities i can think of is the "Handcuff Person" (and related animations) of ACE version.

If you want this 'specific' interaction to be done via A.I.M. make sure to remove any possible "ACE_KeyCuffs" being present on player's unit..and add the related A.I.M. one's..

(sorry i don't know the exact className)

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ACE Handcuffs are compatible. Just make sure you don't use the ACE handcuff option (through ACE interaction menu).

Everything is (should) be fully ACE compatible.

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ACE Handcuffs are compatible. Just make sure you don't use the ACE handcuff option (through ACE interaction menu).

Everything is (should) be fully ACE compatible.

I m convinced having ACE_KeyCuffs on your inventory as result you have the "(ACE)Handcuff person" action

on ACE interaction menu.

I did test a month ago and it complicates things while by "mistake" you 'll use "both worlds" for the same person.

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Hmm, I looked at the readmes included but how exactly is someone a "suspect" the arrest options aren't selectable?

"The arrest options only appear if the person has been arrested. These options let you move, release, hold or load (into vehicle) a suspect." :confused:

Edited by FelixK44

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Hmm, I looked at the readmes included but how exactly is someone a "suspect" the arrest options aren't selectable?

"The arrest options only appear if the person has been arrested. These options let you move, release, hold or load (into vehicle) a suspect." :confused:

I think you must first have in your inventory the suggested AIM mod item "Handcuffs" -then Arrest action will be appear

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ACE Handcuffs are compatible. Just make sure you don't use the ACE handcuff option (through ACE interaction menu).

Everything is (should) be fully ACE compatible.


Do you have a sample mission so that we can try this mod? If so please supply a link

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We got the mod to work with the help of my clan mates like Kempco and a few others. We are currently testing it out on our Second server "Vanilla Server" which we aim to add to our custom missions if all goes well.

Welcome to check it out more details on our website.

Edited by Jetkar

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I really love this addon, Glowbal, a more advanced interaction with the civillians was always needed... one question tho, is it possible to bind the action/button which is needed to enable the arrest command etc. to another button?

I get conflicts with my ACE Interaction key, I know, it's changeable but I'm used to it since about 2 years so... well yeah, is it possible? :P

Thanks again for the addon, dude, and merry christmas!

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I really love this addon, Glowbal, a more advanced interaction with the civillians was always needed... one question tho, is it possible to bind the action/button which is needed to enable the arrest command etc. to another button?

I get conflicts with my ACE Interaction key, I know, it's changeable but I'm used to it since about 2 years so... well yeah, is it possible? :P

Thanks again for the addon, dude, and merry christmas!

It will be possible in the next update, which is currently being tested.

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Hello. I have a problem with the biometric scanner in multiplayer.

In the show scripts errors it appears:

'..., "_person", "_chance"];
_target = this |#|select 0;
_caller = this select 1;
error select: object type, expected vector, config entry
file gbl_advancedinteraction\scripts\interaction\ID\biometric_scanner.sqf,
line 6


Edited by Trevanian

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I too really like te addon and working on multiplayer mission for our unit. I notice the script you made work on civilians wondering can this be used on the enemy as well after they have surrendered and become POW.

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Release is unfortunally not when I had hoped. But progress has been made! For the time being, a small update;

This is the Field Rations Module, of which I had shown a few concept videos a while ago. It currently is in testing phase and is far from finished. I have decided to include this in AIM, but it will be optional! You can turn it on or off as you wish, independantly from the other modules.

Main while, I have overhauled a lot of parts in AIM and am still working on some structural changes to make expansion on features easier (and make it easier to fix things!). This also resulted into some nice changes/improvements. More on this all later!

Oh, I will mention, I have taken most of your requests/suggestions and implemented those in the next version.

Edited by Glowbal

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It will be possible in the next update, which is currently being tested.

That's great, thanks for the info and effort, Glowbal.

The update looks sweet aswell :)

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Advanced Interaction

Version 0.8 BETA

I finally managed to finish version 0.8. This update comes with significant changes and a lot of improvements. The largest of this being the introduction of the Field Rations Module.

