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Random allowFleeing

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I'm making a small COOP mission where a couple of civs have been taken hostage by a low level group of insurgents. Since they're low level I don't want them to fight to the death but want the possibility of some them surrendering so we can make use of ACE handcuffs. I've added the surrender module and I know it kicks in when units flee which is controlled by allowFleeing. Simple enough to change that value, however, I want this value to be randomised between two values such as 0.3-1 and for that value to be the same for everyone.

How would I go about doing this? I'm new to scripting but I would like to learn a bit by doing this and it would be great if someone could point me in the right direction.

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Not tested, this would random it for every unit in the group, init line of any unit in the group.

{_x allowFleeing (0.3 + (random 0.7))} forEach units (group this);

Otherwise you'd have to define a variable for the random value, maybe a trigger with condition true and in the on act:

TAG_randFlee = (0.3 + (random 0.7)); (group myUnit) allowFleeing TAG_randFlee; (group myUnit2) allowFleeing TAG_randFlee; 

The closer allowFleeing is to zero, the more courage the units have.

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