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How to stop friendlys killing me in the game

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Hello all I’ve been working on a mission where based on military policing I’ve built a big prison on the takistani map I am using c.i.m mod and planned extraction together.

the problem I have is instead of making enemy in the game I have place around 100 ai units that may spawn with evidence and or guns with the probability set to less than a 50% but when I shoot the civilians that are armed often a member of my team sees me as a hostile de-groups me and says " target that team leader" bang bang I’m dead so I was wondering if anyone knows a line or script that will stop that happening for a better gaming experience for me.


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When you kill a civilian, armed, or not, even if civilian side is set in editor as not friendly to yours side, yours rating drops per 400. According to BIKI when will drop below - 2000 you become a renegade (enemy for all, setFriend will not help, if I'm correct). So you can:

1. use some addon/mod/replacement, that makes civilian models not civilian side, but hostile. Of course then they will act hostile;

2. Make yourself a colonel, what should give you initially 7500 rating (more civilians to kill before reaching renegade level :) ) or, better, use in your's init field

this addRating 1000000;

3. Use scripted loop, which will raise yours rating whenever it is low enough, eg paste this into any init field ("player" can be replaced with any unit, that should be protected from renegade status, of course):

nul = [] spawn {while {true} do {sleep 0.1;if ((rating player) < 0) then {player addRating 1000}}};

Edited by Rydygier

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when you kill a civilian, armed, or not, even if civilian side is set in editor as not friendly to yours side, yours rating drops per 400. According to biki when will drop below - 2000 you become a renegade (enemy for all, setfriend will not help, if i'm correct). So you can:

1. Use some addon/mode/replacement, that makes civilian models not civilian side, but hostile. Of course then they will act hostile;

2. Make yourself a colonel, what should give you initially 7500 rating (more civilians to kill before reaching renegade level :) ) or, better, use in your's init field

this addrating 1000000;

3. Use scripted loop, which will raise yours rating whenever it is low enough, eg paste this into any init field ("player" can be replaced with any unit, that should be protected from renegade status, of course):

nul = [] spawn {while {true} do {sleep 0.1;if ((rating player) < 0) then {player addrating 1000}}};

ok thakyou for this information i will take it home and i will let you know how i get on

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