Field Rations Module


Changed: Improvements to some functions

Changed: Small chances to code (interaction should be smoother now!)

Changed: Ration boxes now don't have water inside anymore

Changed: GBL Items and MREs now have ACE weight included

Changed: GBL Key, previously "left windows key", changed to "useraction 19"

Changed: Small dialog chances

Fixed: Respawn hotfix

Fixed: civ killed used execVM instead of call

Fixed: JIP issues

Fixed: Respawn issues

New: Ability to use custom talking lines for civ's

New: Ability to disable AIM for only a specific player slot

New: Field Rations Module v0.1 ALPHA

New: US MREs

New: Some new items

New: US MRE boxes

New: Water supply box

Fixed: Hearts & Minds Give food & Give Water

Fixed: Herats & Minds shake hands

Changed: Stance system works for all sides now

Changed: Interaction works for all sides now

New: Ability to set starting value for stance system

Fixed: Error for biometric scanner, sometimes no unit would be selected

Changed: Killing a spotter does not lower stance anymore

Changed: Killing gunman does not lower stance anymore

Fixed: Some values were send multiple times across network


  • The left windows key has been changed and instead you now have to assign a key yourself in your controls (useraction 19). Details are available in the documentation.
  • AIM is required on both the client and server.
  • It should be ACE compatible, however it has not been tested without ACE!


Requirements: Arma2:CO, CBA

Future plans:

Improve search functionality (buildings and persons)

Overhaul all dialogs in AIM

Improve effects for FRM

Special thanks to Highhead, K. Singleton & J. Gordon for helping out with testing this version, as well as Highhead for including AIM support in MSO 4.55


GBL Items

For those who only want to download the items, these are available here:


Edited by Glowbal

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Just a little bug report here:

1. It appears as though you can interact with dead/unconcious units but not talk to them.

2. After giving a civilian a weapon, I could not interact with other units. I would attempt to move, put down, etc. other units but nothing would happen.

3. When players respawn, they're camelbaks are emptied and cannot be refilled.

4. The option to order civilians to exit vehicles no longer appears, and the order to stop command does not seem to work.

These bugs were encountered during a short mission using ACE Wounds, Respawn with same gear, and ASR AI. I will test it without ASR AI and share my results.

I hope this helps, Glowbal.

P.S. An option to configure which sides can be controlled via AIM would be a nice feature for 0.9.

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Is there a way to low down the consuption of water and food in the Rations Module?

The water and food runs out too quickly, even if you stand still or inside a vehicle.


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Hello, the Camelback, drink and Eat icons , Also my binded (Left Windows key) button stops working and I can no longer ARREST, no RED text at all, disappears after I get killed and REVERT back. Did you know this?

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Hey love the addon!

curious as to whether there is a "setvariable" function for how quickly you get hungry, seems to be fast and frequent.

thanks again, great addon.

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Hey love the addon!

curious as to whether there is a "setvariable" function for how quickly you get hungry, seems to be fast and frequent.

thanks again, great addon.

Not yet. I am preparing a new update currently, it will be implemented in that version, among other requests.

Also my binded (Left Windows key) button stops working and I can no longer ARREST, no RED text at all,

I noticed something like this once in my testing as well recently, though it hadn't been reported by any of my testers. I shall look into it.

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As far as I know ACE only uses the right windows key and the application key, just to the left of it. Note though that left windows key is for the action to appear, as in: scroll wheel + hold down left windows key. Shows the arrest action, for example. Or look at a car driving towards you whilst doing that.

Some people do not have R.Win key and have to set it to L.Win.

Dunno if this has beed suggested, but maybe if the addon detects ACE running it would put all the actions in ACE Interaction menu under GBL submenu?

Declutters the menu and if by any chance you're running ACE menu on same key as GBL (L.Win) it would solve the issue with not being able to use any GBL actions...

Edited by Max255[PL]

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L.w. key is no longer set. Instead you need to assign a key yourself. Details are in the documentation.

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